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Rayman Legends is a great 2D platformer. It has smooth controls, fun mechanics, and excellent level design. It's also packed with tons of side content. I've played through this game twice now, both on the base version and the definitive version, and each time was very enjoyable, though there are some small things that still irk me.

As mentioned, Rayman Legends is a 2D platformer, and it never strays far from that. However, it throws in a lot of extra mechanics to play with. Your base moveset consists of a jump, run, glide, punch, wall jump, ground pound, swinging from vines/ropes, and an ability to run up sloped surfaces. Levels complement this moveset well by placing obstacles in strategic locations to give the game a nice flow at times. Sometimes in levels, you'll unlock the ability to press an extra button that moves objects or toggles certain actions. It's used in moments of fast-paced or tricky platforming, or in some light puzzle-solving, and it's a welcome addition that adds a lot to keeping things fresh.

Throughout the game, you'll mostly be playing through pretty standard platforming levels with their own challenges and whatnot. Their level of challenge is pretty decent, and they have their own hidden areas to find the get collectibles. At the end of each level, the amount of the main collectible, called lums, is tallied up, and you get rewarded for finding enough through trophies and a scratch card. These scratch cards can net you more lums, a pet which produces lums every day, or it unlocks a level from Rayman Origins for you to play. There's 40 Rayman Origins levels to unlock with their own collectibles and everything! It's honestly awesome and someone who never got too far into Origins as a kid. At the end of each of the main Legends worlds, you get to play through a level where you run nonstop and platform through obstacles with the beat of the music. These are easily the highlight of the game, in my opinion.

As you play through the main levels, you unlock new side levels. You'll mainly unlock time challenge levels where you have to run through with a time limit in order to unlock all the collectibles. These can be CRAZY difficult and can sometimes feel like too much, but they're usually a good test of skill. The other thing you'll unlock in this version of the game is version of levels where, instead of pressing a button to activate something, you do so with the touch controls on the Switch screen while an AI driven character does the platforming. These can sometimes be dull, and AI can give you some pain, but generally, it's fun for what it is. It's definitely preferable to trying to use the touchscreen while being the one who's also doing the platforming. Unfortunately, they failed to account for the scratch cards you earn in these extra levels since they weren't in the original, meaning you won't get rewards from them and they sit in your inventory giving you a notification endlessly. This is highly annoying and a major oversight that really annoys me (it's annoying). By late in the game, you'll also unlock bonus versions of the music levels that add some weird screen effects to make things trickier, and make things trickier it certainly does. The artificial difficulty is kind of dumb, but you can luckily still rely on the music. HOWEVER, the bonus version of the second music level is actually atrocious, and although I beat it on my first try, the screen effects they used were a legitimate epilepsy hazard and I want to throw hands with whoever thought it was a good idea.

As for the other parts of side content I haven't mentioned yet, there's daily challenges to play through which is neat. You'll earn lums for participating, and you need a lot of those in order to unlock the various characters you can play as. There's tons of characters to unlock and swap through. They're mainly just variations of the same four models, and their movesets are identical, but it's a cool addition nonetheless. However, the million lum milestone to unlock all of them is absolutely ludicrous and I would not recommend going for it. You have better things to do with your life, I promise.

Music and visuals:
The music in this game is pretty good. The aforementioned music levels use charming covers of licensed music which is tons of fun.

The visuals are very awesome with a creative art style and great animation. Characters and environments are varied and dynamic. It's all very polished.

Rayman Legends is a 2D platformer that sticks to its core but isn't afraid to expand on it in some fun ways. It's got tons of great levels, a good amount of challenge (usually), and well-made presentation. I'd definitely recommend this game if you're a fan of platformers and/or looking for something to play with friends. It's a simple, good time.

My copy of this game is European for some reason. Oh also one of the best games ever made.

Basically the same game except with two major differences: All of the costumes being accessible, and the touch screen levels being separated from the main game. Those changes are enough for me to boot it up to 4.5 stars (though I still prefer Origins).

This game is worth full msrp I loved how fun it was with or without friends enjoying the art and the cute sound effects. It was fun to explore secrets and reexplore new levels looking for that last star. I didn't platinum the game but highly recommend to any gamer.

It's pretty fun but if I'm playing a platformer that's not Mario it better be incredible and this was just okay. Charming for sure, but at no point did I feel hooked or the addictive need to keep playing. I just kinda picked it up and played casually.

