Reviews from

in the past

I had an itch for a blue sky RPG, and after replaying the first half of the Ys III remake and Ys VI, I went to start Legend of Mana again, only to find this on sale, so I took a chance. And it's a 100% totally just okay Zelda love letter that wants to be Link to the Past but plays more like the first Legend of Zelda.

It's hard to be mad at it because I felt the love in this, and seeing the very short credits appreciated how much work just a few people did.

That said, it can be incredibly frustrating and a little polish would help. For instance, it's really easy to fall in the water on accident, the "interact" button is also the "roll" button, so I frequently rolled when trying to talk to someone, and boss fights are uninspired. The game also ends with a whimper.

It is gorgeous, with beautiful sprite work and a lovely score, the dungeon design is solid, and the writing is clever and fun. There are lots of areas to explore and lots of side quests that are actually fun to complete. I'd guess I finished the game with ~90% of it complete (I had 15 hearts, I think, had completed 30 side quests, with one left incomplete, and had two gaps in my inventory screen), so clearly it was charming enough that I wanted to keep going.

Really cute homage to Minish Cap with some pretty rough edges. Overall a good first offering. Hope to see some of the kinks worked out in future sequels.

The game is a bit wordy for a Zelda-like, and the jokes don't always land. The difficulty curve needed to be smoothed out. That's really my biggest complaint about the whole experience. In the beginning you're always seemingly one hit away from death, but thankfully there is little to no penalty for death as it just starts you back at the beginning of the room you died in. Once you get enough health to survive, the game becomes trivial. Salt Candles are the ultimate weapon in this game. I overlooked them at first until I was forced to use them and then they became my weapon of choice for every boss fight.

Very cute and cozy game to scratch your old Zelda itch with. You can tell the amount of love and effort that went into this, and it makes for a very comforting ride. I think it shows most through the dialogue, which never failed to make me smile at the very least, as well as the pretty graphics and overall art design, along with the area, city, dungeon and puzzle design. But although i loved the puzzles and the places the game takes you to, i have to admit i sometimes found myself losing my sense of direction and wishing there was something like a general map of each area, or a way to map your surroundings in detail yourself. Another downside is just how prone you are to fall into the water, and it gets frustrating real quick. Aside from that, i never found the game hard in the slightest, but being able to cheese your way through it with no real tension might also be a downside to some. Not to me, so i find the game really delivered a cozy and gratifying little adventure, making up for a great experience.

My recommendation is not exactly flying but i would say it is a fun Zelda-like title, that is overall enjoyable to complete. It's a very nice setting and the characters and writing is fine.
It's pretty standard 2D adventure game look, but it has it's charms.
I like the fast travel system and the map. There is a pretty good amount to do besides the main storyline and the combat is fine, pretty standard.

Now for the negative stuff...
1: I personally feel like this is a controller game, but it sometimes doesn't feel like it was properly mapped out on it. Just to preface this by saying i played this on the switch first some time ago and got it on steam, and it controlled fine on switch but on PC it was kinda clunky. My left stick kept spazzing out when i was sifting through the menu, so i had to use my keyboard to pick items...
I hate that the dodge and interact button is the same, please no.. just use any other button. Also can we just not have it so you get stuck in NPC's that are moving around? thanks.

2: All the combat is easy and then gets stupid easy as you get all the upgrades. Salt candles should not be as OP as they are... You can just throw 1-2 of those at any bosses and whack them a bit and then they die. Also you can literally just damage tank anything since you get a stupid amount of health really easily and you can also just open your menu and heal instantly while the game is paused. So there is 0 challenge in any of the gameplay. The thing that takes the most brainpower is just figuring out directions, since the "puzzles" if you could call them that are easy too.
Also they copypaste the same boss? mini boss? like 10 times, which is kinda lame, since there is a lot of cool designs that they do use.

3: The music and sound slider is useless. I had them both down at the minimum and random noises was still blowing out my eardrums. Just please audio balance your game.

