Reviews from

in the past

hauntological ps1 dankness. i watched a playthru here:
unfortunately only the first part was subtitled, but you more or less get the gist by then. you play as a mansion-dwelling hikikomori using her photography of restless apparitions to perform exorcisms on them. the funny thing about this is that the developers wanted to include real photos of unexplained ghostly presences, but they ended up faking it—leading to some pretty goofy stuff like a spectral visage in the opening of a bowling ball return machine. the game itself seems kinda whatever at first: a hidden object thing where you press buttons in sequence to perform spiritual attacks on the lingering dead. the really interesting thing about that is these sequences are never randomized, meaning they're the same for every photo and every exorcism performed, making them more of an actual ritual than some twitch qte game thing. that kinda whips.

what's more, there are rumors around this game about a series of strange and terrifying events afflicting staff during its development. that's real fun, but none of it's true. even so, it's hard not to feel drawn in by the mere possibility of a video game being truly cursed due to its use of genuinely haunted photos.

ultimately, with this kind of thing—especially since those of us not fluent in japanese cannot currently play the full game for ourselves—it's all about the vibe. honestly, even if you only barely pay attention and put this on in the background, it's a neat little thing for the spooky season. put it on the playlist for your halloween party (even if you party by yourself!), or something.


Forty-second GOTW finished for 2023. Some interesting "stories", accompanied by some really creepy audio and atmosphere, but ultimately marred by brutal quick time events, some poorly photoshopped images, and a big tiddy goth girl protag for some reason. Creepy enough to warrant an October playthrough, but I won't be coming back to this one.

Divertidinho, mas tem uma hora que eu tive que usar o fast forward pra deixar o jogo mais lento pra acertar o timing dos botões kkkkkkkk

if i had played this without savestates i also would have cursed the devs

This game is just a horror themed I Spy with really bad photoshopped images and quick time events. It's kinda neat I guess. Pretty atmospheric and I'm glad small obscure games like this can get fan translations.

Honestly the more interesting thing about this game are the bizarre rumors surrounding it, but they're ultimately not true. Still kind of an interesting piece of gaming history. You can finish it in about 2 hours

FanTL patch here:

Read about the urban legend surrounding this game:

It's true, this game is cursed; I stopped playing it after 10 minutes because of how boring it was.

Interesting af though. Might revisit it solely on that basis lol

these fucking spirits had to be like touhou professional players or some shit the way they dodge your fucking spells with their reimu hakurei type bullshit. fuck

Real Kusoge

The entire game is a QTE on top of a supposedly scare ghost photo

It gets increasingly difficult and to the point where I have to abuse the start button to even stand a chance