Reviews from

in the past

I personally didn't enjoy the seances gameplay but I loved the DLC case, the Turnabout Time Traveler. And seeing an older Phoenix and Maya is always a plus.

this game is not the best ace attorney but it is battling with investigations 2 to be the Most ace attorney

it's been four years and every time i remember apollo's backstory in this game i still take 2d6 psychic damage

Lo de las visiones aporta algo de frescura al gameplay pero por lo demás sigue siendo bastante continuista y a los personajes les salen familiares por todas partes con tal de conectar emocionalmente con los personajes en el último caso.

This game fucking blew me away on first playthrough, to the point that I might have even considered it the best in the series. After a while, though, it became clear that wasn't the case. While it definitely isn't the best, it's probably up there in the top three. In particular, the final villain is almost Disney-level ridiculous, even for Ace Attorney. Still one of the best the series has to offer for me, with some great new characters and massive development for Apollo, who's arguably gotten only the short end of the stick ever since he was introduced.

Hey at least it was better than dual destinies

this game does have its issues but it was very enjoyable for me nonetheless.

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This is a fun game, just like any ace attorney game but like

The puns man

Inga Kharkuul Haw'kohd Dis'gahm Hav'ani Woars Pons Da'nit Aredi'z

I foresaw some of the twists earlier than the other games but they didn't build up like I expected them to. Still, really solid story, good pace (which some of the older games suffer) and of course, characters reoccurring from the earlier games made it worth playing. Insight was a good addition but it was kinda hard to solve (so I looked them up). Also the game suffered from bland addition of characters in general.

Gran sorpresa para encontrarme que rellenaron los errores de Dual Destinies, dando un gran desarrollo de personajes a uno de los protagonistas (Aunque siento que a Athena lo dejaron de lado, y necesita urgentemente un juego propio), la música mejora grandemente que con su antecesor y tiene una gran historia como siempre.

The final trial was long as hell, but was quite memorable, making that alone worth playing this game. The rest of the cases are good too, just unfortunate Athena didn't really get to do much.

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Probably the 4th best AA game overall, this one gives everyone a good case, even Athena, and really ends on a high note.

"If you commit the crime, you'd better be ready to do the time. Be you a priest, saint, queen, or god" is still such a good quote, but really the best case is the third, Turnabout Revolution, what a hell of a ride that was!

El mejor de la segunda trilogía

Easily the best of the modern Ace Attorneys, it even made me retroactively like 4 and 5 more.

My expectations weren't real high going into this one. I was pleasantly surprised.

Somebody please tell them to chill out with the pun names.

El mejor juego de la saga desde la trilogía original. Los nuevos escenarios, mecánicas, tramas y personajes son geniales; todos los casos tienen su encanto (y dos en particular son excelentes) y, para rematar, recuperamos por fin a la añorada Maya.

Y, aunque no es tan importante, también vuelve la posibilidad de explorar todos los lugares que se perdió en Dual Destinies (donde solo te dejaban investigar zonas concretas), detalle que agradezco un montón.

Hoo boy. I've shelved this as my boyfriend has my nintendo 3ds right now. But I'm struggling to get through it. I really don't think we needed this game, please let Phoenix retire

It was a good game overall but it definitely had some down points. The final case and ending definitely propped it up for me though. was better than Dual Destinies?????

Everything I want from an Ace Attorney game, finally getting the series back to the levels of quality it was known for, amazing story where everything ties together masterfully, some of the best characters in the series. Adding just enough new gameplay elements to feel fresh but still faithful.

Definitely one of my favorite mainline Ace Attorney games. I like new ability to see the victim's last memories before dying. There are also some cases that I really enjoyed playing through

Cool story. Fun cases. One of the better games in the series.

story is not good only case 3 & 5 were actually good and the other ones were okay or either just plain out boring, but apollo makes this game worth it

AA6 is the AA game i feel the most mixed on. I think the game does some things really well on one hand but the other hand it stumbles hard and falls flat. The game visually is just like AA5 and again the score is excellent. This game even though it's called Phoenix Wright is much more a focus on Apollo Justice. Which is fine cause he's been kept in the shadows of his own games for too long. So naturally he has more to do in this game but it doesn't start out that way.

This game takes place in a foreign ficitonal country for most of the game and it's where a lot of new characters and mechanics are introduced. This is where a lot of my gripes start forming from. For one I don't like how fantastical a lot of elements are in this game. I know it's a fantastical series but it's a little bit grounded in characters and setting. I think the stuff in Khura'in is taking it too far. Plus I hate the name Khura'in. There is already the location Kurain village in the old games. Yes I know the connection but the whole point was it was this isolated part farwaay and now there is a whole country that practices this religion. Blaahh. But I'm getting side tracked here. I really dislike the way the court oppurates in Khura'in and doesn't feel fair or fun at all. Sometimes logic just disapears here. The divination seance mechanic here is my biggest pet peeve. The whole thing is so over the top and the sequance goes on far too long. You can look into a puddle after a preistess dances and see the murdered victims eyesight right before they died to help you find clues. It's too ridicoulus for me and often times really hard to see what the game wants you to do and IIRC once flat out lies to you at one point.

Of the three main new characters Dhurke, Raya and Sadamahi i only really like Dhurke. I can't stand the other two. Raya is annoying brat, that constantly keeps repeating the same mannerisms. I really didn't like her at all. Sadamhi the new prosecutor is by far the worst in the series. He has almost no personality and his whole character is that he is reserved and humble. It's not intimidating at all and it's boring. He's the least animated AA character ever. He doesn't even have a huge arc or anything. I'm not really sure what they where thinking here.

As for the things I like about the game. I think the game gives a good arc for Apollo and advances his story a great deal. Most of the cases in the game are pretty good. I really like the with Trucy. The game does have a lot of good moments and was interesting enough to keep going. Their were a lot of surprises that I was not expecting and the court segments, especially near the end, just kept me guessing where it was all going to go next. Wright has bit more to do in this game as well. I loved seeing Maya again after so long and I always anticpated the interactions here and Phoenix would get. I think in the end I'm mostly positive on the game but I think i would still rank it on the lower side of the series. It's definitly worth playing though.

The DLC case is really strange to me though. I think the case mystery is a bit whatever to me. I'm always down for Phoenix and Maya team up against Edgeworth. But it's really bizare to me how some of their court interactions are in that case. Like thier supposed to be friends but they throw some pretty damn strong shade at each other personally in those court sessions. It always kinda irked me a bit.

i actually quite liked it, case 4 blows