Reviews from

in the past

nao tem o chris
mas tem a claire

Slightly weaker as a sequel but still fun. Also Moira is the best thing to ever happened in this franchise lmao

an improvement over the previous Revelations game but i still don't see myself reaching for this over any but two or three of the other mainline RE games.

this was such a weird time for the series in terms of how reactionary it all felt. Resident Evil had never been shy about inspirations or trying different things with gameplay and tone but the The Last of Us influence in this one is something else completely. this plays much better on average than the first title which goes a long way, other peculiarities aside.

maybe a third attempt will be the one to really nail it with the Revelations offshoot.

Combina bem o survival horror com a liberdade de movimento que eu gostava no RE 6.

A game I only touched again because a friend wanted to see how bad it was - and somehow this got worse with co-op. I don't know if there's a more damning indictment of this game, considering just how often the co-op mechanics/puzzles function poorly or are just painfully bad.

Even RE6 was at bare minimum stupidly entertaining, having one player not even get to play the game and the absolutely horrid story even for RE standards is just frustrating. 6 really left people fighting for scraps.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 of the Resident Evil Franchise

I could just end it there since it probably sums this game up best but no, this is literally the most underwhelmed I've been in this franchise so far. AT LEAST I heard beforehand that 5 and 6 were terrible and set my expectations low, this game is called on par with the first or surprisingly better. This was everything I was scared of the FIRST one being.

It's only 3 hours longer than the first game (because some impossible bullshit) but holy fuck it DRAGS REALLY HARD, sometimes levels are like 10 minutes while others are almost an hour long or more, the game is so disjointed and not paced right, especially when we spent time playing as a character for a few chapters even though we know they're dead.

The story of this game is absolute piss too, the only interest you could get is if you're interested in Barry and Claire but even then, this takes place between 5 and 6 and this gives 0 information regarding those games, they aren't even in the other sequels as I am typing this so really what's the point??

It has SOME good things, I like some of the puzzles and some cool enemies but jesus even the gameplay is just a worse version of RE5 (babying the AI,them taking items, etc). When you're hit, the damage on screen is incredibly distracting making it impossible to see whats going on, especially in the smoke.

And the next game I have to play is even worse!

This is a very mediocre game. Let me start with the positives though: on the gameplay side it's pretty good - notably the gunplay. Some of the later levels and encounters are also mildly memorable. And that's all I have.

This game is built for co-op but unlike RE5 and 6, playing as the secondary characters is an absolute chore; their unique mechanics are cool in concept but it's simply not enough. Playing as Claire or Barry is infinitely more fun than Moira or Natalia.

Speaking of the characters, the story is bad even for Resident Evil standards - truly awful. Some ideas are good but any potential was squandered. What's also awful about this game is the re-usage of the EXACT SAME LEVELS in the early episodes; playing as different characters doesn't make them any more interesting.

Overall, it's an alright co-op experience. I would never play this on my own.

Just like Resident Evil: Revelations 1 I also think Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is an ok game, it's a good continuation and improves some things but also leaves something to be desired in others.

What I liked most about the game was that the story is much better and more developed than Revelations 1, I love Jill Valentine and she is my favorite from the previous game and one of the favorites of the entire saga but the characters in Revelations 2 are more charismatic and interesting, the movement is more fluid and the gameplay is better, it is certainly one of the resident evils with the scariest and coolest scenarios in the franchise, the game has a horror atmosphere that works very well in my opinion and can scare you and leave you tense in some parts, the soundtrack follows the rhythm of the game well and the graphics are very beautiful.

But like I said, there are things that left something to be desired, like having to depend on your partner in certain situations and having to control 2 characters at the same time, the enemy design is terrible, the boss fights in the game are very easy and without emotion and the system of episodes to buy is very bad.

Anyway, I think Revelations 2 is a little better than its predecessor in some aspects and, like its predecessor, it has some weaknesses that I don't like, but for anyone who is a Resident Evil fan, it's worth playing this game at least once in a lifetime.


