Reviews from

in the past

This is the peak generation. Truly perfect.

Best Pokemon's ever been. Heavy focus on story, without feeling like it's just an unending cutscene. A brand new Pokedex instead of constant appealing to nostalgia. Well-animated sprites instead of boring 3D models.

The first few routes are pretty barren sadly but it's still the peak of Pokemon and it's a shame nothing's ever reached this level again.

krookodille adamant noises

Probably the greatest Pokemon game of all time and an absolutely gem of my childhood. The music is incredibly iconic and the story, characters, pokemon and just everything about the game is just near perfect.

Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano

É uma dupla sertaneja que alcançou a fama em 1991, com o lançamento do single "É o Amor".
Uma música que (como bem diz o nome) fala sobre uma paixão incontrolável, onde você não consegue manter os sentidos e se perde neste sentimento. Muito poético né?
Onde quero chegar com essa "analogia"maluca é que quando algo feito com amor, ele tem algo a mais que o difere.
Fazer aquilo que ama é um sonho e uma realização, tanto com filmes que vemos isso em prática, livros, músicas, e também em jogos. Eu cito mais as áreas culturais pois são onde esse "amor" pode transparecer melhor para os outros. Mas nada impede de alguém trabalhar como secretária, médico, advogado, atendente e não goste do que faça.
Mas o ponto que eu quero falar mais sobre, é sobre um jogo (oras isso está em uma análise de um jogo).

Lá em 2010 a Game Freak anunciou um novo projeto de jogos para o Nintendo DS, Junichi Masuda estava preocupado com alguns fãs antigos estarem parando de jogar a franquia pois não tinha inovação, era sempre a mesma coisa, e ele sabia disso. E ao mesmo tempo queria chamar novos jogadores para a mesma.
Então, tomou a decisão de criar não só uma nova região com uma temática, como uma nova Pokédex inteiramente nova, são mais de 150 pokémons novos.
E meus amigos, quanta coisa mudou…

Tá vamos começar pelo início, criamos o personagem, vemos uma apresentação do que é o mundo de Pokémon e temos uma bela cutscene falando em que estação estamos (inverno, verão, outono, primavera), e a professora deixando os clássicos 3 pokémon iniciais para escolhermos. E bom…. é né, trio inicial meio bosta, sinceramente.
Sempre tivemos iniciais marcantes pra caramba ao longo de anos de jogos, mas nessa nova geração que era pra ser uma revitalização do que Pokémon já foi, deu uma falhada ali. Tipagem repetida, moveset ruim, e desings que eram ou extravagantes demais, ou era de menos (só olhar pra um Serperior e um Emboar do lado).
Escolhendo qual filhote de Cruz-Credo vamos levar (piadas kkkk…), o jogo realmente começa!!

E cara que começo, andando um pouco e indo para a próxima cidade, eu já vou ser obrigado a entrar no tópico (e explicar a comparação) de música, a trilha sonora desse jogo é uma das melhores, se não a melhor da franquia toda. Quando cheguei na primeira cidade e fui agraciado com aquela música aconchegante, eu me dei conta de o quanto eu ia amar esse jogo, eu fiquei por muito tempo escutando a música e dançando enquanto ela tocava e se repetia. E isso vale para o jogo todo!!!
Em diversas outras cidades do jogo os seus temas me envolviam com aquele ar urbano contrastando com o natural/rural, temas de personagens também repassam o mesmo sentimento de naturalidade para tudo.
Temas como o Cheren sendo determinado e muito mais enérgico, mas sem se misturar com o urbano dos demais, Bianca sendo meiga e gentil, N sendo melancólico, Ghetsis sendo assustador, e Alder sendo o que justamente liga tudo que eu disse do sentimento urbano e rural, seu tema musical é livre, como um espírito, pois ele nao é nada mais que o Campeão de Unova, ele não tem restrições para seguir, ele é livre e sua música passa exatamente esse sentimento.

Outra coisa que eu quero detalhar é o quão, mas quão LINDO esse jogo é!!
Depois da 4º Gen, os gráficos da franquia deram um grande passo misturando muito do 3D que o DS aguentava, e isso, melhorou muito o jogo.
Cenários e Cutscenes absurdas de lindas expressando muito mais as coisas. Mas cara, os cenários desse jogo, conseguiram me deixar de boca aberta.
Então está na hora de falar sobre a significância do jogo, eu comentei sobre o Urbano e Rural, e pois bem, o jogo faz exatamente isso.
Masuda quis fazer Unova inspirada nos Estados Unidos, por isso muito da grandeza que o jogo apresenta, cidades gigantes, desertos, parques de diversões, muita tecnologia envolvida, para sair do comum e pacato que os jogos apresentavam antes, sempre algo pequeno, nunca muito mais "tecnológico" mas sempre muito mais natural para garantir que a sensação de natureza se mantivesse. O início do jogo é exatamente isso, começamos em uma vila pequena para depois irmos a uma cidade enorme cheia de prédios e empresas. Pois agora, tudo é mais.
Eu definitivamente adorei isso.

