Reviews from

in the past

Watching giant majestic paper animals interact with the environment is sometimes incredible and magical and other times just kinda boring. Feels like an continuation of From Dust’s gameplay but instead of a god you’re just a regular being in this “simulation”. So with that comes a tampered ability to manipulate your environment.

Your interaction with the flora and fauna of this world is how you’ll solve each puzzle and it’s really rewarding when the solution becomes obvious. Other times the physics and terraforming are a little wonky.

There’s more depth to the story than I thought at first glance. That’ll become abundantly obvious as soon as you boot up the game. I liked the vibes they were going for. I wish the story explained more about this “simulation” you were engaging with.

played for ~1.5hrs, which seems to be a little less than halfway. i think it's a beautiful game but the story, the delivery, and the gameplay are so minimalist that i just couldn't really get into it.

this was one of the most beautiful and infuriatingly annoying games i've played plus i got a headache from being in vr for over 3 hours so i gave up even though i had like 20 minutes left till the end.. i don't think go back and beat it it was so annoying even tho i .. rly liked it at the same time? weird game

also the part where u have to help the paper horse(?) things up that slippery diamond hill by throwing dung at them made me laugh so much i cried and couldn't breathe they were so so so stupid and the noises they were making absolutely sent me

I try... I really try.. but sucks

Genuinely pretty cool VR experience. It does a great job of pulling you into an unfamiliar world with interesting paper animals and the atmosphere is great. Unfortunately there's a few sections that are just a massive pain to complete even when you know the solutions like the wind puzzles. Normally a few sections being like this wouldn't be an issue, but I was already having my difficulties justifying buying a 3-4 hour game for 20 bucks so it kind of tipped me over the edge to refunding it. If it goes on sale for 10 bucks or less in the future I might repurchase and finish it.

Man. Something about this game really just floors me. There’s something so ethereal about this game that I really just can’t put my finger on but god damn. Exploring this weird paper mache world and finding all the artsy ass creatures is just so…soothing? If that makes sense? It’s like taking a walk through the zoo during a holiday when they have all the corny decorations up. You know it’s all just cheap set dressing but when you go to sit on a bench and take in the vibe of the place it feels so cozy. I know this game will probably be too abstract for most people to get any type of meaning out of, but if you’re the type of person to drink in the atmosphere of a game you’ll love this one.

Just don’t try to 100% it. I still get nightmares about the Walkman achievement.

Beautiful game from Eric Chahi. My top game of the past while by far. Took everything I liked about From Dust and ran with it, then added wildlife simulation which was more up my alley. The creatures are endearing and full of life, the environments were extremely comforting through a difficult time. Like From Dust, rating is lower because the one flaw was length and replayability. Fingers crossed for new updates.

A very interesting adventure game. It has a very intriguing way of transitioning to the game from the opening, and the game itself is a physics puzzle/adventure game. I didn't know what to expect from it, but it has a lot of great atmosphere and clever physics toys to play with, comprising most of the solutions by having the titular papered beasts spit out sand, march one another through windy plains, and sing to grow balloon trees. It's a lot of fun with some surprising moments and an interesting narrative about being inside of a number processing ecosystem. A must play on any available VR platforms.


Der neueste Streich von Eric Chahi (ANOTHER WORLD, HEART OF DARKNESS und FROM DUST).
Was für eine wundervolle Erfahrung in VR; bildgewaltige Poesie, die durch eine paradox-wahnsinnige Mischung auf der Tonspur erweitert wird.
Nach einer abstrakten Konfetti-, Klopapier- und Lametta-Party zur Musik der japanischen Pop-Punk-Band TsuShiMaMiRe erwacht der Spieler inmitten einer Wüste und muss fremdartigen Wesen aus Papier bei deren Problemen in der Savanne unterstützen. Wer sich kurz die Zeit nimmt und das jeweilige Rätsel-Szenario auf sich wirken lässt, wird verhältnismäßig schnell auf die Lösung kommen, da auch die Steuerung durch wenige Optionen sehr simpel gehalten wird. Dennoch wird man – ähnlich wie im ebenso fantastischen THE VANISHING OF ETHAN CARTER – nicht an die Hand genommen und soll probieren, versuchen und austesten. Die großen Wow-Momente sind Set-Pieces wie Sandstürme und ähnliche Naturgewalten, die durch den Techno- und Ambient-Künstler Roly Porter passend eindringlich vertont werden.
Ich verstehe PAPER BEAST als wunderbaren Querschnitt im Schaffen eines Ausnahmekünstlers (die Art und Weise wie uns eine Welt präsentiert wird aus ANOTHER WORLD und die Manipulation derer aus FROM DUST). Chahis Philosophie ist nicht die eines Großkonzerns, welches im jährlichen Turnus ein Produkt unter die Kundschaft jubeln muss. Er wählt seine Projekt mit Bedacht und das gefällt mir sehr.