Reviews from

in the past

instead of a review i'm just going to link a youtube playlist of dumb shit i built in this, man i did some outrageous things to that bearguy head

you can build some dumb shit
but it gets repetitive as hell

it's in english!!! too bad the story is generic and not good! but it has great musou-lite gameplay to make up for that and the goddest-tier of customization as well

Yes customization is fun but gameplay is outrageously boring and repetitive

This game makes my Gundam boner nut uncontrollably.

Great customization and fun as fuck gameplay that feels like a blend of Musou and DMC. However, I only have a Vita and the Vita version has godawful framerate even with a max overclock. The frame drops are so bad that the game ignores inputs sometimes. So I'm most likely not playing it until I can emulate it or something...

Unanimously, the best Gundam game ever.

Pretty damn awesome how many different parts and weapons you can mix and match in addition to the online Bounty mode. The framerate on Vita was REALLY rough, but I still had a great time playing this game.

Z'Gok is best mechfu.

Probably the best Gundam game both for the combat and for the customization, can't really say anything bad about it honestly