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in the past

Não é exagero nenhum falar que Steins;Gate é uma das obras mais marcantes da minha vida. O anime é um dos meus favoritos e fiquei tão encantado quando assisti que imediatamente quis jogar a VN. Eu quis ver o material original tanto pra ver como foi a adatapção do que se tornou um favorito imediato meu, quanto também pelo fato de eu adorar VNs, então não tinha erro. O Steins;Gate original entregou uma experiência igualmente incrível trazendo algumas surpresas e foi sensacional ver as diferenças de sua adaptação, sem falar em entregar com suas rotas alternativas. Aconteceu o mesmo com Clannad, outro favorito meu com o mesmo saldo positivo em sua VN.

Steins;Gate 0 também teve sua adatação em anime, e não sinto necessidade alguma de pensar se ele superou o original ou não, pois ele não precisava fazer isso. O anime de SG0 simplesmente consegue engrandecer ainda mais Steins;Gate enquanto conta uma baita história no caminho. Curiosamente, eu não senti aquela vontade imediata de jogar a novel quando terminei pelo fato do final ser bem satisfatório. Pois bem, dois anos se passaram e eu decidi jogar agora.

E cara... o anime é melhor em cada linha de aspecto, tornando minha experiência com o jogo levemente decepcionante. A estrutura de SG;0 é uma verdadeira bagunça em como o jogo divide suas rotas, elas literalmente se dividem de um lado pro outro e muito do desenvolvimento dos personagens ficam dispersos entre as duas rotas pois só um dos caminhos levam ao true ending. Isso não seria um problema por si só de maneira alguma, pois rotas são as coisas mais normais na midía e não é sobre isso que quero dizer não me entendam errado, mas o anime consegue unir ambas as rotas em uma narrativa cronológica e contínua de forma sensacional. Se tudo junto ficou melhor que separado, infelizmente não tem jeito. E não para por aí, o anime consegue engrandecer ainda mais suas cenas de impacto com sua execução, especialmente com o renascer de uma certa Fênix. A cada momento chave eu pensava ''eh, foi melhor no anime'', enquanto as cenas do jogo original em relação a sua adaptação, conseguiram ter o mesmo impacto e em algumas no jogo foi até maior. Ainda reforçando meu ponto, não se trata de animes terem mais recursos áudio-visuais que VNs, se trata de exeçução, afinal apenas Steins;Gate e Clannad são adaptações realmente incríveis de Visual Novels enquanto o resto é apenas cash-grab que não chega nem perto dos jogos, e também porque VNs atualmente está sendo um dos meus gêneros de jogos favoritos. E como eu disse anteriormente, tanto o jogo quanto o anime do SG original são igualmente incríveis, com as diferenças de cada um se completando e enriquecendo a experiência com a obra. Eu não queria ficar fazendo comparações, mas acaba sendo inevitável pois eu vi o anime primeiro e SG;0 infelizmente foi bem inferior a sua adaptação.

Mas inferior não significa RUIM e sinceramente, ainda é um bom jogo apesar de eu ficar só comparando até agora parecendo que é o Abyss Fiction. Eu ainda amo Steins;Gate, e como esse é o material fonte eu ainda acabei gostando de qualquer forma, afinal as ideias saíram daqui e o jogo ainda tem seus méritos que só a midía pode trazer. O plot é realmente engajante e não tem jeito, eu amo o o cast. Personagens como Suzuha e Mayuri ganham mais aprofundamento e são mais exploradas que antes, algo que não tem como não levar em conta. Maho, a personagem nova introduzida é uma baita personagem, muito bem escrita e seu final foi a maior surpresa do jogo. E claro, nosso protagonista aka um dos melhores personagens da história Okabe Rintaro. Sua psique aqui devido aos acontecimentos que levam ao jogo são bem mais profundos e seus monólogos mais longos só deixam o personagem mais fascinante, ele simplesmente é um personagem fantástico e um dos meus favoritos da história. Pena que a Kagari existe, achava ela uma personagem medíocre antes e continuo achando, sinceramente ela não agrega a muita coisa. A trilha sonora é competente, embora eu não ache memorável tirando algumas faixas.

