Reviews from

in the past

this is possibly the worst thing i have ever fucking played cheritz you crazy son of a bitch

Probably the worst mobile otome i've played
Teo reminds me why i'm a lesbian
Monitised systems upon monitised systems upon waiting 20 mins for teo to breathe
Even ikevamp was better than this.
Cheritz need to come out with a real hit after this.

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nov 16 2022 isnt my actual start date however i uninstalled it after spending a day with teo because hes so fucking boring, but i got it back on harry's release. played around 160 days with harry but i got spoiled on pretty much everything in teo's routes.

the differences between harry and teo's routes are:

⭐ harrys story and teo's story are the polar opposites of each other
⭐ harry's is full of drama, NOTHING ever happens in teos
⭐in harrys route the people around him keeps dragging him down while in teo's route everyone is super supportive of him
⭐ harry hates everyone and teo loves everyone like a cat and dog
(the last 2 are meant to represent what kind of people they attract to themselves)
⭐ and lastly teo's story is about his interactions with the world around him while harry's is about how the world interacts WITH him (without his consent)

harry route pros (this list is short):
+ harry is definitely autistic and a lot more fun than teo.
+ hes also cuter. thats it

big ass rambling about the story in general:
during the first 100 days (or maybe the first 70 days idk im autistic) harry is visibly uncomfortable with the player and, unless you like teasing him and making life hell for him, does not get better until he actually starts feeling something for the mc. harry is forced to talk to the mc because of piu piu, for the first 50 days or so, piu piu puts alarms to his phone so he wakes up earlier than hes used to so he can reply to our messages, harry has said the alarms dont turn off until he sends a message, he cant mute the phone during the alarms because it doesnt work, and also piu can ELECTROCUTE HIM through the phone if he doesnt reply the messages. so he is definitely not talking with the player because he wants to.

big ass rambling about the summer update:
after the summer update the story started getting kinda cringe luv x. its just not fun to read. i like some fantasy stories or stories with meta or 4th wall elements but the ssum does not do a good job forcing that into the story. when the character angel was introduced he was way more fun as a potential hacker (and there was a lot of speculation that he and piupiu were meant to mirror 707 and unknown by fans), but now theyre trying to add some supernatural elements to the story with him, and to me it would be way more in character if he made fun of harry for believing in these "angel that appears during a full moon" stuff bc hes just a hacker, but even angel himself insists on that, so obviously cheritz is going for a supernatural thing where "outer sources will try to pull us apart !!!!!!!! and love with triumph!" or some shit like that. it was more fun when harry and mc wasnt dating and it was just harrys daily life.

it got worse with characters being introduced and none of them being good people and with the addition of some k-drama elements, and now theyre adding supernatural elements to it, which i wouldve loved if the story had them to begin with, like, lets say dandelion or nameless.

other than that i think most of the women are written in a weirdly antagonistic k-drama villainess type way and the men are all losers. i love cheritz but this is definitely their all time low nothing will top mm and dandelion now. i love harry, cheritz did him so dirty. hes mine now. and as i insist in all of my reviews he is also autistic

unrealistically terrible for how big cheritz is. like how did this happen