Reviews from

in the past

When I played the demo back during the first Next Fest, I didn't know what this game is, but it seemed like a nice little farming game to play for a while and not much more. And that's what it is, mostly, but the sheer charm and how good the game feels are pretty impressive. It just feel satisfying to run around grinding resourses, building your own little house, growing crops, killing stuff with a sword, etc.

Right now the game is a bit barren, though, and there are some pretty baseline features missing, like the ability to (even somewhat) rotate the camera during regular gameplay, and in terms of content there isn't that much to sink your teeth in. There's not a lot, which is a bit weird-feeling as far as farming or especially ARPGs go.

I can't blame the game for being light on content or not be super polished at the moment, because the team consists of like 5 people at best, and, obviously, it's an early access title. But between the demo and november 27th release I've spent more than a dozen hours with this one and it does have plenty of potential, and is already quite fun. Worth the price for sure

Early access game, every release gets better. Graphics and controls are top tier, gameplay has much to be desired, but for the early access price if you are a fan of the genre I recommend picking up.

Después de jugar la demo ya me gustó bastante, ahora mismo me ha encantado. Peeeero está aún muy muy verde, tiene cosas que hacen que sea una experiencia peor de lo que debería. No poder rotar la cámara hace del juego algo incómodo. Más libertad de movimiento también en la construcción, y algo más grande. He completado todo sin demasiado esfuerzo en unas 20 horas. Para un juego de estas características, creo que el espacio es pequeño, y al ser siempre la misma isla carece de rejugabilidad.

Aún así es un juego muy bonito de ver y bastante divertido de jugar.

I think I'm too dumb to understand this game ngl...