Reviews from

in the past

Aqui você vende a sua alma e sanidade para o META. E quando não conseguir esse feito, apenas desista.
Mais tarde você se lembra que um amistoso entre amigos consegue ser bem divertido.

Gosto tanto de "Yu-Gi-Oh!" a ponto de jogar o card game físico por pelo menos 7 anos, só que é mais um "vai e volta" do que jogar direto. O que sendo bem sincero é saudável kkkk.
Porém, com relação a acessibilidade dele no geral fica difícil de querer arriscar algo. Tipo, se você duelar contra alguém que segue o META tu vai acabar assistindo o cara jogar sozinho ou só dando a vitória à ele.

O crafting eu achei zuado e muito demorado, vão para o Ômega ou EDOPRO. São mais acessíveis.

i am not the same person i was before playing yugioh


The game is fun, but I don't like where the game is going. They're at least improving the UI tho.

if red-eyes black dragon with his "pohtenshul" were a video game, i think master duel would be it. the presentation and general play features of this game are shaping up to be awesome, with some of the most streamlined deckbuilding i've ever seen in a yugioh sim (though i wish there were some better filter options). the actual game in motion looks and feels great (besides how slow/sluggish the animations are), but there's just a lot that master duel is missing at the moment. i'm sure i'm not the first nor the last to bring this up, but bo3, alternative banlists/real banlists, retro formats, better monetization, and more accessories/aesthetic options are all missing. more expanded duel room features are missing. new cards are missing. lots of stuff is missing, giving the impression that master duel is more in an open beta stage than up to a full release. i'm fine with that, but i hope it doesn't last long.

what i think is most damning here is the monetization for sure. while it isn't as gross as duel links because of the godsend of a crafting system, things like rarity and gem acquisition are handled in a way i can only describe as pure konamium. my ogdoadic lair deck - a deck weaker than mid rogue, mind you - has taken me upwards of 14 ultra rares to make. meanwhile, my thunder dragon deck is practically budget in comparison with around 5-7. the game gives enough gems to make 2-4 decks depending on how lucky you are, but once you reach that point you're completely fucked unless you're willing to grind out missions for the rest of your life for almost no reward. konami, for the sake of this game's health, should NOT have made it so nearly every archetype or deck type in the game requires at least a few ultras. that should not have even been on the table. are they seriously going to tell me that it was a fair and balanced decision to make sure a fucking venom deck is going to cost at least like 6 ultras to make? don't even get me started on hero, either. i feel for all the people who would want to experiment with them but can't because of how ridiculous the rarity is.

but hey, i still gave this game a middling to positive score. it isn't all doom and gloom. with the decks i have gotten to make, i've had the chance to connect with and play with friends and relatives who i wouldn't dream would be playing yugioh with me up until now. it's opened so very many doors that i hope stay open - it's just up to konami to finally shape up and make a sincere and honest effort at a good game after nearly a decade of going down the drain. i won't stop playing this game any time soon, but it needs to be improved a lot before it really shines.

6/19/22 update: i'm finally quitting this game, at least when it comes to playing it with any sort of actual consistency. the most recent festival and general lack of improvement tell me the developers and/or the higher-ups at konami do not give enough of a shit about this game to want to make it actually good, and that saddens me. what we do have is still a solid skeleton for a game, but it's something with nothing in it and even as a simulator it's far too slow and cumbersome and gacha-y to work all that well. while its presentation is still awesome and it's the best yugioh has ever looked, it's missing so much of what would make it good that it's simply... mid. it continues the trend of (ocg/tcg-based) yugioh games never breaking that ceiling, and this point i wonder if that ceiling will be there forever.


First, this game is surprisingly amazing and works quite well after. Good job Konami, hope you keep improving this game.
Second, Yu-Gi-Oh as game have some issues with the balancing, being really fun in full casual, but annoying in the competitive, in that case, the best way to play if don't want a competitive game is with friends or in the solo mode.

I'm sure its a great game and I love yugioh but I have only watched the classic yugioh and idk what the hell a xyz summon is

Basicamente um edopro ou qualquer jogo de yugioh tcg so que de maneira oficial, da de se divertir, montar quase todos os decks, em geral e um bom jogo

Ha sido una grata sorpresa, al fin y al cabo salió sin anunciarse la fecha. Está bastante guay, es YGO, con todo lo que ello implica. No está libre de problemas, no solo a nivel de bugs. Puede que cambie de opinión, pero de momento me gusta.

this game is fun and cool/gen

Really good Yugioh platform. Awesome graphics- really brings the cards to life. The singular big problem is the gems. Pulling certain cards can be hard, too, and you never have enough material. But its still good.

i love watching my opponent play the game and me not getting to play the game

Ever since this was announced I was interested, having been an old Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, and surprisingly enough, especially after my time trying Duel Links and being unsatisfied wholly and completely, this is honestly, kind of incredible?

