Reviews from

in the past

legal porém nada demais, o estilo de arte tem um ar do mestre akira toriyama e por conta disso é bem divertido explodir monstrinhos fofos com os poderes do draculinha, ou alucardinho, não sei dizer quem é

The two last stages are really frustrating, but i guess this is essencial for an old Castlevania title.
It is a good game, though.

It's cute, but it's.....nothing that you'll remember. The only reason this game is remembered is through its incredibly loose connection to Castlevania.

good platformer if you ignore everything about it

GooeyScale: 55/100

While entirely reliant on ever-growing platforming tropes of its era, Kid Dracula still provides a lot of fun through its aesthetic charms and simple yet still engaging side-scrolling action.

It's a realy cute game. I found it fun magical and whimsical. The game had great controls that made it quite enjoyable. It's filled with many different weapons but under utilizes the need to switch them making it feel uninovative. The last level is a bit obnoxious and ruins the pacing. Probably the worst thing about the game is the sound effects in the final boss. The boss isn't to difficult but the sound makes the experience unbearable. As fun and cute as the game is it's not great objectively.
I have a personal doc with some notes that I am working on refining my game reviews this is the first on this system. I pro will start versioning them and adding that to them.

I can't believe Wolfenstein stole the emotive face in the HUD from this

This was surprisingly really fun and charming. I do think it gets a little too unforgivable in the last few levels but for an old platformer it's really solid.

Graphics are weirdly really charming. at the end of the day, its just a fun stupid little parody game

Cute game. Until the last few levels. Still enjoyed and am glad I finally beat it.

Kid Dracula is an odd inclusion in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. This game does not play like the other games in the collection. It is more like a Mega Man game with you shooting and gaining new power-ups or magic in this game’s case. The level design is reminiscent of a Mega Man game.

The game is average. Some of the magic powers are good and some are situational. The best magic powers are the homing and bomb powers when charged up. I rarely used the bat or upside down powers unless the level design required me to use them. There is some cheap enemy placement here and there. Some bosses were easy and some were frustrating like the Sphinx boss where you are fighting him above a bottomless pit.

Kid Dracula is slow. His running speed is pathetic. After I beat the game, I went and loaded up the Mega Man Legacy Collection and played a stage in Mega Man 2, the game I am familiar with. Mega Man is faster than Kid Dracula. K.D., catch up to that blue boy.

I do like the music and how the game looks. It is a shame there is slowdown and sprite flickering.

Kid Dracula makes me want to play through all the Mega Man games. I only played and finished the second Mega Man game and I thought that was good. Kid Dracula is average.

Fun platformer for the NES/Famicom. The levels and bosses were creative and entertaining and the controls/moveset for the titular character felt good. Fuck the space elevator though.

Great graphics and music with cute characters. Like any game of its time, it tends to be very hard, with difficulty spikes and cheap deaths.

Very technically impressive but also very annoying. Even so, it's probably the best Castlevania game on the Famicom.

Requires save states or a lot of patience.
(played on PC Castlevania collection)

Played this primarily because it was on the Castlevania Switch collection, but it's really only a Castlevania game by Konami's decision alone. Kid Dracula carries almost none of the features of the franchise typically has, beyond a few aesthetic similarities and the use of Dracula, a character not created by Konami, as a plot-relevant character. It plays more like a Mega Man game than anything else, which should be fine, but it isn't as tight. Like, nowhere close. Platforming is floaty, combat is slow, your character sprite is far too big, hit detection is wonky, stage design is creatively minimal, etc. The combination of Mega Man and Castlevania should at least provide some solid jams, but there aren't even any notable song selections. What a shame. 2/6

I love how charming and cute everything is. But God I wish he controlled smoother because it was quite annoying to jump in stages, especially the space and underwater stage, Lord.

Complete playthrough. More Mega Man than Castlevania in its gameplay, Kid Dracula sees players taking control of the eponymous Kid Dracula, running, jumping and shooting across nine side-scrolling levels, seeking to recover his throne. Vividly-coloured levels take a variety of fairly common platforming themes, including cloud, city, ice and fire-themed areas. New powers earned upon completion of each level provide some measure of gameplay variety, replacing the standard fireball with a homing attack, an ice projectile, or more unusually, the ability to reverse gravity or transform into a bat - but for the most part these are very much non-essential and the standard fireball will suffice. Otherwise, the gameplay is fairly standard shooting and running - entertaining enough while it lasts, but not really all that memorable.

So, this game is in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection.

It is a game.

It is horrible.

Maybe consider skipping it.

Its fun until you get to the last section where this game suddenly wants to become the hardest unforgiving game in the series, and that's saying something since its a spinoff.
Otherwise its a cute lil game, not much to write home about.

I mean it's nice that Konami went through all the trouble towards finally translating this game to put in their Castlevania Anniversary collection like that but this game is honestly pretty mediocre even by "2D platformers with a shooting mechanic released on the NES" standards. There's cute sprite work but that's really it.

Imaginen si Castlevania y Super Mario Bros. 3 hubiesen tenido un bebé. Castlevania le es infiel a Super Mario Bros. 3 con Mega Man y de ahí sale otro bebé. Ambos bebés crecen, se hacen adultos, se conocen en la universidad, se enamoran sin saber que son familia y tienen otro bebé. Esta aberración genética es Kid Dracula. The things we do for trophies...

Honestly, this game is really rough. The first stage is pretty great. A cute little homage to the original Castlevana.

But after this the game just gets worse and the system obviously can't handle whatever this game has, since it has massive slowdowns.


pretty fun to play, for the most part the game isnt too difficult and feels pretty fair. its cool that there are multiple different weapons but also some just make others obsolete or some just have no use except for in parts when the game deliberately wants you to use them. for some reason though the final level just has like a big difficulty spike?? the previous levels have some obstacles that will just kill you and it feels like you have to die first before you even know theyre there but the game hands out lives often and has checkpoints, the levels themselves really arent that long either. but then last level just like 3 bosses and an annoying platforming segment and if you die you get sent all the way back to the beginning of the level which was so ass

Cute game, kid friendly and pretty easy but it was nice that it finally got localized.