Reviews from

in the past

I don't think this game was very good but I did play a bunch of it

least favorite sarge game

Loved playing this game until my little brother got so tilted he took it out of the gamecube and bent the disk

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Seriously, I want the name of the whackjob who thought Sarge's Heroes needed a gritty reboot that kicks off with his whole team getting slaughtered

And I need to know if this idiot's favorite movie is Alien 3

This is basically Sarge's Heroes 3, but they probably didn't use that title because it has a much darker tone than the previous two games. I didn't like that they used metallic guns, I thought they should have stuck with the original art style of the guns matching the color of the nation that manufactured them. Other than that this is possibly the best game in the entire franchise.

A solid 3D 3rd person shooter. The graphics and sounds can be a little drab but the gameplay is still fun and exciting. One of the weaker army men games but still a solid game.

Campaign and all objectives complete on Normal difficulty

A decent (if cheaply designed at times) old-school run-and-gun shooter.