Reviews from

in the past

Would kill/fuck the sun for Anatoli and Pyotr tbvh

Didn't go full completionist and get all the endings on this like I did with an outcry because I kind of felt happy with the ending that I got. Really cool and atmospheric game with strong characters, I genuinely cannot wait to see how BLANKSWORD turns out

Anatoli's route has more of a traditional RPG maker horror game feel to it, but I like how short and to the point it is. Pyotr's route is... weird! I wasn't expecting things to go in that direction after the somewhat grim-realistic endings on the first, but I can appreciate the more surreal tone things took. I think I got the best ending or at least one of the good ones, and aside from some tonal whiplash at the very end I'm pretty satisfied with how things went.

Overall, nice message about how the people in power will literally let others burn to achieve their senseless goals, and how feelings of duty and regret fare into it. I wish there were more save slots and a faster walking speed option so I could hunt for the other endings (I heard there's even joke endings but I have no idea how to find them), but I had a nice time with it.

i'm glad this game exists. i don't want to spoil it.