Reviews from

in the past

falava com grupos de amigos há alguns anos que a única forma de transpor um um conjunto de ideias seria através de level design digital, visto que nossos pensamentos não são atrelados a leis físicas ou mesmo lógica direta. a liberdade que uma instalação digital traria pra arte e até para a academia poderia ser extrapolada de maneiras que até expandiriam a nossa consciência, nos ensinando a nos expressar de formas mais próximas à como nossa cabeça funciona. à altura de quando comecei a pensar nessas coisas, ainda eram divagações sobre o futuro - agora elas são experiências do presente.

The Pyramid Song section is a spiritual experience.

When I was in Jr. High I would sometimes pretend I had a lazy eye because I wanted to be Thom Yorke.

Fucking hell they weren't lying about that epilepsy warning were they?

Beautiful step through the emotions of Kid A and Amnesiac. Audio visual bliss and honestly more atmospheric and unnerving than most horror games.

I love the idea of virtual art exhibits. This could have been low effort, but it's lovingly crafted and expertly showcases the engine.

game made me realize that there are barn doors and revolving doors and doors on the rudders of big ships

If you're not a Radiohead fan you're not gonna know what any of this means. If you're an avid Radiohead fan you're still not gonna know what any of this means

How to Disappear Completely e Treefingers foram duas...... experiências! Gg.

Very cool experience, especially if you're a Radiohead fan. It's no 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand though.

Speedrunning an art gallery to pwn Thom Yorke. Clipping out of bounds at the Tate Modern to get that pretension skip. Saved me a whole 12 seconds.

As someone who’s a big fan of Radiohead, this was quite a treat for me, since I love Kid A because it’s one of my favorite albums of all-time and from Radiohead. While for Amnesiac, it’s a great album, nothing else to say.

Well, where do we begin? There isn’t seem to be any gameplay as it’s much more of a walking simulator and you look at the visuals and listen to some great music. So, I’m going to the part of the music and visuals.

Well, the visuals and music are wonderful. Since to me, the visuals during the Kid A and Amnesiac era of Radiohead is fascinating, and make the comforted viewer uncomfortable, while making the disturbed viewer comfortable. The transition of that style from the blips to this “game” is pretty well-done. My favorite part of this “game” is the “Ascension” area, because it has the best song from Kid A (Motion Picture Soundtrack) and it had the visuals of the Kid A album art, which both fits well with each other. Another part is the “HTDC, Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army?” section where the visuals fascinated me and the music is the best songs from the respective albums they came from.

Do I recommend it though? Well, I would only recommend it to the hardcore Radiohead fans as they would appreciate it more than the people who play videogames.

Overall, a 8/10.

This feels like a tripy music video you can walk around in. Outside of some performance stutters, this is flawless, especially for a completely free experience.

Eu literalmente comecei esse ano jogando isso. Foi o primeiro jogo de 2022, mas aí uma semana depois meu computador quebrou, coisas aconteceram, a vida entrou no caminho, novos jogos e interesses apareceram e eu nunca retornei pra explorar mais isso aqui. Então nada mais apropriado do que ser meu último jogo do ano e encerrar o ciclo.

Sempre que as pessoas dizem o que eu vou dizer a seguir é com um tom prepotente e que da raiva, mas não tem como fugir: Kid A Mnesia Exhibition não é um jogo, é uma experiência. Não, sério, meio que não é um jogo mesmo. É como explorar uma exibição de arte virtual e interativa (as vezes).

É uma experiência fascinante, por vezes meio assustadora, por vezes bonita, quase sempre confusa. Eu entendo o lance de ser labiríntico, mas não gosto porque odeio me perder assim.

A sala contendo a música How to Disappear Completely foi uma das experiências sensoriais mais legais que eu já tive. Imagino como seria em VR.

Infelizmente eu fico meio enjoada jogando isso, não consigo explorar por muito tempo, talvez volte pra ver mais coisas porque com certeza não vi tudo. Também é triste que meu computador não da conta, e tive que colocar os gráficos lá embaixo.

Num geral, acho que mesmo que você não esteja familiarizado com Radiohead vale a pena. A epic deu de graça tem um tempo, então de graça vale ainda mais a pena. (só não vale investir o tempo se você realmente odiar radiohead, ai não tem jeito).

o melhor album que você nunca jogou

remember that part in book of life where the main character sings "creep" for no reason and it doesn't fit with the rest of the film?

Really neat little virtual art piece. I at first found it a bit pretentious that an album rerelease is worthy of an exhibit but to their credit the songs presented here are given their own unique and entrancing visuals befitting of each one. A bit of a treasure trove for fans - I'm still very much getting started with Radiohead but I still found a lot to enjoy and appreciate here.

prolly biased cus i really like radiohead

everything in its right place 😌

Haven't heard a lot of this album since I first really started getting into music, and this exhibition really felt like it transported me right back to that first time I heard both of these. Just a really insane and awesome celebration of such an important landmark of music, and seeing the old art come to life like this two decades later is just insanely cool. If you're a fan of the albums, this makes for an excellent companion piece towards it.

So, i'm one of those guys. The guy that hears "radiohead" and just thinks of Creep. I'm sorry, i'm just not into pop music that much. Is radiohead even pop music? Whatever. I've absorbed a couple more of their songs through cultural osmosis, i guess.

