Reviews from

in the past

The Light in the Darkness has a important historic story, good music and really easy trophies. However, all of that is ruined by the PS1 graphics, slow gameplay, no voice acting but you can't skip the text because the person's lips got to stop moving first and the horrifying character models. The title doesn't really make sense given the context of the story.

What I'm about to say next is going to be a nitpick but it's so bizarre that I want to bring it up just to make fun of the game. Never before have I watched credits and there's a period after every word. There will be a period after the roles and the names of the people fulfilling those roles. Of all the negatives with this game, this stood out to me the most. Probably the most incongruous thing I've seen a video game do.

The Light in the Darkness is a free-to-play educational game where you relive a short story of a Jewish family after the Germans' occupation of France.

The story overall is quite short and the story only follows up until they were all sent to camps, after that, the ending scenes shows up. Graphically it isn't anything outstanding and the storytelling isn't the best. Everything is text-based with only few short custcenes.

All in all, the game isn't impressive by any means, but it still gives a short, strong and emotional insight of what life used to be for all Jewish people living during the WWII.

I would never have heard of this were it not for a review of it randomly showing up on my front page here. I became briefly obsessed with the reviewer, someone who would give 1 stars to an educational game about the horrors of the Holocaust because “there were periods after every name in the credits” and “the name of the game doesn’t make sense”. I spent like an hour going through their letterboxd (linked on their profile, i’m not that insane) howling with laughter, a highlight being a 5 star review of Idiocracy “this movie is a perfect depiction of today’s society” literally immediately followed by a 2.5 star review of The Irishman which they only watched half of because it was too long, immediately followed by a 5 star review of Jackass Forever (other 5 stars include Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery - The Movie and Pirates of The Caribbean, which they haven’t seen but liked the world in Kingdom Hearts 2).

Anyway, is this game good? No. Is it an effectively educational experience? Also no. Does it have an easy platinum trophy? Yes. And in a way, doesn’t that make the holocaust all worth it?

An educational, and emotional journey that can be completed in around an hour. And it's completely free, too! No reason not to play through this game.

My friend played this for the fast plat but also said it had a sad story in it. Which it does, and the message the creators wanted to get across is a powerful one. It's hard to rate this but if you are a trophy hunter you'll eventually get around to this.

Shit hurt. Not the prettiest or best made game but damn, it hurt.

O jogo é muito interessante para os amantes de história, principalmente da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O jogo não possui os melhores gráficos, nem a melhor gameplay; o que é compreensivel, visto que o jogo foi feito apenas para mostrar como foi para os franceses na Segunda Guerra. O jogo não promete nada, mas entrega uma história muito bonita.

Sua platina consiste em apenas zerar o jogo (Fiz ela sem querer)

As a game, The light in the darkness is very poor, it is slow paced, has poor controls, no voice acting and is overall not a very fun experience.
But it is obvious that the intention of this game was to provide a history lesson to players. I applaud them for this, however this is a video game, and I have provided it with a rating that I believe to be fair.
In conclusion, I do recommend this game especially you are uneducated on the history of this subject, but as a gaming experience it is very lacking.

I respect telling a story about Nazi Germany and the tragedy that befell the Jewish people because of it... But this is very much a story I could've made up in my head if someone asked me to make one about what happened to Jews during this time. If you know anything about this history, you'll know what to expect.

I wish the presentation were just a bit better. It's fine if it's cheaply made and only needs to tell a story, but I couldn't even finish reading text sometimes before the game skipped to the next scene. Some parts were a bit tedious too.

I appreciate the brief history lesson and free platinum trophy at least.

This is the kinda game that makes Kanye West hate or apologize on jew people

As a game it's not good. But the meaning and message and overall experience moved me.

Kinda weird poppin' trophies in a serious, incredibly sad game about a bunch of people being murdered during the holocaust but you gotta take the rough with the smooth I guess.

As a game, The Light In The Darkness is very lacking, it has poor graphics, no voice acting, poor controls, and very little actual gameplay. Despite all this, as a vehicle for a brief history lesson around the occupation of France in early WW2 and it's affect on the Jewish citizens, it definitely succeeds. It is totally worth your time if you're even remotely interested in WW2 history.