Reviews from

in the past

it's basically the first game but improved. graphics remain beautiful and stylized but now colors strain your eyes way less. level design that was mostly generic in the previous one has improved considerably with stages having their own unique mechanics and atmosphere. the gameplay still focuses on memorizing what is going to happen, but now more as an intentional mechanic than as something annoying. the native american representation and the only level located in a real place (south america) having dinosaurs bothered me a little. that said, it was a far better experience than the first and well worth it for a short game.

Gunman Clive improved and given a touch of greater creativity. I loved it, but for some people it might be too pedestrian.

Much harder game than the first one, but also it had far more interesting mechanics and level ideas implemented.

Buen juego de plataformas y disparos, pero demasiado continuista respecto a la primera entrega.

Second verse, same as the first! Gunman Clive 2 is just more Gunman Clive, with all the same pros and cons I gave the original title. There's a few more vehicle based schmup segments, an entire level that's based around the control screwing anti-gravity gimmick I complained about (and yes, it was the worst level in the game), and a worse PC port most noticably. I dunno if I just had bad luck, but this damn thing just wasn't picking up my PS5 controller and made me use the keyboard for a Mega Man game; an experience of cramping my fingers I've not experienced since the early-2010s.

But yeah, it's just about as run of the mill of a sequel as you can get, for better or worse! Honestly think I'd have come away more positive if I weren't straining my fingers through the entire experience, but alas. For incredibly affordable price points, and with runtimes of roughly an hour each if you're skilled? These are some decent Mega Man-likes if you're really itching for a a little something to keep you occupied while the series is still in hibernation.