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i came into this looking for a game similar to vampire survivors with enough to set it apart, and... i guess it's that? i love the fact that the characters are more unique, allowing for each one to have their own playstyles. i also really do enjoy how you can dash around and even upgrade your dash at the expense of a 'skill' slot being taken up, but the game lacks the variety and readability that vampire survivors has which leaves me feeling like i just want to go play that instead.

Didn't drop it because it was bad, just because I wasn't too far in and saw the definitive version (SMT V: Vengeance) get announced, so I decided I'd wait until that releases to get the true experience. The fact that I'd buy this game a second time after just about 10 hours of gameplay should be a testament to how hooked it got me, it truly is a great game even if it doesn't quite live up to 4's story and atmosphere as much.

Terrible monetization but I love this game. Grinding levels and learning characters feels so rewarding and keeps me coming back! Mystery heroes is also an unsung masterpiece, it essentially changes the entire game and is way deeper than you'd expect while adding infinitely more variety regardless of the meta.