Reviews from

in the past

This game looks like hot garbage, and has a lackluster roster, but damn as someone who is trying to get into fighting games, it's fun as shit.

Eu só joguei isso porque tem uns personagens que eu gosto, mas não é muito bom não

gameplay was good, but thats about it. looks ugly and the characters selected feel like an ad. such a shame

An OK fighting game, but a bad MvC game.

This game is not that bad. It is just a big step down from the rest of the series. The game looks ugly and the infinity stone system is stupid. I do love how they made X a character and having sigma as the big bad of the game is awesome to see. The game is still fun to play and mess around with like the rest. But compared to everything else its just not really worth it.

Fun game, had a pretty good time with it, story mode is alright but nothing special, but can't deny this is the weakest point of these series.

i cannot think about this game and not think about the damn eggs

Fun concept, lackluster execution.

O sistema de combate é legal. Na hora da gameplay, jogo por jogo, esse aqui diverte muito. Mas num mercado com tantas boas opções de jogos de luta, isso só não basta. E a escolha e balanceamento de personagens é ruim também

Abandoned....this game have cool characters, but the rest is a mess, very repetitive in story mode, forgettable story, very poor gameplay, etc...etc....etc....


Abandonado....este jogo tem personagens legais, mas o resto é uma bagunça, muito repetitivo no modo história, história esquecível, jogabilidade muito ruim, etc...etc....etc....

bad, very bad, it's very very bad.
They turned my beautiful boyfriend Chris Redfield into a disgusting mess.

I don't care if all of you fuckers have a hate boner for this game, it's good as fuck. Roster's not the best, the story is.. well.. a fighting game story, the graphics are not bad and the combat is nothing less than fucking incredible, one of my favourite combat systems in any fighting game. suck my ass fighterz

Best gameplay in the series
Lack of content

How do you take a concept as cool as Ultron-Sigma and fuck it up??? The cutscenes were boring, the plot made no sense, the framerate was god awful, and the gameplay itself was just BAD. There's no good reason to play this game when 3 and Dragonball FighterZ exist.

The tag of duos is back and it's ok, but come on now we don't have any X-Men, I mean whot?!, thanks Disney, anyway some of the characters are good and the story is interesting not the best of the best but if you want to watch Capcom and Marvel greatest character interacting each other you can play this.

Ehhhh, I played it like once and completely thrashed my brother at it, never played the story mode and dont know if I ever will...

Tag system so good they had to kill half the roster for it

This game deserved so much better if it wasn't for the Disappointing roster, hilariously bad story mode, the Awful Presentation both from the visuals & music, and of course, Disney being a bitch about the whole thing basically bringing it down to it's fate that we know of today...

but after i gave it another chance, i consider this a guilty pleasure of mine because while most of that sucks, the gameplay however, is a ton of fun! alongside a good online, this could be a fun pick if you get it on sale and got friends to play with

also they finally got Venom back + Monster Hunter is here. and i'm a Monster Hunter series sucker : )

um downgrade direto de seu antecessor, tendo gráficos mais feios e menos atrativos que o MvC 3, um jogo lançado 6 anos antes. Além de possuir uma gameplay medíocre, trilha sonora fraca e uma história pífia, que inclusive tornaria o jogo melhor se fosse removida btw
espero que esse jogo não tenha sido a morte da linda franquia que é Marvel Vs Capcom

Not the best game compared to the other games in the franchise

I should have bought Marvel vs capcom 3

Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite (2017): Un plantel escaso, basado en exclusiva en el UCM (Ni un sólo X-Men, ni Lobezno), un modo historia vergonzoso, y un sistema de combate demasiado complejo para los novatos, y muy simple para los expertos. De las peores opciones del género (3,70)

Eu zerei ele , mas foi com dor no coração ,pois queria comprar era o 3 e comprei esse errado .Muito inferior ao 3