Still if you like a fun easy game, through a vibrant archipelago, go ahead and buy. I personally would recommend getting it on sale, as it's not that long, even if you do everything.

O jogo é, como experiência geral, péssimo. Não tem como dizer que ele é todo ruim, realmente, ele tem pontos fortes como o visual bonito e os diálogos divertidos, porém, estes não compensam as partes ruins.

Para começar o combate é super monótono e nada intuitivo, na verdade, o mais empolgante do jogo são os feitiços mas não há quase nenhum para se aprender (com 12 horas de jogatina e explorando cada canto do mapa que eu encontrava, só adquiri 2).

Porém, sem dúvidas, o que mais irrita é a falta de paredes invisíveis nas docas e em qualquer lugar que tenha água. No início do jogo você fica "nossa, que legal, nunca vi um jogo assim" mas depois de cair pela septuagésima vez no mar e chegar no boss com sua vida pela metade tendo de gastar todas as suas comidas que são ABSURDAS de caras, o jogo passa a ser INSUPORTÁVEL. A impressão que tenho é que a gameplay não se garante em um combate realmente interessante e difícil e quer te fazer perder toda a sua vida caindo idiotamente no mar para que você não passe facilmente dos bosses.

E além de tudo, o mapa é preguiçoso, o que, em minha opinião, num jogo sobre pirataria, marinha e velejar, é imperdoável. Ele te guia até certos lugares, de fato, mas é melhor você ir gravando desde já os nomes das cidades e onde elas ficam, pois o mapa só mostra os nomes das regiões.

E se, pelo menos, a história fosse boa para compensar... Mas não, é apenas mais uma história genérica que não te da determinação alguma. Eu estava ansiosa por esse jogo já que o visual me lembrou dos Zeldas antigos e eu sou muito fã da franquia, porém, depois de 12 horas torturantes de jogatina posso confirmar que joguei dinheiro fora pois eu não vou zerar esta merda nem que me paguem.

A great game overall, feels just like a 2D zelda with some minor changes. Ocean's heart rewards long side quests with suitably unique feeling items, which really makes you feel good about solving cross-map puzzles.


If you plan to play this game, please save very frequently! The game has no auto-save feature, which doesn't sit well with me. I played on a lower end pc, playing the entire latter half of this game in one sitting up to a point close to the end before experiencing a crash. I had not saved the entire session. I since have not returned to the game, nor intend to, but my experience was great up until that point. I recommend this if you want a familiar adventure experience with a couple small twists.

just good enough to scratch the adventuring itch, if that's what you're after. very much a one-dev project with a variety of jank in its movement and controls. i honestly appreciate the imperfections; they add an extra layer to the experience and there's a lot of heart and raw effort in here to make up for the quirks. i enjoyed learning the map and finding the hidden nooks and crannies. the combat gets trivialized by the introduction of a spammable aoe that doubles as a universal block, but it's strangely satisfying to cheese all the encounters this way. the platforming is less fun; there are some frustrating segments to navigate, but they're not long and death is mostly a suggestion anyways.

I want to play this Zelda-like. The music and graphics are enjoyable, and the story is reasonably fun, but the controls are driving me bananas. At first I legit thought something was wrong with my controller. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe not.

I found the opening to be very charming.

It hits most of the necessary notes to be a decent Zelda-like, but fails to reach that level due to medicore combat and a number of annoying issues (and/or choices by the developer). Some of these shortcomings include:
- Outdated gameplay mechanics (e.g. enemies that respawn when you leave the screen, only being able to equip 2 items at a time, etc.)
- Uninteresting enemies/bosses (with the damage they deal being cranked up to "make up" for their poor design)
- Most of the weapons/items aren't very useful/necessary or fun
- Slow movement
- Bugs + lack of polish

In terms of positives, the music, pixel art graphics, story, puzzles, exploration and side quests are all serviceable/decent.

I would only recommend this to someone who has already played through all the higher quality Zelda-likes out there (Ittle Dew 2, Blossom Tales, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, etc.) and is desperate for more.