Reviews from

in the past

Only stinker is Min-Min but everyone else is either a solid addition or a mindblowing one. Sora was one of my most wanted characters and I was blown away by him getting in. That was the best possible conclusion to any DLC in anything ever.

Min Min: Unpopular Opinion but I enjoyed Arms and I felt this was deserved. Would've preferred a third party rep but this is one of the best 1st parties we could've got. 7/10
Steve: One of the most deserving characters 10/10
Sephiroth: One of gaming's most iconic villains and definitely deserved. Also adds another Villain which Ultimate is short on. 10/10
Pyra/Mythra: Don't care much for them as character as I've yet to play Xenoblade 2. But more Xenoblade Attention is pretty epic. 8/10
Kazuya: Tekken is one of the greatest fighting games and I'm also a very big Tekken fan so this was mindblowing 10/10
Sora: An ending that is simply too good to deny. Phenomenal trailer, fun character, and one amazing Smash history finally resolved. 9/10

The end of an era to say the least. I will look back fondly on these years as this was the Golden Age of Smash.

Min Min: Hot take, but ARMS needed some representation in Smash. Nintendo was trying something new, and it worked fairly well. The arm mechanic is also solid. 7/10.

Steve: Minecraft in Smash, need I say more? The reverse Byleth, where they're a great addition but I only wish the character was fun to play. 8/10.

Sephiroth: For the longest time I had him as my main, Final Fantasy needed more representation, so yeah, kino. 10/10.

Pythra: Never played a Xenoblade game but this is a pretty cool addition, only wish they weren't so fucking op. 8/10.

Kazuya: Tekken needed a Smash rep, and this is a great choice. His moveset is big and he feels good to play. 8/10.

Sora: A character I doubted for a long time. When that Mickey Mouse keychain and that key showed up, I freaked the fuck out. But yeah, character is fun as hell to play and has a great stage. 10/10.

Kicking this Fighters Pass off with fucking Min Min still pisses me off but other than that the selection here is fantastic. When it comes to actually playing the characters none of the characters interest me as much as FP1 but Sephiroth alone is enough to make this pass worth it.

While not quite as heavy hitting as the first Pass I like how each character is more Neche and complex than previous characters with Steve being my main example.
DLC-1:- Min Min - 7/10
DLC-2: Steve, Alex, Zombie, and Enderman - 8/10
DLC-3: Sephiroth - 9/10
DLC-4: Pyra and Mythra - 6/10
DLC-5: Kazuya - 7/10
DLC-6: Sora - 8/10

Great lineup of characters. Fun to play as.

Overall a worse DLC when compared to the orignal fighters pass in my opinion. Min-Min and Pyra/Mythra feel like they should have been base characters, not premium dlc characters. Sephiroth Kazuya and of course Steve are pretty awesome, and while I hate kingdom hearts Sora is a cool crossover to get, but unfortunately not a very fun character. While I find most of the characters fun at least, only Steve really comes close to the heavy hitters of FP1.

i don't care about any of these people

devised by a genocidal dictator

Now this is how you make a Fighters Pass!

Min Min: yeah. tf do you want me to say lmao

Steve: lol. idk I've been out of my Minecraft phase for years now so this didn't hit very hard. Was really funny though

Sephiroth: Didn't really care, I have no connection to FF and haven't been able to get into it every time I've tried

Pyra: My beloved, best addition of the whole pass for me by a landslide, mained her within a week, 11/10

Kazuya: I'mma be real I very frequently forget you're even in the game

Sora: Awesome reveal, but unfortunately, he followed in Banjo's "most wanted character" footsteps, and they went and made his playstyle boring as shit. At least he's actually fun to watch, unlike Banjo. Seeing half of Twitter cry tears of joy while the other half had a Hero-tier nuclear meltdown (not quite Byleth level, where they continued to bitch for two years and counting, but they were still extremely loud and being huge party poopers, making them super fun to make fun of) was the best possible ending for SSBU

Overall, 6/10. I vastly prefer FP1 overall, and me having the absolute gall to say such a heinous thing would get my throat ripped out in Twitter, so I'm saying it here instead, where nobody cares. Still wish Cinderace made it in here, having another Byleth-tier meltdown would be so fucking funny

it has pyra and mythra so 5/5

a little disappointing compared to fighters pass 1, but still well worth the money, personally i would buy it for steve alone.

