Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun little game with a nice artstyle, some adequately challenging puzzles and a well told story despite being fairly cliche and predictable.

Got boring really fast, I know its a good game but it isn't my type at all.

Pretty calm and relaxing most of the time. There are a few cases where the joystick just doesnt select the color that you want, leaving you to restart all of your progress if you die. If the joystick did not screw you over every 5 minutes, it would be a lot better

Really fun game! The puzzles were real mind-benders, and there was a fun balance of timing-based and slower, more mental challenges. I also enjoyed the way the game was paced.

Interessante e tiltante ao mesmo tempo

Gostei recomendo

Puzzle game that can be a bit tricky with the dexterity aspects at times. It was fun. I didn't care for the story interludes where you have to navigate a long, boring level while dialog is read aloud.

Hue is a little game with fun little puzzles, the story is okay.

Super charming indie puzzle/platformer.

Don't let the bland intro put you off, the puzzles in this game are unique and engaging. Fun, quick playthrough.

Enjoyed the voice acting and narrative.

Very Runbow-esque. Cool concept, a little short, but still a clean puzzle platformer

Great Indie title. I love the concept and storytelling.

slow to 100%, not a bad game, but not great either

Great puzzle platformer that uses its main mechanic very well. Almost abandoned the game though as I got stuck on the last puzzle for months and every time I tried I failed. Eventually just looked up a walk through for the last puzzle which made me really upset because I tried for so long and did every other puzzle without help.

Pretty decent puzzle game and concept, though I felt like it overstayed it's welcome a bit. The puzzles are largely fine, but by the end they started to seem more like a way to pad the play time than to actually present a new challenge. I wish they had either been more varied, or the game was cut down by like... ~15%?

The art style, soundtrack and voice acting are pretty good, but the story is nothing to really write home about. Same goes for the few platforming parts of the game.

I got this game for free as part of some promo, though so I can't complain too much. Overall it's just fine.

A charming short puzzle game that reminded me a lot of Thomas was Alone. The bright colors can be harsh on the eyes after a while though.

If you are in the mood for a colour based indie game with puzzles, story and colorful visuals this is the game for you!
This is the 1st game I beat on my PS Portal and its MEANT BE PLAYED THERE :)

As this game uses the lights on PS Portal , DualShock 4 and DualSense. Looks SO BEAUTIFUL! FANTASTIC use of them perfectly fits the game :D

This game was... amazing. Such an incredible way to work with color and join it with very clever puzzles. A must try, it has beautiful story.

This can be a fun puzzle time when you're not getting screwed by the analog deciding you're slightly off mid-jump when picking your next color to change to, resulting in you plummeting to your death and having to restart a puzzle again. I don't know how they could have implemented a better selection system for picking your colors, but the number of times I died to "you weren't close enough to the color" or "how about this color instead?" was enough to be off-putting.

Puzzle platformer based on swapping colors to make elements of the levels dis/appear. Both the puzzles and the platforming are simple and rarely frustrating, and are accompanied by some monologues in between. Can feel monotone at times, 100%/plat just takes a lot of time. Abandoned because it sometimes crashes and causes hard system reboots on the Ps Vita.

The puzzles never get hard enough to enjoy them

Tedious chore of a game. The concept is fine and the colour based puzzles inventive (and infuriating by the end). But its biggest disadvantage is it does so little to engage the player. There's promises of a story at the beginning - a reason for it all, but it's so thin on the ground and doesn't contemplate the gameplay, that it's easy to forget it's there (same with the collectibles). There's a better puzzle game in here somewhere I'm sure.

I played this game over the span of 4 months.
I felt that the game dragged on for too long, but maybe it was because some puzzles were stupid.
Good soundtrack and beautiful art style.

it's an okay puzzle game but i am easily distracted

Most of the puzzles feel just tedious, not hard or challenging. Just boring and tedious. Is not that fun. Some puzzles are cool but most of them are just tedious.

Story is just mediocre, you are forced to listen to it as whenever you pick up a letter there is a long ass walk that goes the exact duration of the voice over. As well as the fact that each letter is after you get a new colour, it doesn’t keep it surprising.

I tried it out (got it on PS Plus) but I didn't like it all that much

Hue es un juego de plataformas y puzzles que tiene como principal característica el uso del color. Conforme avanzamos en la historia, iremos recopilando nuevos colores para poder seguir progresando.

Los puzzles nos obligan a ir alternando los colores constantemente, ya sea para hacer que desaparezcan objetos que nos impiden pasar, hacer aparecer otros objetos... Básicamente ir cambiando de un color a otro para superar estos obstáculos.
Esto al principio resulta bastante entretenido y absorbente, pero a medida que vas avanzando resulta muy repetitivo, tanto que a mí me ha llegado a cansar muchísimo.

En cuanto a los gráficos no tengo nada que destacar aquí, sin más. El apartado sonoro es aceptable, tiene una banda sonora adecuada para el tipo de juego que es y la narración que tiene es muy sencilla.

El inicio del juego resulta original y entretenido, pero poco a poco va cayendo en la monotonía. Esto no quiere decir que sea un mal juego, pero en mi opinión se ha hecho muy pero muy pesado.

Gostei bastante, apesar de ter muitos defeitos.

While the color gimmick was really fun if you put a gun to my head and asked me to tell you what happened in this game I'd be dead

Hue has some clever puzzles and uses its in-negative art style to good effect, but that's it. The worst part of playing Hue is how slow it is to replay game sections for collectibles, but worst part of experiencing Hue is that it's very bland. I wouldn't say Hue is "bad", but there is no new experience or enjoyment to glean out of this title, unless you're really new to puzzle platformers.

Acho que falta desafio, o jogo é bonito e tudo, mas os níveis são tão de boa que da preguiça de jogar.

O boneco podia andar um pouco mais rápido tbm.....