Reviews from

in the past

Great indie DDP-like that switches things up with a very acidic FM style and a system that rewards speed-killing everything

I've played both versions, the original and recent 2.0 and they're both great. The quality of ver 2.0 updates is amazing. The game has a really cool rank system too.

I think Mecha Ritz is one of the better Bullet Hell introductions to start with when getting into the genre. The amount of shields and bombs that Mecha Ritz throws at you throughout its 5 stages makes it seem almost impossible to not 1CC on your first playthrough.

I personally feel this ends up being kind of a double edged sword since while the game is relatively easy to complete, true mastery comes from defeating mini-bosses and Bosses within an arbitrary time limit very similarlly to how mainline Touhou games do the same thing with boss and mini boss Spell Cards. I find this a bit irritating since all bosses have different time limits and missing just one seems to lock you out of extra routes. Its also really annoying when you spend 28 minutes getting through the game only to not beat the final boss' final time. I think I'd prefer if the game was harder but didn't have the time limit challenge. But thats a personal gripe and ultimately backseat game developing.

As it stands, Mecha Ritz is an exceptional shmup that I'd end up easily recommending to anyone curious to checking out bullet hell games but who might feel overwhelmed jumping into Touhou or Cave games.