Reviews from

in the past

Personally prefer Bro Nier but the father story is cool as well. His design and story is definitely more interesting than the other sad dads he's compared to.

Exploración del conflicto desde sus distintas perspectivas. Cómo creerte con legitimidad justifica acciones injustificables. Entre medio, empatía hacia sus personajes, todos ellos marginados y maltratados por la vida, los cuales siguen encontrando razones por las que seguir adelante.

A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, el juego falla para mi en la pobreza de su estilo. No consigo conectar con lo que propone, sus escenas emotivas no me emocionan, su mensaje se siente redundante. Y el mismo final D, que debería ser catalizador de la empatía desarrollada hacia el mejor personaje del juego, falla al proponer un sacrificio vacío.

Versión larga:

haven't played the remaster yet but i think it's kinda weird how many articles and stuff I've seen say that the original version was insanely flawed and NEEDED a remaster. i dunno, the combat here felt better than in Automata for me at least. has more weight. honestly it's a tad jank but overall pretty good and i don't get the attitude towards this game's gameplay from journalists.

One of the best OST and story in a game

NieR is an incredible game, it's just a shame that you have to play it.

Yes, this game is ugly. Yes, its repetitive. Yes, it doesn't play super well. But none of that matters. This is flawed yet beautiful game with incredible characters, a jaw dropping soundtrack, and a heart wrenching story. I miss Dad Nier.

impeccable storytelling and narrative, but eeeesh not so fun to actually play

Bring papa Nier back please yoko taro i'm begging you.

"Yes. You and I are friends now." - Papa Nier 2010.

I would like to write a more thorough review of this version and compare it to the newer replicant remaster by Toy Logic but this quote is what I'll leave here for now. In the mean time gather flowers, fish by the seafront and grind for weapons. A timeless game

I honestly cannot understand where the love for this game comes from. Sporadically cliche-but-effective writing is hamstrung by some of the worst looking and playing levels I have ever seen in a game, additionally weighed down by shitty sidequests and wildly varying production quality levels.

The game as a whole feels unfocused, and the addition of having to complete the game multiple times to get the full story feels like a cop-out meant to draw out your time with the game. To make matters worse, Nier ALREADY recycles areas twice, sometimes 3 times in the main game. This is absolutely inexcusable, especially when your reward for slogging through the Lost Shrine for the sixth time is a crowbarred-in cutscene that depicts how the giant shadow monster you're fighting is a single mother of 12 or whatever.

Also Kaine's outfit might be one of the worst designs I've seen in some time. It's not even hot; it just looks absurd.

Yo what is up with this image they've used for Nier on backloggd though?

Super under rated game. Of course it's not for everyone but I really enjoyed this game. The music is some of the best I've heard in a game...ever. I have the soundtrack it's that good.

A near perfect masterpiece of storytelling and design. There's some jank that will turn people away but goddamn this is amazing.

Yoko Taro inventou a depressão pra vender copias de Drakengard

Yeah the gameplay fucking sucks but you know what doesn't? literally every other part of the game. So if that's the only thing holding you back you are a coward

Irony sure is something with this game

recently replayed this for the remaster and good fuckin lord man. there are so many little moments in this game that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

got filtered by the gameplay

edit: giving this another chance with Replicant (PS3), will post my review once I finish it

Pretty good game. The way the story starts really draws you in and compels you to keep playing to find out what's up even during the meh moments which are rare. Sadly the way that it's resolved isn't great. It's teased and foreshadowed well enough but the way the game just throws a bunch of documents at you right before one of the final bosses (documents that I don't think actually said that much) just irked me a lot. The game tries to cover it up too by making the boss tell the MC to stop standing with his mouth open and get on with the fight.

Besides the twist stuff I like the story a lot, Father NieR has a lot of great scenes with Kaine and Emil and a lot of great dialogue during cutscenes and side quests that it makes it hard to believe that he was supposed to be a teenage boy. Route B adds some scenes and dialog which improve the story a lot imo even if some of them are literally just like reading a digital novel.

The gameplay was pretty good, each hit felt weighty and had impact. It isn't very challenging though and it pretty much becomes mindless once you get the Phoenix Spear. Even then it was still kinda fun cause of Grimoire Weiss' blood magic stuff which was great to look at and contrasted well with any background. That said by the time I got to Ending C I was sick of the gameplay and just watched Ending D on YouTube. You should not rush the game like I did even if you're really drawn into it. Take your time and you probably won't be burn out.

Music is great, a lot of memorable tracks such as Shadowlord, Shadowlord's Castle ~ Memory, Snow in Summer, The Incomplete Stone, Hills of Radiant Wind. If you don't play the game you should at least listen to these songs, maybe even the whole ost if you feel like it. It's that good.

There aren't many locations in game but they're all pretty memorable to me. The ominous Aerie, the lively Seafront, the video game references in Emil's Manor and the Underground Laboratory are some off the top of my head.

To sum it up, great music, great locations, good story, great characters. Easily would recommend this to anyone willing to spend time on it. Something I almost forgot to mention was the UI design in this game. It's like scribblings you'd make in a notebook and I love it

Favourite game of all time.

Another game that will live in my head forever. Hit so much harder playing it as a parent myself.

I can't really put it into words but this is always going to be a contender for my most favourite game of all time. That being said, it does have glaring faults that shouldn't be ignored, so I am docking points. Still, Papa Nier for life.

Subversive. Existentialism. Incredible. Commentary. Need I say more?

One of Square Enix, and Yoko Taro's finest. The game has some of the best writing you'll ever find in games of it's time. The way all the main cast have tons of fun and interesting chemistry will only make the ending hit home even more. While some like to say the gameplay hasn't aged gracefully, I couldn't disagree more. Simple combat? Yes. But simplicity doesn't always mean bad. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an emotionally engaging experience.