Reviews from

in the past

very good attention to detail play game it is fun

Hard as all fucking buggery. Might be too hard for me. Exquisite sandbox rogulike. Reminds me of the powder game we use to play in high school

Fun pixel time but too hard for me!!

this game is humongous and badass its like a sandbox but instead of getting ring worm you get mad and hit your desk when you die to fire

Words alone simply cannot do this game justice. However, to the best of my ability, it's probably the closest you're gonna get to being a legitimate wizard.

This is easily one of my favorite roguelikes ever and I'd be willing to call it the best (at least of its contemporaries). What makes me love it is just how much there really is, and just how much freedom the player actually has. The game is so much more than what it appears to be on the surface. You could write an entire essay on the wand crafting... and that would be just one of several essays you could write on this game!

Yes, it's fucking hard as hell -- this game is challenging in every sense of the word -- but if you're a patient person, it is 100% worth it.

This game makes me wish roguelikes were good

Never finished this game (100+ hours)

If you are here after seeing my Dead Cells review or have not played this, do it immediately before reading anything else. There's not too many spoilers in this, but you should play this knowing very little and learning a hell of a lot.

Noita is hard. Really hard. Nothing will make sense for the first few runs. But the first time you climb over the mountain or go left instead of entering the mines, you may realise just how much you are in for. The game switches genres entirely. It is in fact, a metroidvania with permadeath and one with a palpable sense of intriguement for its world and locations that draws you back in time and time again.
Wands also make no sense at first, which is exactly why you are given an aptly named holy mountain to experiment to your hearts content before plunging back into the unknown abyss. Your spells function more as letters in algebra than they do simple power ups. The number of combinations, wand stat potentials and variety of incredible or harmful combinations that can be created is essentially infinite. There is a good chance you could craft a wand entirely unique to that playthrough and your own ingenuity, never to be seen again. Due to this, I believe Noita has the greatest combat (I struggle to even call it that with how much else you can do with it) of any videogame, let alone any roguelike/metroidvania.
More than anything though, the atmosphere evoked by its arstyle, sound design and general crafting of its world is unlike anything that I know exists. There is no story per-say, but it doesn't need one.
If I have any criticism, and frankly this does not even effect me anymore, the difficulty will put you off, especially at first, possibly for a while. It is a pixel physics based game so you can die (and this will happen a lot) very quickly to a few tiny pixel of lava, acid or frozen vapour. Sometimes you can get stuck in spaces it does not seem you should be stuck in due to a tiny pixel. You can call this bullshit. But you CAN learn from this and treat everything in the game as formidable. Play patiently, there is no time limit, and you will succeed. you may even find things far weirder than the typical final boss you were expecting if you take the time to break the game in half to explore, which is exactly what the devs want you to do to survive.

Noita is diabolically evil. But it is never impossible...

Also idk if you've seen the playtime but I STILL do not have every achievement and I have only finished the game THREE TIMES.

Once, I died because I shoot a Tentacle that spawned a deer
The deer exploded on my face...

its fun, but i cant be bothered to put time into learning the convoluted spell system

Hamis is pretty cool. There are these purple pots in the desert temple which spawn like 4-5 hamis when you shoot it.

everytime i get a good staff i blow myself up

My favorite parts of Terraria and Enter The Gungeon combined together. Really enjoying this little game!

Fun roguelike with some unique mechanics, but the skill curve is a bit too high for my liking. The mid to late game is a lot of fun, but only if you've lucked out and got a decent enough build in the beginning. Huge amount of secrets and hidden lore, but with too few hints for someone to be able to find them all without a guide.

It is SO HARD to aim accurately in this game, and yet the game seems hell bent on requiring the player to master combat in order to have any hope of progressing more than a few minutes. Doing poorly in even a single fight is extremely punishing, since you're liable to end up poisoned or on fire and losing half your health bar in a single go. The core draw of this genre is the exploration of a possibility space, but that's so hard here the game seems almost unplayable.

The best game of the 2020’s and it came out in 2020

It was in my wishlist for far too long, this game consumed my being. The wandcrafting and secrets contained in this game are wonderous, really has been a long time since I had nightly dreams of a game.

This is a game I had hoped would exist since playing around with particle simulator on the computers in middle school. Too bad its too esoteric for most adults, and apparently the real ending of that game was meant to be solved by a community of people. I prefer that I can solve my own games.

we be wizarding in the caves brother

Wizard game immersive sim from hell. I enjoy the mechanics of this game far too much to be this bad at it. Despite countless hours of watching tutorials on how to build wands I still cannot wrap my brain around it. You will spend 90% of your time with this game in the first level.

El día que te cruces con alguien que realmente le sepa a este juego y te cuente la de cosas que tiene vas a pensar que te está vacilando.

One of the best Indie games ever, there are endless ways to die and infinite spells to craft. Don't be fooled this game has a lot of requirements because of it's great physics.

Fun but I am very confused!

nothing more horrifying than going online, confused, after a first completed run, and discovering what this game is actually about