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in the past

Way harder and definitely more fulfilling than Dual Destinies. It's themed differently than the previous two games to stand out more, and the new gameplay mechanic of the Divination Séances is not only creative, but fits rights in with how much the game forces you to bend your mind to reinterpret scenarios. I'll admit that there were a few bumps in the road with some annoying witnesses during some of the trials, but otherwise, it's a solid Ace Attorney game. They really turned it up to 11 in the last chapter with all the well executed twists, which more than makes up for its length. Absolutely recommended title with a fantastic narrative and as usual, a fantastic cast.

This is my favorite Ace Attorney game. I don't think it's the best, or the most coherent, but it's my favorite. I really like the idea of trying to use logic with something that's completely illogical (this is why I liked the trials in Layton vs. Wright since you had to make fucking magic make sense), so I really enjoyed the new trial mechanics. Also even if she isn't used that much, grown up Maya is really cute. Like really, really cute.

Spirit of Justice vai ser meu último Ace Attorney por agora, desde novembro estou fazendo uma maratona da franquia e FINALMENTE terminei a timeline principal, e nossa, foi uma grande jornada hein.

Spirit foi um jogo que não me pegou tanto, boa parte dos casos achei só normal mesmo e o final apesar de ser muito único e fechar perfeitamente o personagem do Apollo (caba que gosto muito) não supera os casos finais de outros jogos pra mim.

Ainda assim, é um final digno, quanto mais a franquia avança mais os finais vão ficando cada vez mais malucos de seu próprio jeito, Spirit of Justice tem uma trama épica de revolução te esperando nesse final.

Não sei o que o futuro Ace Attorney 7 vai ser, mas espero que seja focado na Athena, porque eu quero muito ver um dia todo mundo de volta a ativa em mais um jogo com uma trama extremamente foda, eu confio.

SOJ's pun game is unmatched in its insanity. i want whoever came up with Rheel Neh'mu to know that i respect them more than anyone on this planet

Spirit of Justice has the same level of quality you will come to expect upon playing the rest of the Ace Attorney series. It's got satisfying mysteries both on a case-to-case basis and in it's overarching storyline. In that regard, episode 2's case stands out in particular as a fun mystery and episode 4 stands out as feeling completely out of place.

I was not really into the heavy religious/spiritual themes littered throughout this entry, but that's entirely a personal preference. There is a new mechanic in the trials that I found very interesting, but otherwise it's just more of the Wright Anything Agency's antics.

Note that this is definitely one of the longer games in the series, if not the longest. It's length is not always earned, either. Some parts can definitely drag on and there's times where you need to watch a flashback of the same dialogue like 4 times.

aa6 is a game.
the pacing is downright awful compared to previous entries (including aa5). however, i will say that the highs of aa6 are much much higher than any positives i found in aa5. which is something. i still dislike the game, but it gave me 6-2 and 6-4 which i would genuinely replay. i dislike a lot of the new characters in this game, the new location is way out there and feels way too racially charged (in naming conventions lol), and did not like the implications of the conclusion. any character included from a previous aa game has like zero development (its been years since we've seen maya in a game and they write her the exact same way!!)
wanted to murder nahyuta multiple times.

Literalmente o motivo na qual Apollo Justice é o meu personagem favorito.

Played this for nearly an hour before deciding enough was enough. The Yamazaki team have been one disappointment after another, managing to squander the themes which made the series compelling beyond the "wow, cool mystery!" aspect.

Spirit of Justice revels in the worst excesses the franchise: bloated scripts, a fetishisation of technology and black-and-white characterisation of the cast. Add the weird orientalist feel, the setting's naïve portrayal as well as the fact that almost fifteen years in we still have to deal with fixed speed textboxes and you've utterly lost me.

It's as if every title from Investigations 1 onwards were building up to this: a complete reimagining of the series, shaped one game at a time into something alien beyond the most surface aspects. The writing had been on the wall since the gutless Investigations 2, the hints it left of things to come taking monstrous shape in the dull Dual Destinies. Spirit of Justice is just the final form of this new beast, one living in a courtroom-shaped hyperreality entirely detached from its origins.

The game enjoys a healthy rating, the series still has fans clamoring for a seventh mainline entry. As for me, if things don't change drastically going forward I can safely say I'm good, thank you. Time for this old geezer to step off the ride. You kids have fun.

I’m having a really hard time thinking of something good that this game did. Um. GAHHH. Shit. Uh. Rayfa was cute…? I don’t fucking know. Okay now onto the bad because I love being a hater. Nahyuta was the absolute worst prosecutor (and probably character) in this series. Imperialism (not much to be pondered there it’s literally just imperialism). Um. The cases were fucking god awful and WAY too long. Literally everyone is out of character in the weirdest way possible. Has a terrible feeling. Bad vibes. Weird racist amalgam of like South Asian cultures that makes no sense. OH WAIT one other good thing DILF DHURKE 4 LIFE. Oh wait also the incest joke was so creepy I hate the writers so much. Um terrible pacing. Literally the worst pacing in a game. Just god awful. The worst game in the series. They cringefailed with this one.

