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This feels very much like the ultimate Wario Ware, packed with a bunch of fun minigames and nonsense.

If you're a fan of ANY Warioware game then this must be played, this is kind of like a remix of all the past games plus plenty of new, I played it on the go, at work on breaks and such and enjoyed every time I played it, there's not much to say though, if you like Warioware or mini games in general definitely must play.

Yes. Best micro game game ever. Nice to play

Outstading compilation of old and new microgames. Lots of extra modes and unlockables and, of course, the absolute nonsense and quirkiness that makes every single WarioWare game unique and something everyone must experience.

As far as WarioWare games go, this one is the most complete package. Gold has the most microgames with the greatest variety, and of the WarioWare games that have used motion controls, this one functions the smoothest. While the mechanics are solid, sometimes the presentation brings down the experience.

Microgames in Gold are mostly remixes of previous entries' microgames, split between using button controls, the 3DS's gyro sensor, or touch screen controls. There are modes that let you play the collection of a single control type, or an insane mode that randomly switches between the three types. Such variety makes it easy to keep poking around to find something to do, without even mentioning the multitude of unlockable minigames and curios the series is known for. (I do however hate the new unlocking system, which artificially slows progress by introducing coins to take a spin at the prize machine instead of awarding a spin for clearing a boss mini game outright. Pointless and mean in a game with hundreds of prizes to claim.)

As for how the microgames have been updated, the results are mixed. Some microgames have had their method of input changed, and others have gotten graphical or art style refreshes. Uniformly, the controls are snappy and the gameplay changes are intuitive. However, with all the updated art, there is some loss in legibility. Borders around the active areas of the microgames are inconsistent in shape, and in some cases, the new art styles lose the high contrast between the controllable element and the background. In a series where what the player controls is often abstracted or environmental in nature, with only seconds to tell them apart, these oversights greatly impact a first play-through.

Although there are over 300 microgames, being split roughly evenly between the three control types makes the game feel both larger and smaller than that count suggests. Other entries have had closer to 200 games, but confined to a single control style. So depending on what you like about the series, you either have 1.5x as many games, or .5x as many games as you would expect. At least it learned the correct lesson that microgames controlled by the 3DS microphone, do in fact, unilaterally, suck, and has like 5 of them. Still 5 too many.

To WarioWare Gold's credit, it is the most fun I've had with motion controls in the series. The 3DS hardware is finally sensitive enough to allow purposeful variety in how microgames control without the inconsistency of Twisted!'s customized GBA cartridge or the base Wii Remote in Smooth Moves. (And those awful transitions to change hand positions or recalibrate the Wii Remote, absolutely killed the pacing of that game.) Motion controls are often a gimmick, but in a collection of gimmicky game ideas like this, its great fun.

In my rating system, 2 stars represents an average, C rank game, and at 2.5 stars I give WarioWare Gold a C+. There's definitely an increase in budget here that makes the game feel robust, but some of that budget went to fully voiced cutscenes, which are absolutely painful. WarioWare stories are always hot nonsense, and hearing bored English voice-overs cover flash-style animations make the product feel cheap in a way it doesn't deserve. The music is also pretty lame, opting for more "humor"-focused sound-effect laden soundscapes rather than engaging melodies. I feel like with a better-focused art direction that paid more attention to the user experience, this could have been something really special.

this released at the end of 3DS's lifespan because having this much warioware in one game too early in the 3DS's lifespan would've crashed the stock market

half a star off bc I did the entire campaign while on the plane, and when I reached the boss of the last level it required me to speak into the mic which I couldn't do because I was in public

A nice little collection of the finest Wario Ware has to offer delivered in a neat little package and wonderfully utilizing the 3DS' control capabilities to the fullest.

An amazing celebration of the WarioWare series

good ol' warioware, nothing beats that!

A great entry in the series that also functions as a sort of "greatest hits" compilation with minigames from past installments. Part of what makes this one so enjoyable in-particular though is the fully-voiced cutscenes, including Charles Martinet as Wario speaking full-on monologues and bantering with other characters! God help the producers at Illumination if they don't cast him in a full-fledged role as Wario in any future Mario movies.

While it seems like a simple compilation of the previous games, there's enough new additions and really fun challenge modes to make this a completely jam-packed experience that is a complete chaotic blast.

One of the most disappointing WarioWare to me.

Double edged sword. It's a fantastic collection of some of the best games the series has to offer and it feels great to have another Wario Ware handheld. But it lacks a lot of soul from the earlier ones, for whatever reason

My introduction to WarioWare, just a stellar collection of old and new micro games.

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Why does this game have so much weird post game stuff? The moment I unlocked "Wario Kard" I thought to myself "How many people on planet Earth have played/will play this?"

An excellent, funny, endearing and polished collection. It really makes use of the majority of the 3DS’ features and is just a blast to play through. It’s got a ton of cool extras and side modes too.


Some people might not like the tilt and touch screen controls that were added, but I think they all feel super natural. Great collection of old and new games along with tons of unlockables and extras. Might be my favorite entry in the series so far, up there with DIY.

I still think smooth moves is a tiny bit better but this is very much up there. Such a lovely title

the new art style, voice acting and amount of content breathe life into what couldve been a very boring collection of past minigames, play this

funny to see my little pucca mii in a minigame

this existing at all is bizarre. i had a great time though its more warioware how could i not

i wouldn't call this the definitive warioware (it lacks a bit of the weird charm of the older games and the new aesthetic takes some getting used to), but it's very close. splitting the games up into different control schemes is genius, there's a ton of different levels and gimmicks, it's just a blast to play. even though you can get burnt out fairly quick, but that's a problem all these games have. this game's worth it alone just for the updated songs they include.

Unico jogo que pela pura diversão eu consegui fazer minha irmã jogar, ele é muito idiota, nivel wario, mas te diverte muito, eu rezerei 4 vezes porque ele sempre me diverte akakkakaka, é um jogo de minigames pra te distrair, não é nada serio ou com uma puta lore

brought back the only good mode from game & wario and gave us the cutest 3d model of ashley ever. yuuuuuuup i'm thinking this is the best game in the franchise

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