A Fighters Pass? Did it pass though? Did it really? Well shit, I mean, did it? This DLC has nothing to do with whether Ult passes or fails, not really; anyone who has any opinion about this game made up their minds years ago, perhaps before it even released.

When Smash began there were like four characters, and half of them were from JP exclusive titles with names like "Shugesagto," and people were still down to bomb thousands of hours playing against their friends. Now there are a million characters in the game, from a billion different IPs. This reflects the gaming scene as a whole: where once the game only had so many franchises to pull from, there are now so many gaming IPs that the most recent addition to the Super Smash Bros games is himself from a video game mash up series. There may be some horrifying infinity to this, a void you just don't want to stare back at you. Were it still 2014, like it still is in my head, I'd try to shoehorn in a Human Centipede reference here, though it wouldn't be entirely appropriate as I don't hate this game all that much.

I mean at the end of the day, this game is the basic appeal that it has to your boomer brother or basic weirdo classmate: you get to make Sonic and Mario fight! And Pac-man is there! And Cloud too, and Sora! And I guess that isn't a bad thing. I want to say it's childish and fascile, but it's sort of ok. Maybe Ultimate is like corn syrup in America, if you sort of flavor it a little you can just guzzle it down and not feel too bad.

I do wish this game didn't have an end to DLC. We could keep adding classic game characters: dig dug, pong, general custer. The eventual endgame to Smash, I feel, would be to add not only each video game character from every video game franchise but in fact to add every video game itself to smash, such that every video game you play would in some sense be happening within Smash. That kind of smash game I think, deserves a pass. And while Ult may not fail, I think we might at least give it an Incomplete.

Definitely a lot better than the first fighters pass. I wish it was Doom Slayer and not Sora as the final fighter though.

I didn't think Min Min or Kazuya were hype but do think they deserved the spot.

STEVE!? Now that's a huge shocker.

I love Final Fantasy and Xeno. TBH I was hoping a different FF game like 10 and a different Xeno game like Xenosaga got a rep instead but I'm more than happy with Sephiroth and Aegis. Great additions.

Sora was the most requested character and a great way to end the DLC.

Overall a really great DLC expansion.

Actually better lineup than the first, but the hype and impact around the first one was more insane. Great send-off though...


Better than pass 1 imo. Steve, Sephiroth, and Pyra/Mythra are from some of my favorite games of all time and Min Min and Kazuya are really fun. Sora is also one of my secondaries right there with Hero and Sephiroth, super fun and an inclusion I didn't think was possible.

Min-Min is an alright pick. Sephiroth, Kazuya and Steve are all extremely deserving of their slots and they all pleased me greatly. Mythra/Pyra were my most wanted Second-Party reps but they did Rex dirty. Oh and Sora is kinda cool. I don't know anything about him though, I don't play dogshit games.

Most of the characters introduced by fighter pass 2 are broken meta-wise, but most of the characters are really fun to play and the reveals for most of the characters were amazing (and min-min was there too I guess).

Another good collection of fighters!
Ranking based on reaction:
6. Min Min
5. Pyra and Mythra
4. Kazuya
3. Sephiroth
2. Sora
1. Steve

Cool characters to add to the game but not so much balance-wise. The game was healthier without them.

much better than fp1, just cause of sora alone
also i actually had a reason to like every char here unlike 1

Another Great DLC

Let's See What This Pack Gives Us:
Min Min: Just Nerf Her Already
Steve: Hoes Even Madder
Sephiroth: "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Is A Game For Good Boys And Girls Of All Ages" – Uncle Sakurai
Kazuya: The True Edgelord Of Super Smash Bros, Because He Will Throw You Off The Edge
Sora: Cloud Calling His Homie For Backup, Disney Wants To Own The Game... Keyblade Bonking Waluigi Into Oblivion

Sephiroth and Sora in the same DLC. What is this, a crossover game?