Por fim eu recomendaria o anime ao jogo, a adaptação conseguiu superar, mas por ser o material fonte o jogo ainda tem muito valor, afinal as ideias vieram daqui e apenas aconteceu de sua adaptação as levar a estratosfera.

Unlike most I actually think I might like SG0 better than the first. Really though I think of them as one complete experiance. I loved the way the game goes into Okabe's depression and madness. I think the game did an excellent job at that. I was continuley impressed with the story and direction and even though I knew how it was going to end just based on the fact on when it takes place. I think they nailed it. I think the series highest highs come from this game. It has a different feel compared to the first but that's intentional. I was fully into it. Loved the more context it gave to the first game. I went in thinking that SG doesn't need a followup it's already complete to thinking that this game is mandatory to the experiance. So well done devs.

Platinum #57

This game made me realize I want an AI girlfriend.

Also when you go from mad scientist to sad scientist. Yeah he may not be nearly as over-the-top and eccentric, but this game gave Okabe so much more depth and development as a character and he already had an insane amount as it was.

I'll assume anyone reading has played/watched the original Steins;Gate. With that being said, this game is a grief and trauma story with a science fiction twist. Which I think is done really well. It's less focused, but because the writing is better, I think it goes to higher highs than the original often. And I find it more interesting than just "time travel story that is really good and has consequence" which the original goes for.

Main characters aren't just fun tropes anymore. The game shifting between perspectives is an amazing addition. The non-canon endings don't just diverge into "For this ending, you partner up with this woman" like in the original. One ending doesn't even have Okabe in it.

If you like the idea of characters sharing grief and trauma and overcoming it together, I highly recommend it. It was a pleasant surprise for me, especially after hearing how "it's worse than the original".

It's very hard to follow up a self-contained story like Steins;Gate. I had high expectations, given that Steins;Gate is my favourite Visual Novel of all time. Steins;Gate 0 revolves primarily around a character that was very important to Makise Kurisu from the original game. Without getting into too many spoilers, Steins;Gate 0 handles the psyche of the main character, Okabe Rintaro in a very smart way, and ultimately the game is very emotional as a result. There were many scenes that I felt carried a lot of impact and made me care even more about these characters that I already loved. Steins;Gate 0 also provides a lot more insight into some things that didn't get quite so fleshed out in the first game. The method of determining which ending you will reach is for the most part less abstract, making the need to look up a flow chart wholly unnecessary, and creating the mystery of "What choice will put me onto a new ending?" something fun to explore. Steins;Gate 0 ultimately does not live up to the original, but it is still so good that I believe it deserves a number three spot on my list.

Might be one of the most inconsistent stories I've ever read. Has some great, has a lot of boring, and has a fair amount of bad to weave through, not to mention a clearly rushed ending. It's entertaining, but nowhere close to the original.

This game predicted phone AIs being turned into girlfriends and also causing WWIII

A darker followup to Steins;gate that I think I liked a smidge less than the first game, but not by much cuz it's still excellent. Worthy sequel / side story that expands a lot on the dark realities hinted at in the original game and tells a fresh story with the great cast of characters + some new folks like Maho that feel like they always belonged there. Love it a lot.

I thought it was a little funny how Okabe thinks "Leskinen" doesn't sound like an American's name but he says nothing about the name "Reyes".

Half of this is a worse version of the Epigraph of the Closed Curve light novel trilogy (currently in translation), the other half is actually pretty good, but muddied by a story that was rushed and doesn't know what it wants to be half the time. The CG art is also worse in this one than the SciADV mainlines.