This is the most fun I've had with the gameplay in an RE game since the original trilogy. It's sorta like the remedy to all my complaints with RE4. Ammo does not drop from enemies and you are incentivized to search the environment for resources, and the control scheme is really great. Dodging enemy attacks through the i-frames of an evade is dope and it's nice to not have some weird QTE mechanic for dodging. This game also has my favorite partner system yet, no longer will you switch to playing as Chris with absolutely no items and effectively soft lock yourself, no longer will you have a partner that consumes ammo and can die at any moment, no longer will you have a partner that is invincible and serves no purpose but to make you wait at every single door you try to open. Revelations 2 solves every previous issue with partners, they don't consume ammo or herbs because they don't use firearms and they regen health when taking damage. But you still need to be aware of them and protect them, and you also don't need to wait at every door for them to waltz on over THANK GOD. The mechanic of switching to a character who is defenseless but can find resources or give you info about an enemies weakspot adds such a fun dynamic to the moment to moment gameplay as well.
Unfortunately it seems almost tradition at this point for every RE game to absolutely nail some things but to fall flat on many other vital parts of like... a good game. I really, really, disliked the environments in this game. It's just brown and brown and grey forests and generic rusty scary abandoned buildings, it feels so incredibly uninspired for a series that usually goes to a lot of unique places. It also isn't scary at all when it feels like it's trying so incredibly hard to scare you in the first place.
The writing and story here is also pretty terrible, there are so so many plotholes and the characters are so insufferable. Claires campaign is nearly nonstop swearing and random interjections from your companion making jokes and her entire character is essentially I HATE MY DAD!!!!! and her character arc after being off screen for an hour is I LOVE MY DAD!!!!
The level design is also varied in quality, some sections were super fun to play through and some sections were absolute slogs. I really hated carrying a crate while walking at a snails pace through a grey ass mining facility but sometimes the game will lock you in an area and have you backtrack and search for items and do some basic puzzles which was always fun and a nice way to change pace. They were so close to making the game RE6 was trying to be, where it can retain a lot of what makes the original trilogy so great while also embracing the action of RE4.

Esse aqui já é melhor que o primeiro, mas ainda assim não é tão bom.

This review contains spoilers

!!! [Minha opinião sobre o game] !!!
Terminei o jogo duas vezes, e:
A campanha é boa, mas eu senti alguns problemas quanto a forma de que esse jogo foi separado.
O jogo tem 4 episódios com 2 "perspectivas" cada, Claire e Barry.
Quanto a parte da Claire, eles decidiram ir em uma ação desenfreada sem pausas (apenas pra diálogos) e depois volta pra mais ação, com uma grande quantidade de inimigos por campanha.
Quanto a parte do Barry, eles foram em repetir as mesmas partes porém fazendo de maneira inversa com algumas áreas novas e dessa vez BEM menos inimigos e com uma melhor atmosfera, o que me agradou bem mais jogando nas primeiras vezes, mas devido a falta de ação nas campanhas do Barry você vai ficando com um pouco de preguiça.

Esse que é o meu problema, quando você joga as partes da Claire, você fica exausto porque é muita ação sem parar e os episódios são longos, enquanto com o Barry é meio entediante e demorado, não acho um meio termo e é justamente por causa da forma que o jogo foi dividido, ás vezes você passa por 3 ou 4 seções com atmosfera e cenário bastante diferentes em um episódio só (Episódio 4 do Barry que dura 2 horas)

Quanto a história, Claire e Moira são sequestradas junto de todos os membros da TerraSave e levadas a uma prisão russa em uma ilha isolada, toda a parte das duas são delas tentando escapar, enquanto Barry, querendo achar Moira, chega a ilha 6 meses depois procurando por ela, e aqui eu vejo algumas coisas estranhas:

