Reviews from

in the past

It's literally just pinball with heavy fanservice. I can't even recommend it to fans of the series, because there's barely any content to dig into. The story is pretty much non-existent and completely nonsensical, with the same basic set-up being rehashed several times so that you can play through it with each of the 5 girls.

The gameplay itself is fine for a few minutes at a time, I suppose. It's just pinball. The game's gimmicks don't really make it anymore interesting and there are much better pinball games out there. Skip it.

Better than The House in Fata Morgana

I'm out here stroking mah dick I dun care about nothin

-1 estrella por que no tiene a Daidouji ni a Yagyuu

It's a pinball game where the ball keeps fucking clipping through random bits of the table but the girls sure are cute.

This feels so close to being a pretty great pinball game. It is really lacking more characters and especially pinball tables. There are only three, with each one having a few minor variations/flavors included as a separate table so they can say there's more tables than there actually are. If they had added some DLC characters, and especially a couple more unique tables, this would've been a much better experience.

Loses a half-star because no Yozakura.

this is unironically one of the best senran kagura games because it does what it wants to do very well with almost no compromises at all. every other game kinda gets a little lame after the whole "woah it's this genre but boobs", but the pinball on this one is very intuitive and awesome

I'm in constant torment that this game franchise is just sold on T&A and the games I've played so far are just a little more than that. While Peach Ball doesn't do much for character development, it still has some fun character moments that well show the girls in this game are more than T&A. As well, the actual mechanics of Peach Ball are actually pretty fun for a pinball game and made me wish we had more than simply two boards with small changes to this game. Although the game is still loaded with risque stuff, and legit is hard to ever recommend over the ridiculously over the top seemingly sexual stuff.

Legend of Zelda? Fire emblem? Sorry, I only play REAL games on my Nintendo switch

i played this cause i love pinball...

It's pinball. Do you like pinball? Do you like Senran Kagura? If the answer if yes to both then get it, it's fun.
A few more tables would have been nice but what's here is good.
The story is cringy nonsense, i had fun with the ones i played.
I think the character selection was pretty good, i like every character except for Yumi but whatever, Ryona is here and i'm happy.

This is a game that's somewhat fun for the first 10 mins or so but then 30 mins pass and you aren't even close to losing and you just start to lose your sanity at a rapid pace as it continues

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

That's a really specific kink and honestly I'm gonna shame it.

Actually pretty fun since it's pinball and all. Fanservice is decent enough and the presentation clearly shows the love of the creator for pinball and boobs. Sadly there is very little content. The infinite potential of the oppai pinball genre will never truly be realized.

not done w the game but i think i squeezed out most of the main content. despite being a huge fan of the senran kagura series i really didn't expect to like this one a lot or take it too seriously but wow did this remind me why i love fanservice games in the first place. just plain fucking fun and absolutely ridiculous, few genres are as abundantly creative as fanservice games imho

- Pimball -
Igual es puro fan-service, es uno de eso juegos para sentarse y disfrutar con el fan-service y el gameplay simple.

história da Yomi platinada com sucesso

There's a remarkably little amount of content in this $30 game -- and I'm regarding to both the traditional and less traditional meanings of "Content".

There are only 2 maps (pinball layouts) in the game. The only difference between the game's 5 "stories" is the visual-novel-styled cutscenes that appear between rounds of pinball. After playing through only two of the stories, I had already scene everything the game had to offer.

It's not the worst pinball game, but I wears it's gimmick pretty thin after around 3.5 hours.

It's surprisingly good pinball. It just lacks in table variety. But it's a Senran Kagura game so why do you think that is? I'm not telling.

Good pinball. Ok fanservice senran game
what bothers me is that we never got a normal senran game.

as fun as pinball videogames get

Good pinball game, Has puppy girl Ryouna (Based)