Reviews from

in the past

Almost does too much compared to the original. Has too much content which is a strange complaint but they went overboard, still worth a play for the campaign but 100%ing this game seems like a chore

Kind of a shame - this one initially presents well and seems like it's going to be a bit of a step up from the other two LEGO Marvel games with a much, much more interesting world map than boring old NYC for the hundredth time, and some unusual picks for the main plot characters. Unfortunately, it's a buggy piece of shit, the traversal somehow feels way worse than ever before, and the writing is painful imitation-Whedon. I ended up quitting because I couldn't get a side-quest to stop soft-locking itself, but it was actually more of a relief than anything. I usually 100% these, glad to have an excuse to not this time - it deserves it even less than usual.

Dog ass game with loads of weird bugs. Has 2 good things in it and both are ripped from James Gunn. DOG SHIT.

If the post-story character unlock system was less of a nightmare, this would be the perfect start video game for kids.

I realized after my review of the Lego Movie 2 game that I am more generous to these games than most people on this site, but also most people seem to be adults playing by themselves?

I'm sorry, guys, but these are children's video games. They are very good by that standard. Great selection of characters, fun story, forgiving gameplay - just a great couch co-op for more seasoned gamers to play with their kids as an introduction.

I would not play this by myself as an adult and expect to have an amazing time.

Not that great.
TOO MUCH to do, lackluster and repetitive cast, no X-Men nor Fantastic Four, ugly character grid design and nonexistent voice acting direction.
It inexplicably felt like a chore to complete the main story.
The photo mode and the open world are the best parts, but i personally prefer the New York City open world from LEGO Marvel 1.

a porra do meu trofeu de corridas bugou, platinei moralmente fodase kkkk

i don't know if i'm just insane, but the flying and swinging in this game are so bad its borderline unplayable for me.

Se for jogar somente a história uma vez e largar você vai se divertir, se planeja fazer o 100% terá sua paciência testada, pois é muito chato completar tudo, tem muita coisa só para encher linguiça, coisas simples eles complicaram, tem alguns minikits que são chatos pois deveriam ser simples e usar só um personagem mas usam mais de um, isso é chato.
Aquele desafios são uma das coisas que mais enchem o saco, além de ser um grande número em cada desafio é difícil achar as coisas que precisam para finalizar o desafio.
Aquelas missões de ter que falar com pessoas é insuportável, na maioria das vezes as pessoas ficam muito longes umas das outras, é horrível fazer isso.
Resumindo jogar a história uma vez vai tranquilo, fazer 100% é pedir para se aborrecer, se entristecer e ficar puto.
PS: A conquista de completar todas as corridas pode bugar e terá que refazer todas as corridas novamente para ver qual bugou e não contabilizou. Tive uma sorte absurdo que a primeira que fui refazer ( corrida da mansão dos vingadores ) era que estava bugada kkkkkkkk

Incredibly clunky, with additions that serve only to complicate a formula that was simplified to perfection and a roster that only serves to highlight how fucking stupid Marvel's higher-ups were in the mid-late 2010s with regards to Fox's movies. You can feel the absence of X-Men/F4, especially the latter when it comes to the plot of this one. Mapping two different functions to the same button is also quite silly.

This was weird. The characters, the hub world is amazing for Marvel fans but ffs the story and the levels were so annyoingly boring that I quit. Altough I bought the deluxe for like 4 bucks, I still hate this game with passion.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME FOR SWITCH. It runs like shit with a terrible framerate. As a game I did not enjoy it at all, I did the first few missions and realized this ain't it chief. Sold this game real quick.

you know i thought i would've liked this because of the variety of spider-man characters they had. while i did enjoy it to a certain extent, getting a lot of the collectables ended up feeling like a chore (mainly cuz of those races and how wonky the camera is to navigate) that it took the fun out of it for me.

story is a pretty big letdown too.

although the amount of characters was nice, because it gave me lots of options for making custom characters. gotta say, this probably has the most in-depth character customization i've seen in a lego game.

