Reviews from

in the past

I genuinely really enjoyed the story mode. The only thing that is a bit bothering is the way the whole thing is packaged. I mean, would it be so hard for them to just release the story mode as its own game? Is it that fucking hard blizzard? Wouldn't that generate hype and a lot more money with a 60$/€ pricetag? That's what the people want, not this seasonal, 15$/€, 1,5h campaign bullshit. Get it together Blizzard, fuck. I see that a lot of work has been put into the story and I see the potential it could have had if it was its own thing. A fully dedicated story release will probably only see the light of day once the whole story has been squeezed out on the various seasons going forward, which is probably some years in the future. Aware

Also, good job blizzard on the Steam release, the reception and the reviews are pretty hilarious. "Overwhelmingly Negative (57,197)" as of (2023-08-12)


I could genuinely go into details on why this new PVE invasion is aggressively boring, but considering it is less than 2 hours long. Why should I bother wasting my time on making a long review on something that is so proud of being this mediocre when I could recommend you countless other games like Deep Rock Galactic or Remnant 2 that are actual fulfilling PVE experiences, which are worth your time with buddies instead of Invasion, which costs 15 dollars alone already feels like a robbery. Please use that money to support an indie dev instead of this snooze fest

I had fun with this season. The story missions may not have been up to par with the original vision, but the fact that they're here is a game changer, as it's one of the biggest factors that differentiate this game from Overwatch 1. I played the Underworld event and thought the mission was great. The $15 DLC also seemed worth it with the amount of content present. It's a step in the right direction for Overwatch 2. We love to see it.

Very very fun. Makes me sad though because of what it could truly be


I was very surprised how good the story missions were. They’re not gamechanging or the best missions ever but it’s a nice change of pace and shows the Overwatch universe has lots more to offer

It’s sad to see what could've been if Activision Blizzard knew that better quality = better game = more money and praise.

could not tell you what they've been doing to the gameplay balancing at all I just like playing with friends

Invasion Missions:
The first mission was kinda generic but the second and third where very impressive (for overwatch anyway). Playing this just makes me sad we will never see it finished as with the forth mission perhaps being Genji and Zen teaming up to fight widow and sombra. This is a part of the lore that I would love to see have been expanded on in the games.

I hope xbox puts this on game pass to allow people to try it out and hopefully this may spark something to not let this game go down as one of the most disappointing games of all time.

The story was okay, it is not replayable. The crazy amount of voice lines are actually shared between roles. So if Brig says one thing in a mission. Baptiste will say that same thing in another replay. There are cool moments and the Legendary difficulty will keep you occupied for a while if you're into that. The story mode is way better to play with friends.

In terms of the season. the new hero Illari is a cool support. The balance changes are middling. The mythic skin is pretty nice.

i really enjoyed this season 😏 illari is super cool she has a great design and is really fun to play both as and with. the new flashpoint mode is little hit or miss.. a lot of the actual point layouts are very cool and i like the locations but i feel as though the distinction from koth just hurts the pacing 😒 having every point on one map makes it annoying to walk back to the point from spawn if youre not a mobility character -_- but the mode can still be fun because the actual points are well designed and the base mechanics of the game are great 😢 all of the characters feel good to play and they buffed doomfist slam by one second 👊😈

não é o melhor passe de todos
a campanha todo mundo sabe q não vale a pena
porém é uma season em que me diverti muito, mesmo sabendo que o preço é bastante alto e que as missões são básicas, adorei me divertir nelas com miguel, adorei jogar essa season e adoro a illari
ainda falta muito para consertar esse jogo, mas eu adorei e mesmo sendo uma season fraca, vou guardar memórias muito boas

cool ig not for that price tho. You pay 15$ for 1:30H of gameplay and 1000coins

o único problema é que acaba rápido

Most fun I've had with this game in years, everything just felt fun and the new game mode ruled. It's not perfect and it never will be but I don't really care

I’ve had my fun with this season. By far the best season this game has had. Only if Blizzard weren’t dumber than a newborn baby.

finally a good season!! new support hero, new maps + a new game mode is a nice change of pace, with the awaited PvE content dropping at last, even if underwhelmingly. thought hero mastery to be an interesting addition, hope they can expand on it

despite that i'm not very optimistic about the future of this game, the potential was there man... nice one blizz

i dont need to explain myself for this one

you know why its rated like this

I genuinely liked it. Just wished they were more replayable and that they would give us more missions.

There's definitely potential in this story mode and it's a shame it's not being fully realized.

2nd and 3rd missions specifically were really good, few things could have been done differently though that would have made it great.

On sale, might be worth a shot trying but at full price I don't think it's entirely worth the short experience.