- Pedro, um dos sobreviventes da TerraSave, estava sendo perseguido por vários aflitos juntos de Gabe e Neil, e ele claramente está nervoso mas não está com medo (eu imagino se não ele teria se transformado antes). Mas quando é encurralado no bar ele começa a sentir medo mesmo estando junto de mais 2 pessoas (Claire e Moira) ele simplesmente entra em pânico, não faz sentido já que ele não tava em uma situação ruim

- Que relação Claire tem com o Neil? A Claire desde o segundo episódio é só "Neil Neil Neil" e quando descobre que ele é SUS ela chora, tipo blz, o jogo nunca mostra como era a química entre os dois e só te joga na cara blz

- A Alex Wesker, fez tudo aquilo... pra quê? Por 4 anos ela procura alguém perfeito que não sentiria medo para que ela pudesse renascer novamente, e ela fez isso com a Natalia, mas por quê? qual era o objetivo dela com isso? No final a gente tem um cliffhanger dando a entender que mesmo no final bom a Alex assume o corpo de Natalia mas pelo visto nunca vamos saber o que aconteceu depois disso, a Alex há muito pouco "screentime" por assim dizer também, e consequentemente não tem o mesmo carisma que o Albert Wesker

Sobre os personagens:

Gabe, Pedro e Gina, só estiveram ali para morrer, não tem muito mais que isso

Sobre a Moira, ela é uma personagem muito boa, ela tem um motivo bastante idiota pra guardar raiva do Barry (acidente da arma, já que foi ela que fez, não o Barry) mas as pessoas são idiotas! Ela não queria viver se sentindo culpada então pôs a culpa no Barry para se sentir melhor, personagem bem realista

Eles forem geniais em trazer Barry e Claire de volta depois de tantos anos, dois personagens super icônicos

Tô com preguiça de continuar escrevendo, então vou ser breve a partir daqui

Gameplay boa, mas o sistema de torniquetes e desinfetantes completamente desnecessário.

a IA do Parceiro é nível Sheva de idiotice, até pior se você for parar pra pensar que alguém pode controlar a Sheva mas alguém só vai poder jogar de Moira/Natalia se for co-op local

Não tem problemas na IA apenas nos parceiros, mas em vários inimigos tbm, o jogo há um sistema stealth completamente destruído pela IA cagada e esses problemas se agravam ainda mais nas dificuldades extras (Invisível e Contagem Regressiva)

Não poder usar armas especiais nos modos especiais é idiotice, você ganhou o direito de poder usar, logo deixa eu usar porra

Modo Raid bem mais fácil e com menos grind do que o do primeiro Revelations, mas o lance de "sacrificar arma ou peça" ou "cada personagem tem seu nível" certamente me incomoda

Minhas notas:
Gameplay: 7
Trilha Sonora: 10
História: 8
Conteúdo extra: 10
Personagens: 9
Atmosfera & Ambientação: 10
Campanha: 6
Fator Replay: 10

Unexpected good RE4-like game, took me by surprise.

Segregating each episode into bisected timelines, following the trail of the previous half, allowed for the opportunity to reimagine one of the series' staples: backtracking. Never once did traversing repeated areas in a different timeline was the experience squandered because of it - if anything, the progression of the twisted story, enemy variety, insight, & sight seeing was enhanced thanks to it. Different character pairs felt beyond natural & each respective companion aided in every scenario. The "zapping" system, while perhaps a bit too subtle for it's own good (& could have been explored even further), is a wonderful addition & the dynamic results in something more playful than anything detrimental. Unlike Rev1, the new characters, while sloppily written at times, are wonderfully explored with interesting developments that no longer act as shells of action hero tropes. There's a specific sense of intimacy involved with the duo system, particularly during the slower portions, which is something one admittedly does not feel with previous entries with similar mechanics. The simulationist level design that RE in known for incorporates more immediate verticality & the pairs work off of this aspect beautifully.

