Reviews from

in the past

i was at my cousin's house looking at their games and went "haha is that fucking Knack" and then they just gave me it and now i'm the person who gets to hear people look at my collection and say "haha is that fucking Knack", shit got passed down like in It Follows

Knack was so epic that I had to play other games instead because it was just that epic.

Knack is a bit of a weird game to me. On paper it’s something that genuinely feels like it attempts to accomplish nothing noteworthy in the slightest, with so many ideas present here being staggeringly mediocre and seemingly trying to culminate in the most average game ever, acting as a pseudo-tech demo that manages to not even accomplish that much to any effective degree. What truly gets me about Knack is how all of these ideas that were already as insignificant as they were, are consistently botched and made to feel bad across the board, transforming mediocrity into something that feels actively bad to play.

The content within this game feels skeletal, largely lacking in any memorable setpieces in favour of guiding the player through repetitive corridors of enemies, with the progression between each level feeling inconsequential and stagnant, and functionality rarely shifting beyond occasional types of Knack that make some small attempt at shaking things up. Unfortunately, even the most gimmicky parts of the game still feel near functionally identical and mostly boil down to different ways of taking damage over time, rather than anything that would potentially invite a playstyle that differs in any major way. Knack is also a 3D brawler/platformer that strives to dumb down both sides of its gameplay loop to painfully simple levels. Platforming is almost a non-entity, with most platforming that you’re doing being more akin to traversing battle arenas with an element a slight verticality as opposed to full fledged platforming challenges, but the combat is so basic that these slightly varied arenas aren’t enough to meaningfully change much. Knack’s moveset being as basic as it is makes it so encounters cannot have much variety to them due to how limited the player’s capabilities are, leading to a lot of visually distinct, but mechanically samey enemies that are sent at you.

Playing Knack feels like white noise that abruptly throws a high-pitched, ear-piercing noise at you from time to time, with its monotony only being broken up by cheap shots that you often can’t even see because big Knack takes up a third of the screen. Almost everything killing you in one hit doesn’t play nicely into how sluggish you’ll often feel, with a lot of situations that feel impossible to react to without dying a lot to memorise the exact route you need to take to avoid getting hit, which is an element of friction that I’d find compelling if the systems in play weren’t quite so braindead. The fact that something as simple as an actual combo meter is relegated to an unlockable as opposed to just being there is a testament to how shoehorned in the collectibles feel in general as well. For the most part, all that these will unlock for you are features that feel like they should have been part of your base kit from the beginning instead of a reward for finding secrets, especially since you’ll likely not get more than a couple of full gadget sets to begin with since the collectibles you get from hidden areas are randomised. The more you think about Knack, the worse it gets. A tech demo that was meant to showcase the power of the PS4, yet only takes any advantage of this with Knack himself, as every other character model looks somewhat uncanny and ugly, and cutscenes making me think of a Clash of Clans ad more than an actual game, being one of many bad elements to be found in a game that barely feels like it’s trying to do anything most of the time. Worse than I expected it to be, don’t play Knack.

É pior do que falavam, pqp. Gameplay travado e muito repetitivo, vc faz as mesmas coisas em TODAS as fases, pouca variação de inimigos e elementos de plataforma e puzzle patéticos de ruins, além de feio pra crl, tem jogo de PS1 com uma direção de arte melhor. Não consigo pensar em um ponto positivo, talvez alguns fragmentos do enredo que poderiam fazer um comentário interessante sobre guerra ou a ganância dos humanos, mas o jogo enfia isso na sarjeta pra passar pano pros atos dos humanos e vilanizar os goblins. Esse jogo é a definição de depressão, fiquem longe.

Que joguinho fedorento

Depois de 9 anos eu tive a oportunidade de jogar o tão falado "terrível exclusivo de lançamento do ps4" e ver se era tudo isso que falavam, e ele de fato não é bom.

Tem uma história que parece ter sido tirada de um fraco desenho que com certeza passaria no "Bom dia e companhia" do SBT. Ou seja, é totalmente esquecível!

Uma coisa desse jogo que é irritante é o checkpoint de missão em missão. Se por acaso a luz da sua casa acabar e você estiver no final da missão que, pode durar até uns 20 minutos incluindo a cutscene, você simplesmente será obrigado a começar a missão do zero.