This game is a good sequel to Origins. For some reason I put the game down at some point when I first played a few years back, but I'd like to pick it back up again soon.

A really excellent 2D platformer that is brought down a bit by some of those annoying Murphy missions.

mt daora jogava com minha mae quando era pequeno

Highest praise I can give this game is that trying to get the highest points/lowest time on levels was a lot of fun

I think they should canonize the Rayman 3 ad where it is implied Rayman has a massive dick.

I absolutely love it! If only I could BEAT THE LAST LEVEL-

Rayman controls better than every other 2D platformer while also looking and sounding great. The emphasis on collectibles sometimes makes levels feel like a chore and distracts from the fun.

Rayman Legends is just brilliant. It’s literally exactly the type of 2D platformer that I like, and ticks off pretty much all the boxes to be a great one. Starting off, the level design is very good throughout and also really creative; each level brings something new to the table in terms of a level gimmick or theme, and I can’t even recall a single level that was unfun to play, which is quite impressive for a game with 100+ levels (though I haven’t played all of them yet). Not only are the gimmicks and themes fun but the levels feel dynamic, constantly changing as you’re moving through the level, this is for example demonstrated by the enemies that will float into the level on a parachute. The levels also have a really good flow and rhythm (sometimes literally) to them, which makes it so you can almost always keep up the pace and are almost never forced to stop, and I enjoy that a lot. This is helped by the solid movement; the dash move beautifully destroys everything in its path as it should and you’re able to jump out of it for a nice momentum booster, and the other moves including the wall jump, the various attacks you can do in mid-air, and the float all fulfill their function nicely in helping with platforming and making the level design more varied. Speaking of variety, the game absolutely soars in that department while never becoming unfocused regarding its identity as a 2D platformer because all of the levels are still platforming challenges first and foremost: with the standouts being the speedrun levels, music levels, and the dojo challenge levels. Even most of the boss levels are still just that: actual levels that also incorporate platforming sections next to fighting the boss. As for the production values: the game has a great art style that complements the levels well, and the backgrounds stand out with their easy to miss cute details. There is also a lot of content in this game, as said earlier it has 100+ levels and around a billion unlockables, so this was definitely worth my 20 bucks and then some. The one aspect of the game that doesn’t hit the same highs as the rest of the package is the soundtrack: it’s decent, it’s serviceable, it does its job, and does fit the game nicely, but outside of the music levels which are unfortunately scarce it just never reaches the same level of awesomeness that permeates the rest of the experience. Overall, Rayman Legends simply knocks it out of the park: stellar level design, mechanics and movement along with pleasant visuals and substantial content. There’s not much more I can ask for from a modern 2D platformer.

Fun game. The gameplay is really fun and flows well, the remix levels are fun little stages where you run through and real world songs play, and the blue guy is funny looking :)

I was going to ask why they stopped making these but apparently these guys made Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, so they're doing good.

This is my favorite game of all time

This is where Rayman is at his best, where are more of our 2D platformer Rayman games?

Ubisoft needs to reconsider making Rayman games again!


A gameplay flui muito bem, os visuais sĂŁo muitos lindos, e a trilha sonora simplesmente dispensa comentĂĄrios.
Ela é tão maravilhosa que tem até fases musicais!

Esse jogo Ă© bem generoso na questĂŁo de dificuldade, tem bastante checkpoints e MUITO conteĂșdo! Eu simplesmente zerei ele e ainda falta muita coisa para fazer. Ainda pretendo fazer depois.

Meus Ășnicos pontos negativos a destacar sĂŁo coisas bem bobas, tipo o fato da interface desse jogo ser bem poluĂ­da. Por exemplo, vocĂȘ passa de uma fase e jĂĄ sai ganhando um monte de coisa parecendo um jogo mobile, mas depois de um tempo vocĂȘ se acostuma.

Se vocĂȘ Ă© fĂŁ de plataformas, eu nĂŁo sei o que vocĂȘ ainda tĂĄ fazendo aqui! VÁ JOGAR AS LENDAS DO RAYMUNDO AGORA!


without a doubt one of if not the best 2d platformers ever made, ubisoft please actually do stuff with this ip for once

I liked this game at first when I tried the demo but afterwards the vibe just died down. I don't know what it was as I usually like platformers but this game just didn't hit the same way as it once did whenever I tried it at friends houses. Maybe it's because I'm older now or that it feels childish to play or that it's too easy?