Basically, I'm not the target market for this. I've never listened to Kid A and Amnesia. And honestly, this project thing doesn't really give me a massive desire to go out and do so. The experience culminates with some cut-down style recordings/remixes of songs from the albums and it's just thoroughly uncompelling. The visuals involed are cool but the sequences themselves are so mind-numbingly long that I found myself completely zoning out and trying to make things look funny. Doesn't help that these new recordings just seem overall way less energetic than from what i can tell radiohead stuff normally is - and frankly maybe the band's music just isn't that well suited to the bombastic sequences that's gone for here.

What does work better here is the section before all those bombastic visual setpieces. The exhibition portion of the game is way more interesting, even if it is literally just a museum where you go round and look at some exhibition art pieces and paintings and shit. The level of visual fidelity here is absolutely ridiculous and really lends the vibe of like, watching a recording of the louvre or something, and then wandering around these weird, pretty exhibits at your own pace whilst the low-key radiohead plays in the background - it works pretty well! The art pieces are pretty good and the museum itself sort of is one, with what im fairly sure is impossible spaces that twist around each other, and weird rooms. It's a little eerie, but also kinda cute, and the sheer variety and amount of pieces of art scaterred all over the place really makes it fun to just walk about in. There's such huge amounts of detail, and it really feels like a well executed virtual exhibit that embraces that its virtual with impossible elements - it feels like some cool exhibit you'd see at the milennium dome and pay like way too much money for. Which is pretty much all id want from this sort of thing.

By the way, am I the only one who sees that radiohead logo cat thing as Neko Arc from Tsukhime/Melty Blood. It's very distracting. Burunyuu...

From the perspective of someone who is intimately familiar with Radiohead's body of work, I absolutely loved it. But I also believe it can stand perfectly well all on its own. It's a genuine work of art, an absolute audiovisual treat.

If you're unfamiliar with the band, this is a mix of art and music from albums Kid A (2000) and Amnesiac (2001), which were recorded at the same time. The art featured prominently on album sleeves, music videos and promotional stuff at the time, but there's so much more here to check out. It's by long-time band collaborator Stanley Donwood and Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke (under the alias Tchock).

What was most interesting to me was that these aren't just album versions of the tracks. They're all mixed to create a completely fresh experience even for long-time fans of the band.

And there's much more here than I initially thought, especially the game aspect. Yes, all you do is basically walk around, but the way that space is manipulated and how you can interact with it is really fascinating. Sometimes you can directly impact the music and how it mixes. And it's also pretty non-linear with secret rooms and passageways. I finished it three times, all of which were different experiences and I can definitely see myself returning to it from time to time.

It starts out pretty cool, but immediately transitions to a hallway with a QR code that jumps you to the merch. I don't know if it's only me or is common, but that would have been less annoying if they had it open on the map on the companion website, and then just had the link for the merch. Overall it made the whole thing feel a little cheaper. That art isn't a foremost goal. Of course, we all have to make money, and unfortunately art comes from that pursuit as often or maybe more so than the pure drive to create and express. So I'll give a little benefit of the doubt. Though the frequently reoccurring minotaur character is present in Fall Guys and Fortnite, which... feels weird for an art forward walking sim. Like if "Edith Finch" was the next character in smash or something.

It taps into a lot of what I love about listening to Radiohead. The metatextual narratives throughout their work, similar aesthetics their music evokes paired with their album artwork and other media and so on. I do think that a lot of Radiohead feels a bit like... a solved ARG. Like something that once contained a lot of mystique, a broadened pastiche of the societal angst that's in their music with deeper mysteries hidden below. I feel like this should have been the perfect thing to reinvoke that feeling, minus the solved part. It unfortunately did not. It feels a bit "we live in a society", that sort of boring puddle-deep cynicism sometimes at this stage, especially with how narrowly focused on repeating elements this is. This sounds harsh, but I genuinely loved all of it. It's just when analyzing things within my mind would wander back to this.

I may have that expectation from the late 00's when I was getting into them and they did hold an ARG(if I recall) around in rainbows, and this was around the time they were making big moves to try and shake up the piracy-frightened music industry. I'm waxing a lot about the band, but if you're generally interested in art, art galleries, narrative-absent walking sims, definitely play it. It is worth the time even if not invested in the broader act of enjoying radiohead. There were some genuinely cool moments, and as I previously mentioned, the aesthetics are very pleasant in an unpleasant way.

Some folks have stated this is groundbreaking, or mind blowing. I would not agree with this necessarily. It's great, a standard I'd love to see in future projects going for a similar thing, but folks have been creating non-game walking sims for a while that offer just as much. It is nice to see a big name attached for future projects though. I'd love to see many other bands and simply art installations get translated into this sort of game format. Preferably with a VR mode, as that stuff works with the added layer of immersion that provides.

Some highlights: an amber pillar that plays the drum and bass segments of a song that when you step outside it, it plays the more ambient pieces.

A big TV cube that alters when you step on different spaces throughout the room

A backrooms liminal hallway

an endless spiral staircase a la guggenheim museum with sketchbook paintings

a morphing 2d/3D landscape.

demon dance circle

exploding album art

And some other great bits.

Fine, I'll become a Radiohead fan.

Karma Police.... arrest this man.... he talks in maths 😔