No mais, o game tem uma gameplay extremamente fácil e simples. Bate, pula, esquiva e anda pra frente. Nada mais. Não tem puzzle, não tem nada. Só avança.

Se o mood do jogo é avançar, aproveita e avança a sua biblioteca para outro jogo e esqueça o Knack, será melhor para você!

They have you fight goblins in this. Fuck this game. Goblins are my friends >:(

I mean it is just a basic, platformer, beat em up with nothing special to its name aside from its particle effects and a slightly decent chest system. It is alright in every sense of the word, and the story is nothing to write home about. The character models in this game are so ugly too.

Knack is simply a button smash without purpose.

Interesting how the game tries to play with the concept of power fantasy on its design but fails ultimately.
Knack always starts small/weak and keeps getting bigger/stronger and gaining different powers (incorporating elements) throughout the levels, which makes a compeling idea in how the player has to deal with the adversities with small-knack (bigger focus on the enemies moves and attacks, as you can die easily) and later with bigger-knack (just smash).
This constant variation in the way the player interacts with the world should be interesting enough, but rarely is, as Knack moveset is so limited (one punch and one 'special') no matter his size, that there's no difference in how the game can be played, just dodge, attack and repeat.
Some enemy attacks are more creative and can complement knack's moveset in a way that makes the combat work, but you can count these instances.
In the end, Knack is such a simple game that it's hard to not think this was halfway in development when released.

I was expecting that a console launch game directed by the lead architect on the console itself would use more of it's functionalities, half of the buttons on the controller aren't even used.

This game is genuinely fun, really confused why people hate it so much.

As soon as you finished the tutorial, you've already experienced everything the game has planned for you, could not bare it past one hour of gameplay, felt boring really fast.

Definition of mid. Painful to play and finish especially on the hardest difficulty. Some trophies are rng based too which sucks if u wanna plat it for the memes.

Ape Escape ran so that Knack could walk

Genuinely hilarious that this was the art sytle they chose for a ps4 launch title lmao

I can’t believe myself, that I start of the new year 2022 by re-playing fucking Knack. A universal claim is that Knack is smellier than dog shit, which something I now agree with. But once I used to like Knack because I used to be a degenerate child. Also, I’m very proud that I beat this childrens game in ”hard”.

my younger brother and i played this game all the way through in 2015. when we beat the final boss he shouted "FINALLY!" and slam dunked the game case onto the floorboards, fully shattering it (plastic flying everywhere) (he didn't even notice) (bathing in the blood of his fallen conquest like a viking warrior defeating a hated foe)

I have actually completed Knack. This is not an April fools joke, I just happened to beat it on April 1st. Yeah, not good.



Game of the Generation (P.S. I hated it)

This game is a disaster, it's a 3D-platformer with de-emphasized jumping. Do you know what that means? That means when knack walks over to a gap, it turns into a cutscene of him jumping over it. He is such a garbage mascot, you look at Mario and Sonic, their design is so simple and iconic, that even if a four year old drew 'em, you would know who they are. Knack, on the other hand, is 2,000 little rocks that sort of shape into some weird troll. The gameplay consists of walking into an empty area, hitting a guy once and walking into another empty area and doing it again and again until the game is over. There's even a part in the new one where they make fun of knack for only having 2 moves. This game was a joke and apparently Sony wasn't in on the joke. Knack 2 on the other hand...

At its best Knack is a neat showcase of the PS4's ability to render highly detailed particles in real-time. At worst it's a super bland beat-em-up platformer with unintresting levels, a bland cast of characters that are all one note, and gameplay that de-emphasized parts of its core gameplay. This game is so boring and forgettable. If Dunkey hadn't made it into a meme it would've been forgotten by the sands of time like other PS original games like Heavenly Sword, or Puppeteer.

Knack is like the video game equivalent of a bag of potato chips. It has practically no substance, and it's far from the best thing of its kind that you can partake in, but in spite of that, it's still pretty enjoyable regardless of what it obviously lacks.

You don't play Knack to experience deep, innovative gameplay or a sweeping, dramatic narrative. You play Knack to make your little relic guy become a big relic guy that can throw tanks at airplanes.

The crystal collection system that relies on farming preset locations for completely random items (complete with duplicates) sucks some serious ass though.

Knack is pretty gud hence the Memes.