Reviews from

in the past

Spider-Man meets Streets of Rage in this competent, yet fairly unremarkable side-scrolling brawler. It’s essentially Maximum Carnage without the coolness factor. It does everything you would expect it to, right down to the (overly) familiar assortment of fan-favorite members of the webhead’s iconic rogues' gallery you'll face. The controls are a touch stiff as you would probably expect given you're using a keypad and boss battles consist solely of dodging all of their attacks until they get tired enough to leave you with an opening to strike back, but honestly the worst aspect might simply be that it's based on the Ultimate universe version of the character so everything Peter says is painfully unfunny, annoying, and not at all how an actual teenager would talk. Well, that and the fact that you apparently can't read any of the collectible comics you find. This is altogether entirely skippable for even the wall-crawler's most devoted fans, but you won't necessarily have a bad time should you choose not to. Just know the highlight of the whole experience is a single stage where you dodge oncoming obstacles as Mary Jane on a moped because that's the only part where it does something unique enough to be somewhat interesting.


make sure this review has more likes than those other bozos

make this the most liked review for this game please its my birthday

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