Reviews from

in the past

surprisingly good for a pack in game, that being said theres like only 3 or so games that are worth playing more than once

Genuinely great. Pour one out

One of the best party games Nintendo has ever made. Asynchronous multiplayer is always great and it made clever use of the gamepad to facilitate interactions.

Came for the parties, stayed for Metroid Blast

I remember when I played this I thought this was what the next generation of gaming would be like. Didn’t exactly pan out that way, but man this game is still so cool to come back to

My favorite Wii U game, probably the best Wii U game, and one of the best tech demos ever. This game actually makes good use of the Wii U gamepad, showing how games can benefit by properly incorporating gamepad usage. Game is really really fun for both multiplayer and single player, and is a great callback to many of Nintendo's beloved franchises, and I think Nintendo Land is better than Wii Sports.

Metroid blast is the best game btw

It's a shame that the Wii U flopped because this is an excellent party game that goes above and beyond what its tech demo status would lead you to think.

Countless hours of fun were had playing Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day, Zelda Battle Quest, Metroid Blast, and Pikmin Adventure. Really just a very tight and well-made party game that feels like a celebration of Nintendo.

Worth it if only for Donkey Kong's Crash Course (though there are lots of other great games in it) a motion-controlled mini-game in Nintendo Land on Wii U. Navigate the maze-like stages using all your skill and dexterity. A forgotten prototypes that made it into a real game! 100% pure Nintendo.

We're playing this if you come over. Non-negotiable.

Amazing party game, it's so much fun. The zelda and metroid games especially are amazing. I just want it out of the Wii u somehow.

Something of a microcosm for the Wii U as a whole (appropriately for a pack-in title), in that while it's nowhere near as approachable as something like Wii Sports if you can get into it there's a lot of fun to be had.

Personally I'm a big fan of Metroid Blast and Zelda: Battle Quest

Chasing mario and luigi's mansion games were kino

It has pikmin adventure so it’s a masterpiece but it also the yoshi game so it’s a 4/5

I never owned this game but I played it at my friends house and it's quite funny I think

this had no right to be as fun as it was

I played this game so much when the Wii U game out i HATED IT

but now that I am older, its good lol

One of the best "tech demos turned game" launch titles from Nintendo. Not much to do if you play alone, and while the minigames aren't the greatest thing ever they're very fun to play with friends. Mario Chase was goated.

Tem uns minigame mto pica, outros bem bosta

Probably one of the best Wii U games and best party games on the system. All the multiplayer games are great, single player are hit or miss but if you're playing Nintendo Land by yourself, please go outside :)

A really good minigame collection, where each minigame has tons of depth, and many are extremely fun to play with friends. I wish it was possible to port this to some other console.

Like half the games are incredibly fun and half are not worth playing. Luigis mansion one is kino, animal crossing is pretty fun, mario ones solid, pikmin ones decent. Me and my friends would moon the gamepad and show our asses when we won to troll each other since it showed the camera when you won and once my friends balls fell out and he got embarrassed and cried.

Playing the metroid one with my friend and sister was the bomb. the zelda, mario tag and luigi's mansion were also really fun. There's probably others I played a lot but the only other one I can think of was the shuriken one. Nintendo land 2 please Nintendo I am begging you we need it.

Such a fun and charming party game and launch title. My family and I still play this occasionally which goes to show you how it’s stood the test of time. Some mini games were a miss and never get played, but Mario chase and the Luigi’s Mansion ones are still such a blast. What a gem.

It's honestly fun, and, obviously, the best showcase for the Wii U Gamepad. I don't think I care about playing it again or finishing it though.

Game funking slapped. Obviously the best games were the multiplayer ones but all of them were kinda fun in some ways. My favorites would probably be: Zelda Battle Quest, Mario Chase, Pikmin Adventures, Metroid Blast, Luigi’s Ghost Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day, and Takamaru’s Ninja Castle.

this is like the only game that actually used the gamepad well