Better mid than DD but still mid. Feels like it’s trying to wrap up a character arc for Apollo that wasn’t in the last 2 games. Also chapter 4 is the worst chapter in the series and I do not care about how much people want to fuck the clown lady.

Literally the perfect conclusion to the entire series, not as good as Dual Destinies but it's still a banger. All of the trials were really good, although I wish episodes 2 and 4 were longer. I will admit, this game handled it's theme way better than Dual Destinies because it managed to properly integrate the issue into the plot instead of just saying it's there.

I never thought I'd find a game that edges out AA3 in this series for me but here we are.

Bisexual man with an extensive knowledge of stepladders and a man who’s defining trait is screaming attempt to overthrow a monarch

It's hard to say how i feel about this game.
I'm one of these people who only half warmed up to all the Kurain and spirit medium stuff, so to have an entire game mostly be in the land of magical mumbo jumbo, i was sceptic.
I liked the second case, the fourth case was super cool and funny, and the last case was actually really really good and it had a lot of moments that hit in the feels.
Apollo is really good in this game and if these past three games are to be considered his trilogy, i'd consider them a satisfying character arc.
One standout thing that i hated were the annoying spirit seances, they took forever everytime, worst gimmick ever.
Also Bunny girl and Clown girl cute. And a big hell yeah for Maya and Ema.
I haven't played the DLC yet, i will have to do that sometime.

Now THIS is what I've wanted for Apollo the past 3 damn games and he FINALLY GOT IT!!!! I'm so proud of him

Stronger than Dual Destinies but I hate the nation hopping and how severely they jumped the shark in the final case. Still, the final case has some excellent twists and case 4 was surprisingly enjoyable. Athena is reduced to a footnote in this game, but I really like her banter with Simon in case 4.

People are kinda harsh on the 3DS Ace Attorney games, but to be honest, I find them extremely enjoyable. Even more than the original trilogy in places.

There might be a slight tonal shift towards more fantasy and over-the-top themes, but the characters are still solid and the Ace Attorney formula is incredibly difficult to fuck up at this point (Also the new versions of classic themes from the soundtrack are amazing).

Spirit of Justice starts a bit slow (cases one and two are a bit whatever), but once it gets past that initial hump it's kinda great. Cases three four and five all feature really creative murders which are extremely fun to unravel (as long as you have tolerance for the series leaning very hard into the whole spirit channelling thing; which I don't mind, but I get why it bothers some people), and you get some really fun character dynamics like Athena and Blackquill or Phoenix and Edgeworth investigating cases together.

Overall very entertaining with a couple of genuinely emotional moments.

My only real complaint is that the new prosecutor kinda sucks, he feels more like a plot device than a fully realized character.

As much as I enjoy sympathetic prosecutors, I feel like if they make another Ace Attorney we need a return to a Manfred Von Karma-style prosecutor. Just a real bastard of a guy that it's fun to hate. I kinda miss that.

I really didn’t like this one. It tried to do way too many things at once. It’s also just straight up boring. Sorry

anyone who says dual destinies is worse is a fucking liar lmfao this is like bottom tier garbage

i dont know if this is fully controversial or not but i lovbe spirit of justice or let me re phrase that. i love turnabout revolution. i wont go into spoilers but to me its my second favorite just below farewell my turnabout and its mainly because of the characters and the emotions it gives you. that case is truly the best part of the game

the rest of the game is a bit of a mixed bag unfortunately. i really like the first case and the magic case but the third case (as usual) sucks. nahyuta is a boring prosecutor and most definitely the worst in the series.

turnabout storyteller can be summed up by saying
uendo toneido

overall its a mixed bag of a game but like justice for all it really comes together in that final case damn

imagine destroying a character arc so badly just to give all the focus to phoenix wright.

This review contains spoilers

capcom presents apollo justice he may be only 5 foot tall but man oh man can we fit so much trauma in this bad boy!!

Um final maravilhoso para uma trilogia fraca.

Spirit of Justice é um dos melhores jogos da franquia, sua narrativa atinge facilmente o ápice da trilogia do Apollo, que se tornou o personagem mais bem desenvolvido de Ace Attorney, o último caso em especifico é incrível para isso. Vejo poucas inconsistências na estrutura dos casos, até mesmo quarto desenvolve algo, mesmo que fuja da trama principal, a narrativa se conecta muito bem e a maioria dos personagens têm um ótimo desenvolvimento, além da temática imperialista de Khura'in, cuja abordagem sobre justiça e liberdade é excelente e têm um final emocionante.

Tecnicamente não evolui tanto quanto Dual Destinies, porém existem mais cutscenes e melhora nos sprites, só que o grande destaque é a ambientação de Khura'in, que da margem para um exploração maior de miticismo, saindo do cenário urbano padrão da franquia. OST impecável como sempre, por pouco não se torna minha favorita da franquia, as versãos novas das trilhas clássicas puxam muito para nostalgia, mas, ao mesmo tempo, possuem uma identidade única, e por falarm em identidade, todas as trilhas que giram em torno de Khura'in trazem algo nunca antes visto em Ace Attorney.