Outro ponto muito bom do jogo é onde a história tenta criticar o que fazemos com os pokémons e se eles são felizes ou não, um ótimo ponto para fazer uma crítica a franquia em si. Apesar de ter várias restrições na história, ela faz um bom trabalho.

Agora com a gameplay não foi diferente também, muitos detalhes novos como batalhas triplas e batalhas rotatórias foram adicionadas, muito mais estratégia e sorte envolvidos, e detalhes como o N usar ataques que te impedem de usar itens, dando mais profundidade ao sistema (caso não saiba, itens como poção, antídoto, full restore, etc… fazem os pokémons ficarem mais tristes pois isso tem um gosto ruim e os bichinhos não gostam).

E acho que não tem mais do que comentar cara, eu falei bastante das coisas que adorei no jogo, mudanças muito boas e divertidas. Definitivamente um dos jogos que eu mais vou jogar, estou atualmente com 45 horas de jogo, e ainda nem fiz o pós game.

O apíce do picomon (Depois disso foi só ladeira a baixo).
O jogo é pog em literalmente tudo:
Os iniciais são pog, a Pokedex é pog, os rivais são pog (destaque pra esses), os mapas são pog, os ginasios são pog, a trilha sonora é pog, os graficos misturando 3d com sprite são pogs, os lendarios são pog, os sprites animados dos picomons são os mais pog....

DAMN esse jogo é pog...

valorant players would've hated black version because of unspecified reasons

melhor pokemon não ironicamente

set many trends for what I hate about pokemon today.

O melhor jogo da franquia Pokémon (não contando spin-off) e de longe a melhor história dos jogos pokémon, mesmo tendo uma Dex nao muito amada por boa parte dos fãs. Simplesmente meu jogo favorito (junto com pokémon White) e um dos que eu mais zerei

Why'd this game get so much hate when it came out? I'm genuinely confused by the negativity this game got, and so are the people who previously bashed it, it seems (maybe now that they have a taste for what a bad Pokémon game can be like).

Pokemon Black. Pokemon Black...... Might as well start with what I enjoy about this game right?

I think Patrat and Pansear are honestly really cool pokemon, might be a hot take around these parts but I really like those little dudes. Also the presentation is crazy good, though the animations are overrated I feel

Okay positivity is OVER. I think the story is by far the most overrated thing I've seen in a while. I find this story to be really boring and I think it only gets gassed up because mainline pokemon wise this is almost one of the best ones, but compared to games like the Mystery Dungeon series it pales in comparison. N is honestly really boring.

When it comes to teambuilding this is the game of all time. You are limited to the Unovan dex which wouldn't be the worse until you realize all the pokemon blow until like mid to late 40s when they finally evolve, there's too many pokemon in this game with horrendous stats until they evolve at a super late level, Final gym leader is level 43 for reference so at the very least the devs intended you to be suffering with shit like litwick and klinklang for at least a good portion of the game unless you over level. Which at least to me makes a lot of these pokemon super unfun to use.

Anyways yeah I don't like this game lol, Also out of every game not to include following pokemon why did they pick the one game where the entire story is based around how pokemon are your friends and genuinely enjoy human company? They even have sprites for most of the pokemon, was it that hard to make sprite art for the new pokemon?

It's been like two or three years since I finished Black, so i'll update this review if i ever replay it:

Black was my first poke game, and I'm glad it was because it has a rather engaging start compared to the other poke games I've played; it gripped me immediately, and for most of early game it tries to keep your attention. It very much attempts to teach you the basics of the game in a way that has as much player involvement as possible and to motivate you to learn what you can exploit, all the while making you familiar with the main characters and the premise of the game. That's probably one of the best things about this game: it keeps you engaged.

Gameplay is pretty standard turn based rpg gameplay. It's more on the fast side from what i can remember, or at the least it doesn't feel like it drags on too much in both overworld travelling and battling. There's some features here and there, blah blah blah, Tri Battles and the Battle bus subway thing are really cool, yadda yadda yadda. Seasons change which is pretty awesome but sucks a little its a monthly thing. Mostly easy but there's challenging battles here and there.

B/W is notable for its regional dex only including all new pokemon (and its a very large dex at that). While it didn't really matter to me too much as a newcomer at the time, I do quite like this approach to the dex since it encourages using and experimenting with the new mon rather than relying on prev. gen pokemon (though if you happen to not like much of the regional dex, well, too bad i guess lol).

Unova is also quite a diverse region, with most of the towns and routes differentiating themselves from each other by having something unique and distinct to them; it makes it all the more fun to check out what each route and town has present. It is somewhat undermined by the region feeling somewhat linear however, hurting the exploration aspect of the region.

