Reviews from

in the past

Absurdly well paced for a largely none linear game and the world building is tight and coherent. The sense of danger that makes the first half of the game so tense and each decision so weighty drops off once you have an understanding of what to expect and are well equipped.
It has consistently fantastic writing and shows how much you can do with a narrative game from a solo dev.

This game has some very memorable characters with really forgettable names. I was glued to it for a couple of days. Exploring the map, solving the quests and surviving against the clock is fun and addicting. Very well written stories and character choices plus some neat roleplay options where you decide the background of your character, the city they came from, etc.

Cute little text adventure. Lots of emergent gameplay, and navigating the complex web of relationships in the peninsula and slowly making it a better(or worse place) is fun. I was a little let down thematically, at the end of the day it didn't have much to say big grand idea-wise, but that's fine.

Marking this as completed bc i found asterion and finished a run but i'm far from done with this game, i'd love to find more and complete more of the quests. Really cool atmosphere and I love how this takes the hardcore disco elysium route of EVERY choice mattering and having a huge amount of personalisation in how you affect the world and develop the story. Cool game!

Un'idea interessante ma sfortunatamente non riuscivo a rinteressarmi alla storia dopo aver preso una pausa d'alcuni giorni. M'intristisce perché godevo del gioco mentre giocarci, la scrittura è davvero piacevole e ben fatto -- un traguardo da non trascurare dato che il gioco tratta principalmente di lettura. Sono sicuro di esser in grado di completarlo ma oramai m'è passata la voglia. Raccomando ci provate se v'interessa scoprir un mondo da qualche parte tra quello di Game of Thrones e i Signori Degli Anelli.

Un RPG basado en texto que consigue engancharte con su premisa de ir conectando comunidades y ganándote la confianza de la gente. Muy recomendable.

Charming pixel and text-rpg set in a really immersive world I just wanted to learn more and more about.

Which brings me to the biggest downside to my experience.
Shouldn't have set a day limit at the start as I was forced to end my playthrough too early for my taste.

I'm too impatient/tired to play a slow-ish game right now, but I really enjoyed the vibes of this game. It's INSANE to me that this game was built in Ren'py. That's super duper cool.

I really wanted to like this game. It seemed like it would be right up my alley. But after getting about 3 hours in, it started to feel like it was nothing but an endless interlinked series of fetch quests, none of which I could do because I was too broke and too low on stats. I looked up some advice for beginners and this was only confirmed. “Try going to X, get a Y, do that for a few in-game days, and hopefully you don’t get ambushed on the road, good luck!” Either that or, “Just try to do a quest that you know you can do right now, and see where it leads you.” Another 3 hours later, I’ve been running around the whole map for days, my in-game time limit is halfway up, and I’m no closer to even being able to START most of the quests.

All this is to say, I can see why people love this game so much, but it did everything in its power to bore and frustrate me. I did appreciate some of its aspects though, such as how merchants will often outright refuse to buy anything from you if they don't need any of it. Makes the world feel more believable.

this game was cool but i got like the worst ending i was just vibin

Interesting setting, nice writing and options, great pixel art. Not big fan of the rest/eating mechanics, but great game to try to optimize, will replay sometime, maybe get some more achievements.

Really fun non-linear text based game. The writing is good and the pixel art is delicious.

What got me the most about this game is how it actually captures the feeling of being a fresh adventurer slowly growing comfortable with the lands so well. Starting out, all choices were nail-bitingly tense and everything felt dangerous. Could I afford to sleep here? Do I sell my healing potion to afford food, or is it better to go hungry? But as time progressed and you get more familiar with the land, more allies to work with, and more avenues of resources, you actually feel much more in control. The game goes seemlessly from "trying to survive" to "mastering these lands" .

Narrative: 5
Gameplay: 4.5
Graphics: 4.5
X-Factor: 5
Overall: 5

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 1st, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A choose-your-own-adventure game.

Roadwarden feels like a classic choose-your-own-adventure book, where you’re just making choices, however, there’s a lot more. Your character has stats, that can potentially affect which scenes you see and how characters will act to you. The world is vastly hostile as well, meaning players will have to keep their wits about them. At least that’s the assumption.

I haven’t seen much of that yet, what I’ve played is pretty straightforward. It’s a very passive game as well, where the player is mostly just reading paragraph after paragraph and making choices. I don’t know how impactful those choices are yet. Also, the music can be quite repetitive, and I almost feel like I need a pen and paper to take notes, even though the game offers a journal for the main quests.

Pick this up if you love slow methodical stories, and exploring a dangerous wilderness. I enjoyed the reading but it was pretty terrible streaming because it’s just reading page of information after page. After playing it, I respect the game, but I just don’t see myself returning to this one due to how passive the experience was.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Este juego pasará a mi historia.

Played the demo. Didn't really vibe with the story and the choices seem to be not really branching the story.

God what a mood. The only reason this isnt 5 stars is because I'll be honest, if Im reading this much Id rather be reading a novel haha. This isnt tk say Roadwarden is poorely written as what it achieves is great, and the music and atmosphere are sublime. However, at a certain point a visual novel with this degree of RPG type choices will lose its focus a bit. I grew a little bored near the end, but I will be revisiting it as a staunch militaristic religious type in the future because the worldbuilding is remarkably open and locks you off from a ton due to its time constraint and choices you make. My choices were, of course, to be a hippie dippie pagan lol

A tentative 7 but you HAVE to know what you are getting in to going in to this game. It's a choose your own adventure book more than a game, heavy on writing. Very Witcher-esque in it's setting, it has great world building, lovely pixel art and sound design and rewards you for actually paying attention to some of the flavour text being said. Only thing I would advise is take your time and go unlimited days on the first play through, I regretted having to go home early.

One of the most grounded and fully realised world & stories that I've played