Não sei se gostei dessa cidade. Poderiam ter caprichado mais no Dr. Estranho, ele não faz muita coisa. Mas as skins estão todas excelentes.

Worse than its predecessor in every way. Quite possibly the glitchiest Lego game too.

Don't bother with this unless you're a die-hard who must play every Lego game. Play the first Lego Marvel Super Heroes instead.

com certeza foi um grande erro rejogar esse jogo, fiz pré-venda na época por ser muito fã do primeiro jogo e da marvel em geral, quando joguei eu tinha gostado do jogo, achava inferior ao primeiro mas um bom jogo, infelizmente eu estava bem enganado. esse jogo é muitooooo pior que o primeiro, tudo nele é mediocre, a história é generica e descaracteriza os personagens, falando em personagens eles são super mal inseridos na história, super mal aproveitados e eles tem uma péssima interação entre si, sem contar essa necessidade da marvel de forçar personagens que eram ou que iriam ficar em evidencia nos filmes, todos os visuais são dos filmes tambem basicamente. a gameplay até melhorou em alguns pontos e os bonecos são mais diversificados, mas os controles são piores, o roster de personagens é o dobro do 1 mas só tem boneco merda que ninguem liga, além de terem cortado geral que os direitos do filme fossem da fox. o level design é fraquissimo, os chefes são todos extremamente fáceis, as lutas se resumem a ficar apertando o botão de bater e todos os inimigos tem um lock-on fudido pra vc ficar morrendo sem parar, além disso o jogo é extremamente bugado, a tonelada de vezes q o jogo me travou em algum lugar ou crashou e eu tive q rejogar o nível inteiro foi grande. o mundo aberto ate tem uma ideia maneira de juntar varias epocas mas é extremamente mal aproveitado, poucos personagens em cada uma e todos mal explorados, sem contar que as areas sao minusculas, o mapa deve ser menor que a nova iorque do primeiro e do avengers, liberar os personagens deixou de ser divertido e virou um porre tambem, nunca pensei que um dia eu fosse achar lego avengers melhor que esse jogo

I don't really recommend it, but I don't think that's necessarily the game's fault either. The voice cast is all unknowns and scabs from an industry-wide voice acting strike, and Disney's IP chokehold forced this game to exclude X-Men and Fantastic Four characters for sinister self-serving reasons. This game had everything going against it on its way into the oven, no wonder it leaves half the impression of its predecessor despite double the content.

It's so funny how Lego fans were so mad when they didn't add Spider Man in Lego Avengers and now in this one they gave us a Spider Man overdose LMAOOOOOO.

Final Rating: 3.5/10

The jokes gave me violent seizures that left me frothing at the mouth, definitely could learn some lessons from comedic greats like Gex.

Eu dei uma chance novamente para esse jogo, eu zerei o Lego marvel super heroes 2 no multiplayer junto com meu irmão, eu achei o jogo bem divertido! Eu tenho poucas coisa para reclamar nesse jogo. Primeiro é o level design, maiorias das fases não são muito memoráveis, eu me lembro de poucas fases. Outro problema é a ausência de muito personagens no modo história. Tem uma coisa que eu não gosto muito no jogo foi a maioria dos personagens tem os design do mcu, pode ser frescura minha, mais isso me incomodou um pouco, prefiro os design clássicos dos personagens do lego marvel super heroes 1. Fora esses problemas eu achei o jogo bom!

pretty solid lego entry. main reason i like this one is because all of the obscure characters it digs up for the roster, since they couldn't use x-men

Helping my nephew on the Nintendo switch version was painful.
The dropped frames for co op, the sluggish movement, and the slow paced Level design made this feel less of a super hero games and more of set piece chore.

Played it not to long ago and it is a pretty enjoyable Lego game

jogo totalmente bugado, com level design que deixa preso nos lugares sem ter oq fazer a não ser reiniciar a fase perdendo todo o progresso. O 1 era melhor

First game to have the better character custimazation but thats basically it for me.

I bought both this and the first game around the same time and at first I was more excited to play this game than the first because the box art showed promise, with characters from Guardians and even just Spider-Gwen on the front box.