Story is one of the most praised things about gen 5, and while it certainly isn't that amazing among jrpgs, it certainly stands out among pokemon games. While previous gens didn't lack a narrative, this feels like the first gen where they were able to expand on the story, the characters, and the themes that it presents way more than previous gens ever did. The rivals felt well written and represented the themes of the game as well, gym leaders were a lot more active with the ongoing events, so on and so forth. It definitely kept me interested in seeing how certain characters develop throughout the story and generally it felt like the game made sure I knew what the characters' are like and why I should like or be interested in them.

Team Plasma, the villain group, is decent. I'm not really that all into them but I think its clear that they weren't intended to be morally grey, they're very blatantly about spreading bullshit propaganda and cause discourse in the region because Ghetsis, the leader, is an extremely shitty person (one of the scummiest ones in this series honestly). No one in the game really takes their words seriously; the game only really treats N's take on the whole ideology as worth considering but even then its clear that he's very much brainwashed. The team's overall just a bit weird if you choose to interpret them as being heavily related to the themes of moral greyness in the game, but I think they were always intended to be shitty people lol.

anyways its decent fun, I like B2/W2 better but who doesn't.
if you're a newcomer looking for what game to start with I'd definitely recommend Black or White.

at the time this pair of games was the most ambitious gamefreak ever decided to be and at launch they were the most unloved pokemon games ever, impressive to see how the general attitude to gen 5 has changed in recent memory, a lot of fans pray they could have this level of care again

smoothest pokemon has been maybe ever. game freak actually made concrete improvements over the last game in terms of the games engine? colour me shocked or something. but wow, does this game build of the beauty displayed by the gen 4 games and then some. probably the best pokemon has and will ever look. the story too, whilst a bit basic and seen a million times before in rpgs, is somewhat fresh for pokemon, even today.

if i were to give some issues its that, triple and rotation battles as a concept SUCK and have no clue as to why game freak thought they were a good idea.

Segundo jogo dessa franquia q termino na vida,eu gostei.
Ele é bem avançado pra um game do Nds,e tem vezes q ele parece mais bonito q alguns jogos jogos do 3ds.

I will never understand the hate this game got, this and black and white 2 are easily my favorite Pokémon games

"If you have a dream... make it come true!"
"Make this wonderful dream a reality, make it become your truth!"

Marvelous game. Pushes the Nintendo DS hardware to its limits, delivers a beautiful message about individuality and authoritarianism, fixes the slow combat of its predecessors and eases the process of grinding without making the game painfully easy. Game Freak at its peak.

Pokémon Black was the first Pokémon title I’d beaten, and to this day N is one of my favorite antagonists for a variety of reasons. I beat this game almost entirely with a Serperior, surprisingly.

Definitely my favorite Pokemon game, no question about it. I know more about this game than kind of almost every other game combined? I guess that's what happens when you Nuzlocke this game 20+ times.

The animated 2D sprites look GORGEOUS and the music's never been better; it's insane how much they stepped up their game after HGSS and Platinum (both of which are also really damn good).

I like that you're locked to Unova mons as it gives the region and game a lot more identity than prior regions. I know this was a common criticism at the time, but I think it helps to make the game more "solved". It's incredibly fun to theorize teambuilding opportunities where possible and even better seeing them pay off, which I think is due to how awesome they made some of the big fights around. Lenora, Elesa, Clay, Nimbasa N, Opelucid Gym trainers; they all give a damn impressive challenge that you NEED to prepare around and you get to work with what you've got.

God, can I talk about that fucking finale too? The Elite Four is BUFF as fuck in this game. Even the weakest (Grimsley) is still someone you have to take seriously and having to bring a Fighting Type for him still loses you a slot you could be using against Caitlin and Shauntal, both of which are crazy strong; and then you have to deal with fucking MARSHALL who you kind of have no answers to unless you got super lucky and got a Sigilyph or picked the Archen fossil (like any same person would do because archeops is fucking AWESOME).

It's fun to talk about the Pokemon in this game because Unova is super rigid. Did you know Pidove mostly learns Special Flying-type moves despite being a physical attacker? Crazy.

I love this game a lot. Peak Pokemon in my opinion.

Not my favourite game in the series, but deserves more love than it got. I'd give it a higher score, but this game is what got me into competitive pokemon, and that has given me an inability to ignore every goddamn number in this game

Mastaerpeice. I’m not ever eaten pasta but damn this meatball got a lot of spice

O melhor jogo da franquia em questão de enredo mas Scarlet e Violet também não fica para trás

THE best Pokemon game I've played, hand-down. Too bad I sold it at a tag sale. My copy was used and busted up anyways

Gen 5 fans don't need their dick sucked any more than they do atm. So I'll just say I prefer this game to BW2, kay byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

In retrospect, Gen V was like a huge party marking the end of era. The sprites in Pokemon games feel like such a defining feature, and the fully animated ones here go HARD. The game itself is also good as hell, but who would expect any less looking at all the ones that came before? Then only one generation later it all seems to be gone.

This game is more story and themed focused than all of the previous Pokemon games, and i love it for that.
The gameplay is good, i never have finished a pokémon game before this.
Mayber i will change the rating of this game later when i finish Pokemon Black & White 2.