Quite the unrealized potential of balancing in some halves of episodes as well. For example, while Barry's portion in Ep3 is somewhat lackluster in comparison to Claire's, the latter's portion in Ep4 ends far too soon & is especially underwhelming seeing as the former's has what is arguably one of the most stand out eleventh hour in the franchise. I would even argue that this imbalance could have been further explored & even remedied in each episode rather than just the last 2. With that said, b2b, the latter 2 episodes are outstanding regardless & work particularly well played in one fell swoop. On a small note as well, I personally could have done with some logic puzzles in-between the combat, stealth, & exploration.

Extremely underrated gem here. Barring some questionable non-diegetic RPG-lite elements or wonky delivery of key story reveals, the episodes are not only delightfully engaging to play, the overall writing & pacing of the story as a whole being something to revel in, & every new mechanic is properly implemented throughout.

Helps that the rain falling from the clouds is laced in surrealism that comes from the one true king of the genre. I may break the rules & pass thru the gate.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 (2015): Como siempre en estos casos, se salva porque en coop. casi cualquier juego es divertido. Diseño de niveles atroz, un último capítulo digno de denuncia, la historia floja y los enemigos muy mejorables. No me quiero imaginar jugándolo sólo (4,65)

The atmosphere was great. Everyone says thank you capcom for mother Claire.

Again, not sure what makes this a spin-off, plus it has almost nothing to do with the first Revelations. This was fine but the co-op character switching was a pain when one is clearly so much more fun to play than the other.

We all know Resident Evil is campy but like c'mon
Raid Mode is fun though, sucks nobody is playing it though

divertido no coop mas bem mediano jogando sozinho, esse jogo é muito bom. Tem inimigos realmente ameaçadores e uma historia muito boa e intrigante, recomendo!

Que peste é isso. Gostei da gameplay só

this spin off sequel gets less acknowledgement for what was their first 8th Generation console Resident Evil title. graphically the game is nicely polished (not including the PS3/360 & Vita release), it is really satisfying to see the game not have last gen texture compression especially given that the first game was originally a 3DS release. kind of a shame the game doesn't feature combat mechanics from 6, I understand not including them to make fighting enemies more intimidating but I feel the result is way less satisfying gameplay. the replacement of the scanner with the finger point/flashlight is very appreciated as I felt the scanning took way too much time out of actual progression. from a story perspective the premise is a cool concept and the actual dialogue between characters is pretty standard and cliché to what the mainline games have had before. only real issue the story has is that it never really feels like it becomes something truly interesting worth playing through. one thing I will give this game is that it's probably the only time the crafting system has come back fully for something other than herbs AND that the raid mode seen here is the clear inspiration for the mercenaries mode we've seen in 8.

Such a fun game, I can't believe that i have never actually heard of it... Even by the start it caught my attention and made me interested enough to stay up a whole night only to just play it.
I love the mechanics of this game, even though at times it's predictable and even repetetive, it's still made me feel intrigued enough to make me want to see the faith of the characters.
I liked every character in this, Moira, Barry, Natalie, Claire, GOD, ESPECIALLY CLAIRE AND BARRY, they were so so badass, it just made everything so much better.

I love the cinematic experience in this game, it's so beautifuly made, the cutscenes were awesome, the designs of the monsters were AWESOME, especially the last one.
This game for sure is really underrated, but, i don't mind, honestly, i can just appreciate it ''in the dark'' :D

Also this game made me learn something- always look at every corner for ammo, or whatever... Now after this game i'll never forget to do it.

Very fun campaign, ended up really loving Moira and Natalia as characters. The Raid Mode is also god tier I just wish u could play as Natalia in that. Moira and Barry were the main focus of the story and I rlly loved the focus on their relationship and growth

marquinhos chutou a bola na trave
e o brasil perdeu a copa

Jogo superou minhas expectativas ta longe de ser um dos melhores da serie porem devo admitir que achei mto bom o fato da campanha da claire afetar a do barry achei muito legal o coop é bem divertido a historia é ok pra bom mas nada demais os ambientes são bem legais a trilha sonora é ok tambem n é nada suurpreendente mas o jogo é bom sim