Reviews from

in the past

Wow. Star Citizen has an absurd amount of potential. I'm skeptical on whether or not it will ever reach the state we want it to, but there's a lot to love here. Going from the most immersive space-flight simulation in gaming to raiding a base full of terribly programmed soldiers that wouldn't even move and managed to kill me without firing once sums up my few hours of gametime.

Hope this is fully playable someday soon -- and I also hope it reaches a point where it won't melt my computer?

Class D

This is not a game, it is a decade-long scam, and a very successful one at that. A game that is barely functional, completely unplayable for the long term, has been in development for over a decade with funding reaching half a billion, and selling in-game ships for real-world thousands, when those ships aren't even released.

Even if this game magically becomes playable one day, it will be a pay-to-win experience.

A scam so good it's got Stockholm by the balls.

Once you get good at avoiding the bugs, it's a really fun game.

The most crowdfunded game in history. In development for over 10+ years. Broken promises.

And yet. There’s something amazing here. Incredible sound design, physics, universal traversal with zero loading screens, incredible graphics, faces and flight model. The best space sim on the market, and one of my favorite games to keep an eye on.

This is the first game I am reviewing without giving it a rating due to it being in an Alpha state that gets updated very frequently with very different outcomes to what it does to the game. This game has so much potential, probably the potential to become the best MMO to ever exist.

But they are also kinda fumbling around with all the kickstarter money (they got a few hundred millions of kickstarter money to spend, let's see if they mess it up) and progress is still not as big as we want it to be.

Watching the Citizen Con does get you excited about how much the devs want to accomplish. It sounds like a dream come true when they are talking about it. All those intricate systems that will work together to give us the most immersive MMO Space Simulator are still being developed and we-don't-know-how-many-years in the future.

We can only hope that Cloud Imperium won't destroy their own future. I play this game every now and then and I love how immersive this game is (if there aren't any bugs or huge performance problems).

Please get it right.

No clue what I was doing in the game although the technology behind it is crazy and that's the only thing that interested me.

2087 : sortie du jeu en beta

great protentional, great game overall. Needs a better player tutorial and also squadron 42 should come out so all the staff can get on star citizen, hopefully starfield will speed up the process.

The best sci-fi MMO experience, but it has a lot of bugs and these bugs are real disgusting and in some cases these impede to fulfill some missions.

I bought a jpeg of a ship for $50 and got an unfinished game

Unique game with enjoyment limited by performance and bugs. Gameplay loops you would find in other space sims, but executed with the biggest scale in a first-person game. Graphical quality was jawdropping when I purchased in 2017 and still looks great even as other engines leapfrog it in technology. Snow builds up on your ships and armors, facial tracking gives your character complex expressions with just a webcam, you go from admiring a planet in full orbit to staring at a texture on a city floor with the same level of fidelity, without any loading screens. Star Citizen has things that other games don't and won't have.

Overall, the vision and promise of this game keep it funded and keep it worth checking out periodically. As development progresses, my play sessions grow longer and longer, and this game will probably soon turn a corner and end up fully justifying its cost. Even after all the obstacles it has faced and promises it has broken, I can't hate on this game.

I've put a gross amount of money into it but I'm being real with my rating for what the experience is like now. It's extremely unique, things you can ONLY do in this game. Technically incredible. But buggy, and it not close to its full vision. I'll update rating as it progresses in development. Right now it's very neat but hard to recommend.

walk around a planet for hours at 20 fps??? YES, SIR!!!! 15 MORE YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE!!!!!!

CryEngine tech demo with $40,000 microtransactions.

est-ce que je dois vraiment me prononcer ?

Maybe bugged bt I have way too many hours

buggy but when it works its amazing

I've played it for about 12 hours and actual gameplay was probably 4 hours or so? All the rest was dealing with issues.

Also it runs like ass on 4090 + DLSS.