Reviews from

in the past

more boring than the first one, only got an hour into it and dont really want to pick it back up

update: finished it and honestly still don’t really like it

While this is the worst game in the series as a whole, can't say I didn't have fun going through it again, the new gadgets are pretty one-note, and the game looks kinda ugly at times.

This is the Godfather 2 of Ape Escape

Ahhhh the ultimate gaming catharsis: catching Apes

God I hated this. I went in wanting to love it but it felt like a constant battle against even engaging with it, the controls felt awful and capturing monkeys was more of an exercise in frustration than fun. The yellow monkey felt like a gay panic thing and that sure was an uncomfortable thing to witness in a game in 2019!

Bien. El problema principal del juego o almenos lo siento así. Hay muchos monos, y muchos no proponen retos entretenidos y suelen ser, persigue a x mono que te dispara/lanza misiles/ o te pega, sin mucha novedad, y te piden muchos donde al final, solo unos pocos sobresalen. La música la siento algo genéricona, digo al punto de que prefiero tener algo de fondo. Las peleas de jefes para un juego de plataformas están bien, y almenos la jugabilidad y los niveles son divertidos de recorrer, aunque algunos gadjets, nuevos tienden a ser muy específicos sin nada más que eso, (sobretodo la banana, que poco más uso tiene). El juego lo siento más largo de lo que parece, pese a que tiene una cantidad creo que igual de niveles, solo que como tienes que capturar muchos monos, hace que se sienta así, y que los niveles son más laberinto gigante en los niveles posteriores al de España, siendo vacíos y con los 3 mismos enemigos todo el rato. Pero al final, sigue siendo divertido pero el primer ape escape considero que lo supera bastante. Ya veré que me pasará con el 3.

Still an amazingly fun and playable game, but it lost a little something in the jump to newer hardware I think? It's telling that I don't remember a lot about this game, but I remember lots about the first and third games.

holy FUCK this game is good. It's got the VA cast from the Pokemon Anime, which is weird.

A fine game and much better than the first one in terms of difficulty. The final levels start to get pretty long but generally it was a fun playthrough with a lot of weird charm to it. Looking forward to the 3rd game.


not as good as ape escape 1, still not bad though

I have very fond memories of this one, with its big bright vibrant colourful graphics and simple but addictive 'gotta catch em all' gameplay.

Such a massive disappointment after the great first game. Awful level design, horrible game feel and frustrating AI on the damn monkeys. Had to force myself to complete it.

I both love and hate this game at the same time. It's brilliant and also mind numbingly tedious and stupid.

I love all three of the mainline Ape Escape games but AE2 just hits different for me. I think it expands a lot on what the first game did but didn't introduce a quirky gimmick like AE3 did with Transformations. This is just pure, solid Ape Escape goodness from beginning to end. A 3D platformer where the goal is to wrangle up a bunch of pesky apes before they take over the world. Top tier gameplay utilizing the DualShock to its best while not being overly complicated in tons of diverse locations that range from casinos to beaches to factories and even a pirate's cove. Tons of quirky humor and silly sound effects keep me coming back for the quirky journey over and over. Also: Play the US PS2 version of the game. That's the only way you'll get to experience Rachel Lillis and Veronica Taylor (Misty and Ash from the original Pokemon) as the main characters of AE2.

More Ape Escape. I appreciate that this feels like a sequel through and through. By that I mean it's a very similar game with slight changes and upgrades. However, I like the first game's style a LOT more.

Not as good as the first one. Too childish for my liking.

Really fun game. Great level design, and some great music--probably my favorite Ape Escape soundtrack. Most of the boss fights were kinda boring though. Story was just as stupid and fun as the first game though. It's my least favorite of the trilogy, but it's still a great game.

I just love monkys they like lil grillers

Played on PlayStation 5.

Much like the first game, I feel like this was a "you had to be there" moment, because as much as I tried, I couldn't get into it. Still, there are cool ideas here, and I was kinda enjoying myself more with this one than I did the first one. I wouldn't mind it getting a new installment.

there's something odd about it compared to the others, but i can't figure out what it is, maybe it's the different direction?

Its difficulty is also strange, and unfortunately the (goat) composer soichi terada didn't work on this title