Would recommend just reading the Epigraph trilogy when they come out over reading this, since they're a lot better paced and a lot more of a mature/adult story that is linear and not confusing.

s;g0 makes some weird decisions but my s;g bias simply won't let me score it any lower. let's just say it gets a base score of 3.5 stars with a +0.5 star bonus because maho is so silly

Steins;Gate 0 is a brilliantly written sequel to the original Steins;Gate without breaking any rules of its predecessor and tells the story of the future Okabe that sent the video message to his past self to reach the Steins;Gate world line. Therefore, in terms of the events, it’s a prequel to Steins;Gate and according to the calendar, a sequel to it. That is Steins;Gate 0’s premise.

Steins;Gate 0 takes place in the Beta Attractor Field and everything will lead to World War III. While being in this depressing dilemma, you’ll encounter a bunch of new charming characters and characters you already know. This visual novel has a lot of powerful and touching character moments. It’s filled with interesting plot twists and its endings are more than just picking your favorite girl or boy; they are much more essential to the actual plot and the true ending. Speaking of endings, Steins;Gate 0’s flow chart is shaped like a zero!

I absolutely love 0’s soundtrack. Re-Awake might be my favorite Steins;Gate soundtrack of all time, including openings and endings from all the visual novels and anime. On top of all that, the beautiful artworks, the detailed backgrounds and the astonishing CGs are out of this world. The Steins;Gate VNs never disappoint me when it comes to visuals.

cmon am I seriously supposed to believe that Maho is straight

Just like Steins;Gate this is a fantastic visual novel. I don't think it's as good as the original, but it's still a great game and expands the story and some aspects of the original in a meaningful way.

Steins;Gate 0 is a great game, but not better than the original Visual Novel. Most moments are absurdly good, but there are an amount of plot holes that I can't ignore. The last two endings "Vega And Altair" and "Milk-way Crossing" have a plot twist so "wtf" that I can't even conceive how the writer thought it was a good idea. It's still a good game tho, and I recommend to all fans of the original novel.

If you played and liked Steins;Gate, play this. IMO, even better than the first game.

Daru went from an irredeemable pervert to one of the most tragic characters since Greek mythology dropped

Reading this expecting it to be a good time like the one i had with the original game years ago and ending up reading an unnecessary entry with garbage plot twists and hollow characters was real torture and I would've rather throw a bucket of acid on myself than having to do any other ending of this vn. Save Maho from this garbage she's literally the only likable new character.

I need a higher score for this kgbf. I love this game with all my heart. I don't think it's better than the first title, but it did strike a deeper chord with me in a personal level.

Parei literalmente onde começa a ter as rotas, uma hora eu volto

Obrigado por salvar minha vida.

Like Steins;Gate before it, I was first introduced to 0 through its anime adaptation. Unfortunately unlike the adaptation of Steins;Gate, the adaptation of 0 was a mess with plot threads going nowhere, mergings of storylines making them non-sensical, and overall an incoherent mess. While I was worried about this coming from the VN as well, I'm glad to say that while it's still not on the same level as the original game with not reaching the same highs, it still has its own merits, and I'm thankful the anime was garbo because it lead to me being surprised and underestimating the game at times and getting caught off-guard.

The experience is streamlined so getting your endings is a lot less complicated and feels more branching, as well as more clear as to what will be important. While not perfect (Daru's jokes went too far at times in a "I GET IT HE'S A PERV" sense and sometimes he does it at the wrong times like with a little kid around, and Moeka's conclusion in the main route is far less satisfying than in another route) but it is much, much better than the anime it'd be adapted into and I cannot deny I enjoyed my time with this one. Steins;Gate is a true Mozart in the VN world, but Mozart is what allows Salieri to shine as well!

high highs and low lows, still a decent read.

TBH I've been thinking about playing this game for almost 3 years since I finished all the anime episodes and S;G Elite. I can't believe that I can finish it in only a week and having so much fun/stress when immersing in the spectacular story telling.