There are solo missions to help you start to get a handle on different ideas and various deck types that are in the game now. They start you off with plenty of gems where I've been able to open some 200 packs easy so far and make a variety of decks and work towards making more. I'm still not so great at the game, but that's ok, because I'm enjoying it, and the UI and presentation are very nice.

Also the soundtrack? The composer well and truly went off in the best way, and this is legit one of the best parts of this game. Would definitely recommend trying out if you were a fan of the card game way back when or are just interested at all!

I just wish there was more to help teach fundamentals of the newer concepts like pendulums, links, xyz, etc.

This seems pretty awesome for actually playing Yugioh. The music kicks ass, the presentation is sweet. It seems to have quite a bit of single player content. It seems kind of fucked to me that there is only 2 purchasable premade decks, and im kind of annoyed with the pack system, but its whatever.

Didnt play any online at all and im fine with that, I like to think about playing Yugioh and cool arch types instead of actually playing it.

Yu-Gi-Oh! moderno não tá com nada, mas ainda dá pra se divertir

Greatest card game of all time. Please for your own mental health never actually play it. Or wait for albaz lore to get added, either or.

dragonmaid supremacy
very f2p friendly
solo mode is kinda boring tho

Konami please.
the ban list PLEASE

so tem japones jogando essa budega veia

fucking terrible piece of shit game from hitler hell F### THIS GAME

está muy guapo este kusoge

it’s the tcg but with micro transactions… it is what it is but i do love yugioh

If you like watching a tryhard summon his entire deck, probably his family members, a few unworldly beings, probably his imaginary wives, literal children and some anime girls while you wait for him to end his goddamn turn for an hour, this is the game for you.

oh also, people can have 6 cards(which are normally banned) in their deck, which literally negate your entire combo or cause them to draw their entire deck if you try to perform your combo, have fun.

I enjoy the game, but there's a lack of GOOD single-player stuff and having official alternate format ladders would make the game godlike. Still a great sim and very functional. If it wasn't such a grind it would be fun to play side formats with friends.

Play timelords, get death threats

Yu-gi-oh TCG (which is very fun to play) in a game with excellent presentation. Sometimes I wish existed earlier but is now a real thing. Great game.

Finished all the solo content, got to platinum, still love building decks and dueling anything that isnt a tryhard meta deck..which is unfortunately a lot of them. The presentation is solid apart from the needlessly slow chain animation and it's fun opening packs as it should be. I like having a cute little duel mate hanging out on the side of my board too, but I do sorely miss the cute girls from the tag force games. I was surprised how generous they were with gems starting out then I realized just how stingy they were with them after the initial gem dump which was kind of disheartening since there's so many fun archetypes to try. I've still been able to make 5 decks with a 6th in the works so I'm not too dissatisfied but it still doesn't feel like enough. The solo mode is pretty neat but I wish more of them were as expansive as the world legacy story, the others are over too fast. Overall, while it's obviously not as quick or free as edopro, master duel is a very good free yugioh client for people who want to play something long as you can avoid getting matched up with drytron, eldlich and sky striker players. Anxiously awaiting my more recent cyberdark support.

It's just like every MTG videogame ever but with Yugioh cards, it's still a good formula so I think it's a good game that lacks a lot of originality. They even kept all the bad things, like making it obvious when you are playing any kind of counter card because the game just STOPS and waits for you to respond on every action, even if you are fast enough to click on CANCEL it keeps asking over and over again when you clearly don't want to use it, that's the one thing that actually bothers me, I don't care about the crappy music and mobile-based UI, or the serious lack of originality, it's just Yugioh. They do give you a shit ton of cards to build your own custom deck and there's some PvE adventures that are fun, even if the story is nonexistent outside of "oh, there's evil, duel it".
I wanted to build a boomer deck filled with the cards from the TV series because I'm a filthy casual and I don't know/care about synchro, pendulum and zxy summons and I never will, but I found myself buying like 100 packs (with in-game earned currency) and building decks just for the fun of it, even if it wasn't really that fun because every card is so unnecessarily specific and convoluted that there's no middle ground between perfection and trash.
I would've liked it more if they gave it a more "Yugioh feeling" instead of just reskinning the MTG formula. The game is free so I can't complain too much about development, but was it that hard to add the correct sound to the life point drops? To this day I haven't found a single Yugioh game that has the correct SFX, and that's really all I want; a Yugioh game that looks and sounds like the TV series. That's it.

The game it's good enough, no reason to hate it, it's really easy to start playing VS, you can duel your friends, the tutorials are bad but it's Yugioh, you just summon crap to sacrifice it and summon a bigger crap to sacrifice it and summon an even bigger crap, and this one has 4 paragraphs of text on it that do not matter at all, just hit and hope it's enough.