Reviews from

in the past

The second* instance of the Mandela effect that I can remember in my life was this game. I was CONVINCED that it had co-op. I had actual memories of playing the Mines of Moria segment with a friend. Maybe I dreamed it, maybe I played pretend fights of this part of the movie with my cousin in his living room, or maybe it was just because Return of the King supported two players, but returning to this and finding a single-player-only game was bewildering.

It's still a solid game, but it really just makes me want the sweet, sweet co-op action of RotK.

*The first was swearing that the animated movie Titan A.E. was based on a Sega Genesis game of the same name

Eu odeio quando um jogo é difícil pelos motivos errados, e aqui é o exato caso. Em um comparativo geral com jogos licensiados da época ele é até que legal, mas continua sendo um jogo ruim

Enjoyed playing this as a kid but never beat it.

probably better in my memories than in reality

I remember this being fun and had some of the best cheat codes.

ESDLA: Las Dos Torres (2002): Horrible, a nivel técnico apenas funciona, las misiones son cortas como suspiros donde machacas botones esperando que esa vez funcionen, con bosses obtusos y crípticos dónde no sabes si lo que falla es tu estrategia o el mando. Poco que salvar (3,90)

It's a fun game. They loving recreate levels from both the fellowship and the two towers. Though the Battle of Helms deep is far more annoying than it needs to be.

Don't remember much of this game. I was (and still am) a huge Lord of the Rings fan, considering the extended trilogy to be my favorite "11-12 hour movie" of all time.

And so, because of my love of all things LOTR, I took the plunge on testing out the waters on what was once considered one of the most notoriously bad genres of video games: the movie tie-in title. Surprisingly, from what I can remember, this wasn't half bad back then, but it was quickly surpassed by The Return of the King the following year.

great early 2000s couch coop game, made greater if you were a huge fan of lotr at the time, better ways to experience middle earth in today's day and age

de los mejores juegos de ps2 basado en la pelicula tiene muchos niveles dificiles de pasar pero si quieres revivir es pelicula este es el juego.

This game has a lot of faults, mostly in it's structure. If you have never seen the movies before jumping into this game, you will have no idea what the hell is going on. By design, the entire game is just a recreation of setpieces from the movie (with some original ones to make this more of a "game"), which will mean absolutely nothing to people who have never seen these films. However, as someone who grew up with/loves these films and knows them back to front, this did not bother me personally. What DID bother me was the fact that this game only recounts the events of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli and completely excludes every other hero as a playable character, although to be fair Frodo, Sam, & Gollum's and especially Merry & Pippin's story would not translate well to a game of this kind at all except for maybe the final minutes of the film, which from what I understand are being saved for the next game. And as a diehard fan of these films, it was awesome to play as three of the most badass members of the fellowship and complete kick some Uruk-hai ass. And the upgrade system and ability to go back and replay each section as any of the three heroes is an ingenius idea, demanding replayability. Is it repetative? Yes. And the boss fight with Sharku, the Warg rider, is super annoying. But despite these criticisms, for a movie tie-in game, this is better than it has any right to be.

Could never get into this game like I did with Return of the King

A real classic of the era, especially in an era of truly god-awful movie tie-ins. The animations and stage design are really well done and still look great today. The models even look halfway presentable when jacked up to 4K.
There are some truly egregious difficulty spikes towards the end that had me making liberal use of save states, and wondering how I ever managed to beat this without checkpoints back when it first came out.

It's very good but too hard for me when i was a kid. Probably my first rage quit ever

Dude remember when Jerma spent 4 hours on 1 level of this.

Gotta love the lore to enjoy this one. Fast paced hack and slash with interesting level up and combat mechanics. Not a huge fan of the hack and slash action genre but this is quick and enjoyable.

Easily the best LOTR game. And hard. Games used to be HARD.

Combat is not bad. Atmosphere at war scenes is great but very repetitive and short.

A good game, great source material to base it off - but not as satisfying mechanically as The Return of the King and the lack of co-op mode is disappointing in hindsight.

It's fun. It's not very good, it is very clunky. The animations and the models are not great. However, there's a ton of charm here. I love the little interviews. they are so cute and dumb

watching jerma struggle through helm's deep was an experience not really dissimilar to drakengard

i remember this game being incredible

Loved playing this & Return of The King with my brother growing up. For a hack & slash title the gameplay has aged pretty well all things considered. Each character has their own playstyle to suit your preferences, and a variety combo attacks to play around with. The game also just has great aesthetics being drawn from the LOTR movies. Only thing this game doesn't really have compared to games like GOW & DMC is good bossfights, all of the levels are pretty linear with waves of basic enemies throughout. The game does have a few cool bonuses at the end but not much compared to other games. Also if you don't prioritize spending EXP on certain upgrades early (extra health, Bane moves, and sword/bow damage buffs), you're gonna have a VERY HARD time on the Helm's Deep levels. Not bad but Return of The King is easily the more refined game and lack of co-op is dissapointing.

Absolutely fuck helm's deep

Honestly one of the rare console-to-handheld ports of this era where the handheld version holds its own or maybe even outstrips the primary version. Why aren't there more LotR-centric loot games?? It's pretty bare-bones and short, but those are expected for a GBA game and they honestly did more with the RPG trappings than I would have expected them to be able to in such a limited factor. And the art looks great and is highly legible, even when upscaled to 1080p in an emulator!

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Hours!

An overall decent hack and slash and one of the better movie game tie-ins. The levels are rather short though but the fact you can replay them as different characters does give it replay value. I will say I do wish the secret unlockable character was Gandalf instead of Isildur. It would've been more fun I feel playing as him since he's a wizard and would've had different move sets compared to Isildur who is basically just a skin for Aragorn.

Aragorn is probably the most balanced character to play as. His ranged and sword attacks are powerful but not as strong as Gimli's axe or Legolas's bow.

Legolas has the best-ranged attacks but he's weaker when it comes to close-quarters combat.

Gimli surprisingly I found to be the strongest of the characters. His axe attacks feel more powerful than the other characters and he's definitely the best to use when it comes to taking out Trolls plus he has the most health. His throwing axes are weak as hell though and playing as him on the Breached Wall level is a pain because there so weak and you get overwhelmed by exploding berserkers easier compared to Aragorn or Legolas.

Despite playing on even the lowest difficulty it's still quite a challenging game. The enemies attack quickly and there are no spare lives and a lot of levels you have to restart if you fail them.

a wonderful excuse, if you need one, to buy an emulation handheld