Reviews from

in the past

Over the years, Yoshi has been accused of many things, including being a fraud that does tax evasion and runs from the law.

Of course, it's hard to imagine that: there is no way one of Nintendo's most adorable and silly mascots can be this stinky.... until you remember that he once sold you a literal tech demo at full price, didn't elaborated and left the room while taking your clothes... and now you can kinda see Yoshi committing tax fraud!

I rememeber trying this game with the DS of a friend, and being charmed by the really adorable environments, cute graphics and cute use of the touch screen to creat clouds.... admittely I was a dumb kid, but this didn't stop me to ask my friend to rent the game for a bit and going past the cute but really simple first level, wondering what else the game had to offer...... OH, that was it! Huh.... well that sucked a lot.

I guess the touch screen was innovative for the time or something, but this is such a nothing experience that I am even surprised that it was able to get released on the market. I guess it can be considered a "silly arcade experience", where you try to aim for an higher score in the different (not that different) modes the game has to offer, but honestly... there are mobile games with more content than this. It would have been totally fine as a side mode for a Mario Party or a Yoshi Island entry, but on its own..... yeah no, sorry.

If you are searching for 5 sorta charming minutes where you use clouds to move around Baby Mario and make Yoshi go up and down (since he moves on its own).... honestly don't bother. Sorry.

It was touch-and-go there for a while but I got the hang of it, and enjoyed it's old school vibes.

my memory of playing this game as a kid is like those mobile game ads where it looks really easy but the person playing seems to be post-lobotomy

I do not understand the point of this game. Who was it made for and who enjoys it. The controls are frustrating and there is little to no gameplay in this overpriced package. 2nd worst Yoshi game.

El primer juego al que jugué. Para un niño de 4 años fue complicado entender lo de tocar y que vaya el huevo

I wish I had one of those Cahiers du Cinema-esque opinions that this is one of Nintendo's finest. That would be fun

A tech demo that somehow ended up on store shelves.

Ce jeu existe. Il se fait en 3 heures max, si vous galérez.

Et c'est tout. Il est cute though

i remember i got this game as a kid. i told my mom i wanted super mario world on gba, but she suggested this game instead. what i got was a tech demo with nothing to do except get a higher score. this game should've been put into yoshi's island ds as a bonus game. this is more a 5/10, but i still have my childhood anger about how little content this game has. getting a new game as a kid was rare, so when i got a nothingburger score attack game at 2011, it pissed me off. if i played this game for the first time today, i would probably not think much of it as i "acquire" most of my retro games, and give it the previously aforementioned 5/10 as it is an alright time waster. however, kid me has the anger from getting the time waster game expecting a full game from it. fuck this game lmfao

Es gracioso saber que gracias a esta mierda me desanimara a jugar las demás entregas de Yoshi, fue el primero y el único que toqué y en ningún momento me ha gustado xd.

This game's too addictive send help.

an incredibly apt title because my experience really was just touching the screen a few times and going. and yoshi was there

Definitivamente um jogo que existe

Really gives you a mobile game feeling, I'm very surprised this is not a minigame part of a bigger game like Yoshi's Island DS. That said, it's fine at what it does.

when i was 12 years old i played this on call with my ex while having a giant breakdown and sobbing loudly, that's a core memory i have and probably the only reason i remember this game

A glorified minigame that was sold at full price on DS launch.

I remember feeling kinda ripped off buying this game when it first came out, but over the years I bet I've booted this game up more than any of the Pokémon titles put together. Nintendo EAD doesn't really put out many score-attack arcade style games often, and this is an especially approachable one. The download play can get heated too! This probably would have seen more love as a DSiWare release. Kirby Air Ride didn't need much content to become a hood classic, so what's stopping Yoshi Touch & Go?

Looks cute but there's no reason to play more than five minutes the gameplay loop is so repetitive

Both that Stork and Kamek deserve to lose their jobs.

To say this is a tech demo is to give it too much credit. It's a crappy arcadey minigame masquerading as a full price DS game. The only reason anyone bought this was because the DS line up was very thin in the months after launch. The game is slow paced, annoying and unforgiving, the most charitable I can be is to say it was a bad idea for how to use the touch screen that only made sense in these early, early days.

A minigame collection where I had more fun and put more attention that it actually deserved.

When I was a child this game pissed me off so badly that I had a fit of rage and snapped my DS straight in half. No game has ever made me that mad before or since.

Fun, lackluster game that really feels like it should be mobile.

I came thinking I would be playing the sequel to Yoshi's Island / Yoshi's Story. I ended up with a repetitive and boring tech demo that I dropped after an hour.

eu ia falar que ele é só um jogo de celular lançado como jogo comum pra DS, mas nem um jogo bom de celular ele seria, mt chato e frustante e os remixes do Yoshi's Island original são literalmente a única coisa q vc pode tirar de bom disso

Bought this as part of a '3 for £5' deal at Game several years ago, and I still have yet to see the appeal of this. It has Pictochat functionality! ...Which requires closing the game to open Pictochat.

Things like that are what make this game feel far more like a tech demo that would be SLIGHTLY more excusable as a pack-in title with the DS. Except, it launched almost a year after the DS did. Pointless.

Hehe, what a game, or rather tech demo. It's absolutely not worth buying at the recommended price online for it's length (blink and it's finished). Still, the very little content is good and the game looks kinda cute.

Yoshi Touch & Go sounds like Yoshi is sexually assaulting people and then running away from the cops. The actual game is pretty much as fun as that sounds.

I bought this and was immediately disappointed by how little actual playable content there was.