A nova mecânica nova dos trials é interessante e funcionam bem demais para a temática, tirando isso, são as mesmas de sempre, o que não é ruim, continua sendo divertido.

Pensei que iria me decepcionar com essa segunda trilogia, mas a conclusão da mesma é tão boa quanto a da primeira.

I'm really conflicted about this game. There's a lot of good: the 3DS graphics are improved from Dual Destinies, the music is great and definitely a unique style for video games, and the new courtroom Seances are actually extremely interesting and fun new gameplay sections. The evidence searching aspect returns more often in Spirit of Justice than in its prequel and it generally controls and feels better and more exciting to do in this game. I think most of the cases tell pretty compelling stories and work pretty well in isolation.

After that though, this game is a bit harder to compliment. Phoenix Wright doesn't really feel like a hardened, confident, and experienced lawyer when you're playing him, but the game really tries to act like he is. Subjectively, I think he's too flat of a character to be taking up as much screentime as is, especially when Apollo and Athena both could be getting proper development during all of his cases. Speaking of Athena, her treatment in this narrative is borderline sexist. There is no reason for the game to treat her like a complete moron the way she often is in this game; by this point, Athena has gotten her attorney's badge at 18, presided over multiple cases, and dealt with her deep personal trauma that prevented her from acting her best in court. Even if she isn't confident, she is extremely competent. However, this game makes her so stupid that she feels barely useful outside of mood matrix segments. Apollo is given the most focus in the trio, and generally I think he was okay in this game. Strong enough narrative arc, and his story made sense. The side characters of this game were actually pretty great: Ema is a great detective, it's great to see Maya and Pearls back, and the new addition of Rayfa Khura'in is pretty cute and good.

The biggest disappointment of this game, however, is one that an Ace Attorney game really does not want: the prosecutor. He's an abrasive ass whos characterization makes absolutely no sense, especially given later context in the game. There is no good reason for him to act this way other than to have an intimidating prosecutor, which both Dual Destinies and The Great Ace Attorney do much better while having their prosecutors acting considerably more fairly and honestly. Nahyuta Sahdmadhi genuinely feels like a baby throwing a temper tantrum, often assaulting the defense in a way that is not humorous or interesting. I felt no empathy towards this character the entire game.

Most of the negatives I have towards this game are related to the characters, but the Ace Attorney games always have been character driven. The character flanderizations of Athena and Phoenix, combined with the complete flop of the new prosecutor, give the game some bad footing, and that is not solved by the cases. Despite the fun new mechanics and refined old ones, the investigation and court room sessions just feel fine, but not great. The worst one is 6-4, where the defendant is just completely unlikable and Athena getting carried by Blackquill is just unbearable. Otherwise, most of the cases were pretty good, and I liked the ending case and 6-2 the most.

Spirit of Justice is a mixed bag. It has pretty much everything good and everything bad about a standard Ace Attorney game, and for that reason if you liked the series from 1-4, I would still recommend that you play it. Otherwise, you might enjoy your time much more doing something else (playing the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles if you haven't already).

This is a pretty fucking annoying game. For every good thing about it (Being more Apollo focused, having a stronger central theme to it, Maya is back) there is something else to complement it that is just terrible (Nahyuta, the supernatural stuff in these games has never been that interesting and the entire game is that, Maya doesn't pop up for a while and gets right to being accused again). Even for as good as new characters like Rayfa and Dhurke are, you are forced to put up with one of the most irritating crowds in Ace Attorney history.

Case 2 and the first part of Case 5 are fantastic only to be complimented by garbage like Case 4. Case 3 is interesting in that it goes from shit to really good about 3/4 in, but that's so much time and irritation for an admittedly good payoff. Idk this one's hard to call because it's not immediately worse than games like AA2 and AAI, but it also arguably has lower lows and some of those are consistent enough.

More like Spirit of Flashbacks cause they genuinely think I have the memory of a goldfish

the game rocks! lots of course corrections from dual destinies to mesh things better into the overall franchise while still maintaining the sort of batshit absurdity that seems to sort of give this 3ds duology its identity.

yes of course the extra backstory for apollo is kind of ridiculous but i would say hardly moreso than all the retcons in aa3 and everyone knows that game rules. in my opinion it works great and finally gives him a lot more of his own stuff to do. i found it weird that in aa4, apollo's titular game, he is largely just going through phoenix's story and battles for him (still prolly the best one besides tgaa tho).

there is no case i did not enjoy, although i will say for as fun as the game is, a bit more focus would have been good. if it were up to me, one improvement i'd make is i'd spend all 5 cases in khurain besides the first trial of case 5 and save the trucy thing in case 2 and the simon case 4 for the inevitable aa7 with thena.

datz arebal best witness ever lol