Reviews from

in the past

Virtua Cop 2 is pretty much a better Virtua Cop 1!
Not only does Virtua Cop 2 add an extra character to the team, but it also features more dynamic stages, with alternate paths, and some driving sequences that can get quite ectic.
Reloading now can be done by pressing the reload button once, instead of twice, and the game is just simply pretty fun to play!

the guys that go "hey" are really disorienting at first. i don't like how much harder it is to get the alt guns but it's not that big of a deal. like the setpieces here better than on the original but the bosses are worse i think. the 4th level being just a piss easy boss battle is genuinely hilarious. i like that the levels have multiple routes for their middle sections. i couldnt get the music working at all so it was just me and the goofy sound effects. big head mode is one of the most obvious ways these games influenced goldeneye but not as funny as that one's

beaten with default settings

man I remember playing this a lot with my older cousin at our old home and had so much fun doing so

I still remember the good days.

Just like the original, it's a very fun light gun shooter.

Great game for its time. It is actually really impressive what they managed to make. It is a fare bit harder than the first one. I did struggle quite a bit to beat all the levels individually, so I ain't even gonna think about beating them all at once to get the final level :)) I am very much fine with what I managed to do, just like with the first game.

Sofrendo dos mesmo males e limitações do primeiro, a experiência do segundo jogo no PC, apesar do design mais apurado, ainda é aquém da experiência no console com o controle-pistola.

Ainda assim um jogo mto bem feitinho, padrão do gênero.

Is just like "Just Dance" but with guns

i like shooting wheels and flipping cars, this is the greatest shooter of all time

One of the first ever games I played. My hands couldn't even reach the mouse and keyboard at the time. Also, killed every civilian in cold blood as i couldn't understand the words "Don't shoot". Good times.

This sequel is a significant improvement over the first game. Recharging your weapon now only requires a single button press. The stages are more diverse and engaging compared to the original, with each offering two distinct paths to choose from. The enduring low-poly charm remains intact.

Its a fun railshooter with a great concept, but nothing spectacular. A little repetitive in my opinion.

Joguei Virtua Cop 2 via Steam Deck para testar o emulador de Sega Saturn, achei o tipo de jogo que só deve ter graça jogando com a pistolinha no arcade, mas é bom para passar o tempo.

They definitely cranked things up a notch from Virtua Cop 1 as levels are way more dynamic both in terms of actual character movement setpieces and interactibility with a lot of items in the backgrounds reacting to being shot. The enemy count and overall tempo of the game has been increased a fair bit as well. Every level has two paths in it, so that also encourages at least one replay. It's absolutely a marked improvement over the first. That being said, I still kinda found it a bit meh. Maybe it's the lack of real distinct enemy types, maybe it's the kinda generic urban environment and okay soundtrack not really doing it for me, maybe it's me playing this after coming right off of the house of the dead high, idk. I do think it's funny that the enemy gang just has multiple large squads of dudes just hiding in a single file line behind various desks just to pop out one at a time. It's not an entirely brainless light gun game, as enemies do react quickly and this game definitely encourages taking out enemies that aren't marked yet by the sight just to get them out of the way so they don't get the upper hand later. It's just kinda bland I guess. Inoffensive-core. Though if I ever see an arcade cab of this out in the wild there's no reason NOT for me to give this a go. I'd just rather be playing HotD.

Shooting the enemies in the dick to have them cower and cover their crotch before dying is honestly the best part of the game. I also love shooting the cars to make them blow up and kill all the enemies inside. It's great.

I got the high score on a cabinet, but the gun wouldn't track to the top half of the alphabet (my initials are AB) so I had to enter "uvu"....give me this over HOTD1 any day though

My favorite entry in the Virtua Cop franchise, keeps all the goods and the bads from the previous game but with more action and intensity.

i suck at this game but its fun