Reviews from

in the past

Henshin a no-no baby :(

Feels like it's running at 0.75x speed, then gets extra crunchy when there's more than two guys. Has a translucent circle in the middle of the screen at all times, to simulate looking through a lens, and it's just distracting. Of the few stages I played, it felt so easy that there was zero reason to use slo-mo or even dodge. Big nothing.

It's a real shame, because I bet they could have made a banger of a VJ on the 3DS.

A valiant effort, attempting to get a game like Viewtiful Joe to work on the DS, but it doesn't quite stick the landing and just ends up being on the boring (and irritating) side. Overly reliant on touch-screen based gimmicks, and a game like this is a game where those DON'T work.

Full series video review:

It's nice to see a new proper Viewtiful Joe story after the disaster that was Red Hot Rumble. However, even with the new abilities and interesting puzzles, this game falls short otherwise. Poor animations, poor performance and controls that just don't function as they should. Skip this one too.

Viewtiful Joe pimba pamba oh no se me jodieron los gatillos de la DS y ahora no puedo progresar

Double Trouble sets itself apart from other Viewtiful Joe games by having a lot more interesting powers and abilities to use via the touch screen however in turn it lost a lot of its life and style that the other two games present itself so well in. When it comes down to it, Double Trouble feels more like a half hearted experiment of what could have been a good game, but just plays too much with the concepts rather than fix the gears to really make them work. Thus it made what could have been a fun experience rather average with a lot of the enemies and items being rather dull or too easy to actually beat.

Clover did their best to convert Joe to the DS, but hardware limitations held this game allllll the way back from realizing its potential.

Slow VFX looks and feels like ass, Fast Forward VFX is replaced by a mechanic where the player scribbles on the DS screen to make random shit fall onto enemies and it's really lame.

It feels like a Viewtiful Joe game, and the presentation is still great but man what a tragedy Clover was never able to improve upon their handheld outings.

Apesar das limitações do DS, o jogo tenta passar a mesma emoção do jogo original de console, mas acaba sendo mais maçante e fácil de jogar, tirando o último boss, que além da carga emocional da história, tem um pouco de desafio.
Jasmine best girl.

I remember this game running like ass and the dual screen gimmick for it being annoying.