Reviews from

in the past

An interesting and fun ragdoll physics diversion, PAIN is a glimpse of one way video games could have progressed in the seventh console generation. It tacks more towards the silly and diversionary arcade-like nature of earlier 3D titles, before shit like Heavy Rain or Uncharted became the norm. Abhorrent injustice barred me from finishing this game; my older brother was kicked out of my house due to some minor psychotic episodes, eclipsing access to his PS3 and thus to PAIN. There's a surprising amount of variety to the body-slingshot action that comprises the bulk of this game, and some more recent indie ragdoll meme titles ought to have looked here for some inspiration on how to make actually enjoyable gameplay.

They need to bring this back, idc what anyone says

Pain was fun, I remember that I wasn't very good at it but I enjoyed launching my guy around trying to break as much stuff as I could. I also recall it being stressful at times when I wanted him to move like ONE MORE CENTIMETER INTO THAT BOMB FOR MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION!

I have a distinct memory of playing this game when it was new where I launched the guy, he happened to land on a rooftop, then he slowly started rolling towards the edge. Right as he started to ebb right over and start to fall again, he whimpered, "no, no..."

And I found that darkly hilarious.

A decent little time waster and fun party game, but nothing special. It was quite a novelty at the time to see ragdoll physics as polished as this, but unfortunately feels very quaint by modern standards.

This game was amazing when Ragdoll Physics were still a fairly new thing in console games. I think the second Map (indoor amusement park) was the best one.

You could also use the Songs you had saved on your PS3 as the Soundtrack which was nice. And they added multiplayer minigames at some point. I haven't played much of them though so my rating might change depending on how much fun they are if I ever get the chance to play those with 3 other people again.

Consiste en hostiarse muy fuerte.

It's a fun diversion here and there. The game is pretty good for what it is. Just launch a guy onto a map and see how much damage you can do to him before time runs out.

i have a feeling this game didnt age well...

So awesome its like angry bird s

Goofy as hell, I surprisingly played it quite a lot though I was either terrible at it or the trophies were insanely demanding.

Fun for 10 minutes if you're bored

It's a family game. Literally... my parents and I have good memories of playing this together. 'Ragdoll physics multiplayer game' is a vibrant genre to this day, and this was one of the first.

I had a ton of fun with this game on PS3, and if I recall it sold very well, it just didn't appear popular because it was an early download-only game that was sort of bizarre. The Abusement Park level is etched into my mind. Throwing the sumo wrestler/elvis impersonator character around there was my happy place. I think I played this game fairly regularly for at least 2 years, I wonder how many hours I actually have on it. I'd really love to see it rereleased one day.

Angry birds but with Fat Princess

I played this for maybe 10 minutes and regret that time spent.