Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é um caça níquel, enredo poderiam ter melhorado, carros de isopor e aerodinâmica zoada (hehe), mesmo assim o jogo não é tão ruim. New Game+ tem uma dificuldade de dois players, nem invente de jogar com carro sem upgrade.

OBS: Joguem a versão Greatest Hits do PS2 pois corrige o bug de salvar automaticamente, caso jogue a normal, crie o save, reinicie o jogo e carregue o save, remova o Memory Card e coloque de volta para desativar o auto save e salve apenas uma única vez quando for parar de jogar.
The game is a slot machine, plot could have improved, styrofoam cars and bad aerodynamics (hehe), even so the game isn't too bad. New Game+ has a two player difficulty, don't even think about playing with a car without upgrade.

NOTE: Play the PS2 Greatest Hits version because it fixes the auto save bug, if you play the normal one, create the save, restart the game and load the save, remove the Memory Card and put it back to disable the auto save and save only once when you stop playing.

This game has some of the most aggressively bad rubber banding I have ever seen.

My Jak adventure has come to an end with a surprisingly fun racing game! There were really only two races that I struggled to get gold on but other than that I had a lot of fun with it! It's cool that this is cannon as well.

Better than it had any right to be. After coming off of those awful buggy physics from Jak 3, Jak X came back swinging and gave us not only some really enjoyable driving physics, but just a solid combat racer all round. Mostly great track design, fun powerups, and a soundtrack that features EXCELLENT use of Queens of the Stone Age. Jak X is slept on by many for not following the standard formula the series set for itself and while I might have liked a platformer instead, what we got here kicks ass!

This game was so fucking good, my favorite racing-action game of the ps2 and my introduction to the Jak and Daxter franchise.

Liked this a lot when I was younger, got it for my birthday one year from an Uncle who I rarely see, and was kinda upset it wasn't just Jak 2 or 3. Played it and was actually really entertained and ended up liking it a lot. 6/10

the singular pro: has ratchet as a playable character

cons: dark souls type beat ai with a handling system that's somehow worse than need for speed 2015. true accomplishment.

Because why the hell not, there's Jak and Daxter racing game. Considering how Naughty Dog's previous franchise went, I guess it makes sense. This is not a kart racer, so don't go in expecting it to play or handle like one. The gameplay is very fast paced and fun, with decent challenge and fun weapons to use. The CPU players can definitely be rather aggressive, but the challenge felt pretty balanced and fair overall. There's plenty of varied game modes to play, alongside very strong track design and a lot of cars you can cosmetically tweak and tune the performance of. Pair this with an incredible heavy rock soundtrack and an entertaining storyline, and you get a robust and well-built package that's very fun to play with plenty of explosions and mayhem to experience. Overall, Jak X is rock-solid and very much worth a play.

The PlayStation 4 port could have used work, mainly when it comes to performance, but when the alternative is running into an auto save bug that could easily nuke my entire Memory Card with 10+ years of save data on it, I'll take the laggy but safe version any day. Plus, the trophies are a nice perk and fun to unlock in this game.

can't believe ND's best characterization and storyline for the Jak series came from this random racing game with the worst drift i've ever beheld. had fun doing the plot races, wish the car's handling was more consistent, and hated the orb grind so much i gave up on it for 4 years lol


Incredibly edgy, weird ass driving where pebbles on the road can send you reeling, and so very many shooty bangs. A guitly pleasure.

This game is so exhilarating and RAW! Having an actual story to play through really helps this game carry some weight, but the most important part is the racing and it's top notch.

The best racing game you'll ever come across

I hear the sex is on fire in the menu music, I'M TELLING YOU

Need a 4K 60fps arcade version YESTERDAY.


Non Apprezzato:
-L'incipit. Davvero di una stupidità disarmante, penso che probabilmente sia il frutto di un brainstorming durato all'incirca 30 secondi.
-Genere. Ok nei precedenti Jak era possibile utilizzare dei veicoli, nel secondo e nel terzo capitolo c'erano anche delle vere e proprie gare con essi ed erano, per me, probabilmente le missioni peggiori del gioco. Fare un gioco incentrato interamente su di esse, senza averle mai fatte decentemente nei capitoli precedenti, è stato totalmente un azzardo, si è visto infatti il risultato.

Un gioco davvero terribile, non c'entra nulla con Jak e anche contestualizzato nel mondo dei giochi automobilistici è molto deludente. Consiglio di non perderci del tempo come ho fatto purtroppo io.

Awesome game, I enjoyed this more than Mrio Kart. That much.

I'd say this is better than it has any right to be, but come on. Take a peek at Crash Team Racing. It doesn't hit those highs, but it's a lovely time.


Naughty Dog's Magnum Opus.

Hope you like dying several times in a row during every race

Surprised just how fun this is. A lot of it has to do with the insane physics. Similar to CTR, it feels great once you''ve gotten used to the controls and are tearing through races. There are a lot of gameplay modes that keep things from getting stale during the story. Ignoring the auto save bug, my one issue is the Peace Maker weapon being a blue shell item. Using a red eco weapon you can stop any yellow eco weapon from hitting you except the blue shell. It requires specifically a shield to fend off or falling back to second so it changes targets. Soundtrack goes crazy hard and it's nice to have one more adventure with the gang.

-Descripción: Mario Kart + Twisted Metal, si esa descripción no te convence nada lo hará.
-Explicando las estrellas: Si tuviera mas opciones para guardar múltiples configuraciones de vehículos y pilotos le daría esa estrella faltante y si no tuviera un equivalente al caparazón azul diría que no tiene fallos jugables.