Reviews from

in the past

i suck cock at this game so i hate it

cutest game in the world and a pretty fun rhythm game. wish they took out the part where you go on a date with hatsune miku. but it is cute when she eats a cake so i get what they were going for

Es increible la cantidad de mimo y cariño que tiene este juego. Rehacer los videoclips en estilo Nendoroids desde cero y hacer MUCHOS videoclips nuevos de canciones, que luego se han rehecho con los muñecos normales en versiones de consolas grandes tiene un merito que no se le reconoce. Además tiene muchisimo minijuego y cosas con las que jugar fuera de las canciones propiamente dicho. Es perfecto para una consola portatil

This makes me feral is so good why on earth is there not a port like my body physically can’t describe how much I love this game.

this game shaped me into the person i am today but it's a bit hard to come back to now that i'm a more experienced rhythm game player. if they released a project diva game today with a similar tracklist and the sim elements from this game i would eat it up immediately

É um jogo rítmico bem maluco e divertido, é bem legal de aprender a jogar e depois de um tempo ele vai ficando ainda mais maluco e impossível. Ele tem um mooonte de feature extra que eu não ligo e acho que poderiam ter músicas mais variadas, mas é mais porque eu não sou super fã de Vocaloid.

As músicas são divertidas e os clipes também. Várias opções de roupas e decoração para os vocaloids.

I like the Project Diva games more but this still has it's positives. Also, GUMI.

I admittedly checked into this for the Puyo mode but I was not disappointed with the rhythm game and pet sim and minigames and the small piano either, it's a big package for a little nendo Miku!

i think ive played this while my parents were arguing once

my whole childhood + autism awakening. love this game to death

Baby's first vocaloid. Painfully easy, mildly fun.

A very cute and accessible rhythm game! Perfect for me since I really struggle with them due to hand issues but love the gameplay :) There's also plenty of outfits and things to do outside of the rhythm games

i've been playing it again lately and i'm gonna be honest unfortunately it kinda sucks and i remembered it being way better

it's fine but if you have access to the project diva games there's not much point in playing this at all

even if you wanted to play it because gumi is in it she has 3 songs, just play megpoid the music

the extra features are okay and i do like the module customisation options here better than in project diva

3 stars for Miku, -2 for being hard as fuck.

Song list is not the greatest but overall this is a fun and easy Miku game. Great for newcomers and the art style is cute!

A good solid entry in the seires, though I found the way that the notes are presented made it occasionally too hard to see what was happening. The target cursor traces a line and sometimes it gets very close to the edge, reducing the amount of time a note is on screen accordingly.

sm better than project diva on switch imho
controls feel better! switch sucks for repetitive smashing

I have fond memories of bonding over this game with my girlfriend, i love her so much and the songs are really good. I always made fun of vocaloid fans till i played this 😭😭