The actual game itself isn't as good as I hyped it up to be, honestly.
For a LEGO game, as someone who grew up with the PS2 / early PS3 era, this feels too cluttered.
To get 100% on the last Marvel game, you just had to get all the characters, all the studs, minikits and Stan Lee stuff.
Here, you have to do that, plus "challenges" (which are mainly just the most boring shit like "open the map 18 times" and "defeat bosses in the hub") and the dreaded races where you have to get Gold status on them too.

I had an issue with the hub at first, saying it's "too big" and "would take forever to do everything in" but I had an issue with New York in both previous Lego Marvel games, that they were too small. I would enjoy running around this huge world as Squirrel Girl and grabbing collectables while I listen to music so, no complaints there.

I do like that the stud bricks are available from the get go, the only thing you need is the right amount of studs to buy them (plus there's no trophy for getting a certain amount of studs).
I also absolutely love the cast of characters here, they're all wonderfully used and get more screen time than they did last time.
The story is kinda "meh" but I guess they did what they did for a reason, I like that it branches off from the MCU, there's references to events from the movies here and there, and even some licensed music, a first for me!

With this many good things, why have I rated it so low?
This is a PS4 game running on PS4 hardware.
The last game I played in this series was a game that was made for PS4 as a launch title that also got a release on PS3, which is the version I played.
The only issue I had with that game was a little bit of lag every now and then.

This game, however, has been riddled with glitches.
I've had levels break, not letting me progress any further, I've had boss enemies die before they were meant to and I've even had AI characters walk in midair. Not to mention the game legitimately CRASHED my PS4 once.

Boss fights are extremely easy because of how forgiving the game is. You can just corner a boss with the right character and spam the hit button until it eventually dies.
I don't know the difference between story items and Free Play collectables, making me accidentally collect minikits while just trying to finish a level (which is a pain when I'm actually trying to get collectables because I'm trying to do something I've already done).
Maybe I'm just used to these story mode levels being ridiculously easy but once I even had to look up a walkthrough guide for a story level, which I never do (although I eventually figured out that the level was glitched and wouldn't spawn an enemy that needed to spawn to progress).

Speaking of collectables, that's the main reason I've shelved this game.
There's two ways to quit a level while playing through it in Free Play, but only one of those two actually saves your progress. Good luck figuring out which one it is, because the game doesn't autosave when it says it does, meaning you'll have to redo a level again if you hit the wrong button.
Restarting a level in Free Play usually isn't that big of a deal, but here it's genuinely irritating. You're not just using the level as a base here, you're actually just replaying the level, with cutscenes that are only skippable sometimes, and legitimate boss battles that take forever and you don't really want to do again.

The last Lego Marvel game had a flying segment at the start of a level that you could control your character on, making minikit collection easy.
This one has a flying segment at the end of a level that you CAN'T control your character on, so if you miss one that's it! You have to restart the whole level from the start, rewatch the cutscenes that you can probably skip maybe if you spam the button enough, and trawl through the boss battles again, and hopefully this time you have a chance to hit all 10 balloons on a plane you can't really control.

Overall, this game has potential but is too cluttered, and also still very buggy, and has some of the worst collectables.
The PS3 probably could've handled this pretty well.

The best parts are, as usual for Lego games, the voice acting and amount of characters you can unlock and play as, and with something like Marvel there's a lot of weird characters (I especially was surprised to see characters like Hit Monkey and Forbush Man)
The bad parts are kinda everything else. Story-wise, it's not as fun as the first Lego Marvel. The time-travel part of it is fun but a lot of the guest characters only appear for one level.

The open world feels much larger with more collectibles, more races and more sidequests but the races are honestly awful. Controlling vehicles is clunky, and when every race requires you to drive through ring checkpoint with a time limit between each while also making sure to complete the entire race under a certain time and earn a gold medal to unlock the character or other thing, it's frustrating to play. Not to mention that races are locked to specific vehicles, which you unlock by destroying or collecting other things around the world like rings of birds/fish or spores hanging on the side of walls.

Sem dúvidas o melhor game lego.
Anos luz a frente dos outros
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