Reviews from

in the past

uno de los juegos mas dificiles de la snes pero un juego muy bueno y de muchos niveles platinado en retroachievements.

Absolute banger of a game, probably one of the all-time greats in the realm of co-op arcade shooters. Every little inch of the game oozes with personality and charm, and finding out what weapons are weaknesses to certain monsters is a blast of cartoon logic and panicked desperation.

What really sets this already excellent game so high above its peers is its sheer volume - there are 50 stages that ensure that you and your co-op buddy of choice are not going to be just blasting through the whole game in one sitting, you will be jotting down those passwords all the way to the end, and once you finish it, it won't be long before you are starting the whole thing all over again.

forgot every second i played of this game

Divertidinho demais, bem fácil de se entender, extremamente fluído e ótimo pra passar o tempo. O jogo também é bem curtinho, ótimo
pra quando você ta sem nada pra fazer e precisa ocupar a mente

Também acho o jogo graficamente bem bonito.

It starts off easy, but the game is long. Later levels might be impossible. Still fun to play up to your breaking point.

Got really far but never beat!

It starts out great but gets repetitive and rather unfair the further in you progress. Use save staves because the password system doesn't keep your items. Definitely a game that would benefit from a modern remake to really get the full potential from the concept.

I fucking hate those worms.

I want to beat it someday.

el jefe de la araña es una re mierda

i like how saving the teacher gets you 10 points but saving the cheer leaders gets you 1000 points

Thought this was the coolest game ever when I played it

Nossa, era divertido demais jogar isso.

masochism at it's finest. fun but ugh the password system kinda sucks especially on the later levels. fun for short bursts of time but not really something i'd finish


Identidade e carisma. Um show nesses quesitos. Envelheceu muito bem e continua divertido e bem caracterizado. Um ótimo jogo, jogando sozinho ou em dupla, é bom.

Odd game with odd gameplay, odd premise, cool music, cool graphics, one of the early attempts to bring the language of film into gaming.

A Zombie spoof film turned into an action game for the ages.

Excelente juego para jugar con un amigo, pero la dificultad aumenta a niveles insospechados al punto que es casi imposible de terminar... sin savestates

Never quite got the hype for that one. It's full of references and fun for an hour then gets terribly repetitive, even in two-player mode. Meh.

Great childhood game of mine. Sadly the difficulty spike is insane. Not a fun singelplayer game in my opinion.

Beat it when I was young but remember little of it. Plan to revisit one day.

Played this with my mom when I was young. So stoked to finally beat this!

Starts out great, but becomes far too punishing to be fun.

I'll never be able to finish this, i don't even know if there is a real end.

Muito difícil, porém divertido quando se joga com um amigo

Não é ruim, mas é extremamente enjoativo, muito repetitivo. Seria um bom jogo se não fosse longo!

Um jogo muito bonito e com uma música que apesar de ser repetitiva é bem gostosinha e combina com o clima, um jogo com uma dificuldade considerável e com alguns pontos bem frustrantes, mas o seu maior problema é a quantidade de fases, que para min acaba se alongando bastante, ficando bem saturado. Apesar de boas partes dessas fases terem diversidades, muitas acabam se repetindo e estão mais para encher linguiça.

Playing this game in co-op mode is an amazing, timeless experience.