Reviews from

in the past

If Rex doesn't make it in I'm breaking my Switch in half

E comunque io ancora non mi arrendo, Solaire o il tipetto di Hollow Knight, IO CI CREDO!

Every character in this pass except for Min Min was hype af

Steve, Sephiroth, and Sora were my most wanted characters so I was thrilled to see them here.

Thoughts on each DLC:
Min Min: A nice character to have from ARMS, but it sucks the reveal was underwhelming. She was broken with her long range attacks.
Steve: One of the best inclusions, but also really fun to play. He captures the element of Minecraft very well with blocks and crafting.
Sephiroth: A surprising pick, but nice to see him. His long sword is always deadly with the annoying shadow flare.
Pyra/Mythra: Best DLC character and one of my mains. Wanted them since Ultimate was revealed and they're so fun. Xenoblade is awesome.
Kazuya: Didn't like him at first, but overtime I got the hang of him. Now he's a secondary for me. Well represented as a Tekken character.
Edit: No longer a secondary. He's my main alongside Shulk, Aegis, and Hero. EWGF carries!
Sora: An amazing addition in the game, with no convoluted Kingdom Hearts lore. Jokes aside, he's super floaty but fun to play as.

The Fighters Pass 2 is a very solid lineup of welcome additions that make Smash Ultimate an even better game, but all I'm saying is Monokuma had potential. He could've been a pretty gnarly DLC fighter.

This is the point where Smash Ultimate lost me. Not that the characters were bad, but I was indifferent at best with these.

Min Min: fan favorite from an overlooked game. A bit basic in relying on the reach, but that was to be expected.
Steve: the first reveal that lost me. He's not appealing to look at, was added because Nintendo wanted publicity (which is fair for a company, mind you), and is a walking gimmick instead of a fighter.
Sephiroth: the only reason he's here is because Square was scummy and wanted to force FF representation for DLC. And oh wow, the only game worth talking about is 7. It's definitly not celebrated enough compared to the rest...
Pyra/Mythra: I'm not gonna say it's a bad choice, but Xenoblade was to be expected to become the next Pokemon/Fire Emblem by having new characters every Smash game (DLCs for Corrin's case). They don't do a good job at showing the duo mechanic of their game due to limitations, which removes would've made them stand out.
Kazuya: Tekken is a great game to represent and Namco deserved another rep. Also the biggest content of volume 2. However, I'm not found at how much he goes against the appeal of Smash being an easy fighting game to pick up.
Sora: very happy for the fans, but no Disney representation makes it feel shallow. Not as much as Final Fantasy pre-DLC, but still. Also a bit damaged by having 7 other sword users in the entire DLC.

Most of the characters in this pack are among the top of the Ultimate meta. Fun characters though.

Aquí como que le bajaron un poquito de personajes queridos, aunque es el paquete con más mecánicas nuevas, como el regreso de cambio de personaje, el dodge, los brazos extendibles, los bloques de Steve o personajes clásicos como Sephiroth.

starting this off with min min was fucking weird but whatever. I've noticed a general lack of interest with the 3 first party characters from this and the last pass because they fucking sucked. worst first party inclusions ever man and pyra abd mythra cemented that for me. name me one person who was excited for that and isn't a fan of xenoblade. ok how many fingers do you have up because I'll take a wild guess and say none. I'm getting ahead of myself, after min min we had fucking MIENCRAFT STECVE?? ?? ? HE WAS PLUCKED STERAIGHT FROM HIS DINKY LITTLE GAME AND PUT IN TO THUISONE HIS TEXTURES ARE THE SAME HIS SOUND EFFECTS ARE THE SAME HES THE SAME THING NO STYLE JUST STEVE. also he blinks like in bedrock it's weird and scary. he's cool though he ruined competitive but he's cool. next up was SEPHIROPTYJ of all characetrs. I initially rhoufhr square allowed seph because disney said no to sora (sppilers; not the case) but I was happier with him than I would be sora. he's just so fucking raw. then pyrta myhta blah bkah whatever. then TEKKEN REP WITH KAZUYA. love that guy. the way they translted his moveset is perfecet. I remeber they wanted Heihachi in ssb4 but couldn't figuire out how to make his moveset work. this is exactly how it shoudlve been done it's great. and after him, last but not least. Sora. I don't care

Steve, Mr Tekken, And long sword man,

Lo que llevamos hasta ahora está realmente bien: dos personajes de Nintendo y dos invitados muy especiales, siendo los cuatro elecciones, como poco, interesantes. Concretamente, los avatares de Minecraft son probablemente el mejor DLC del juego hasta la fecha. Habrá que ver cómo termina esto.

só o steve dai salva, eu real não gosto de nem um char que foi representado ai fora steve, min min era pra tar no jogo base, sephiroth destruiu meus sonhos, pyra e mythra era pra tar no jogo base e kazuya meio mé pra mim

The only reason this is higher then Fighter Pass 1 is because of Pyra/Mythra and Sora.

Also did people really think of Steve as a meme pick, Seriously?

While some of the picks aren't my personal cup of tea, I thought this fighters pass covered anything and everything that a fan of Smash could want.

On a personal note, I got my most wanted character in Sora, as well as Sephiroth, so I really can't complain. Even characters I wasn't very hyped for, such as Min Min or Pyra/Mythra, are very unique and fun to play.

Very "FAIR" characters. One with arms that can cover the entire battlefield, one with a million moves, one with a long sword....
But despite all that, this game is still fun.

An amazing DLC pack, just wish my boy Travis Touchdown was invited.

Despite the problems with characters like Steve and Kazuya competitively, this fighters pass significantly improves on the more fan requested and cool additions (outside of min min) that people loved. Steve and Kazuya are very unique on their own and while Sora and Sephiroth are sort of simple in movesets, they are loved characters from people all across gaming so they were great inclusions. Overall I loved this fighters pass and only docked 2 points for Min Min and mainly how these characters are competitively.

less solid than the first, but still incredible; high point of steve, low point of kazuya

Fighters Pass 2 didn't quite live up for me, while still being great.

I give Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Fighters Pass Vol. 2 a 7!

The fighters are cooler, but they kinda ruined everything.

The special thing about this fighter pass is that we got a couple of widespread emotions more than once. Niggas was Perplexed, Hype, Overjoyed, and Pissed at least twice. Mainly mad, these Niggas weren't having it