Reviews from

in the past

Un arcade de conducción muy majo con muy buena simulación de físicas. El control es algo tosco al principio y el juego no te enseña a conducir, sino que espera que lo hagas por tu cuenta, pero una vez le pillas el punto es muy agradable de jugar.

No hay mucha variedad de circuitos y, aunque no es algo realmente importante en un juego de rallys, pero sí se hace algo repetitivo cuando estás en una competición muy larga.

Los niveles de lluvia son HORRIBLES y convierten un juego muy agradable en un infierno durante el ratito que tienes que sufrirlos.

Artísticamente es muy bonito y la música sintética ochentera le da un toque muy relajante que le sienta de maravilla.

En general, bastante bien. Una sorpresita agradable que compré sin saber dónde me metía y me ha dejado buen sabor de boca.


A pretty nice driving arcade with great physics simulation. Steering is a bit rough in the beginning and the game doesn't teach you how to drive, it expects you to learn by yourself, but once you get the hang of it it's a very nice experience.

It doesn't have a huge variety of tracks and, although it's not that important in a rally game, it can be a bit repetitive if you're in a very long competition.

The rain levels are AWFUL and they turn a very nice game into hell for the short while you have to endure them.

Artistically gorgeous, and the 80s synth music gives it a very chill touch that works like a charm.

Overall, pretty good. A nice surprise I got without knowing barely anything about it and left me with a good impression.

As with all rally games I've ever played, I just don't enjoy the way it handles. Like driving on treacle. Lovely to look at tho.

Tanto divertente quanto frustrante, è molto bello anche per l'amore che trasuda per il mondo dei rally e questo trasportare la propria passione in una versione non fredda come fanno altri titoli anche più blasonati (giustamente per carità) è personalmente motivo di lode.
La macchina è davvero "pazza", ti ci vogliono ore per abituarti e questo può essere un peso. Consiglio infatti di fare in difficoltà novizio la carriera e poi concentrarsi per bene su ogni singolo percorso confrontandosi con il proprio fantasma (talvolta la meccanica del fantasma non si attiva, ma va beh)

perfect aesthetics and ambiance treating the group b theme very accurately. one of the best arcade racing gameplay.

El mejor juego de rally que he jugado en mi vida, sin lugar a dudas, y junto a Forza horizon, el juego de coches que mas he disfrutado nunca

Jeu de rally très sympa, qui permet à la fois de la jouer très relax en mode détente, mais aussi de jouer de façon plus compétitive car le gameplay est suffisamment carré pour cela.

Art of Rally, Funselektor’s spiritual successor to Absolute Drift, is a rally racing game stripped down to its fundamentals.

It's good, it's chill, and the racing is solid. Just like the stylised, lower case title suggests - art of rally is a zen, arthouse take on the high octane rally formula, and that new recipe works wonders is small doses.

honestly not that substantial but a really really lovely tribute to rally racing history, art style is gorgeous.

I went in expecting to absolutely adore this game, but the game ran like ass for something that looks like a Dreamcast game. The cars are also way too squirrely in their movement.

Criminally average. Doesn't live up to its name.

No es capaz de entretener por más de 15 minutos

Me sorprendió para muy bien, es muy divertido y la progresión es interesante si te gustan los rallyes. No promete más de lo que ves ni tampoco te da menos

Not for me, but someone will love this game

I like to think that I would be much more interested in this game if I was more into cars.

Feels faithful, not that I would know.

pretty and informative but sadly the gameplay is bad so you won't get the chance to see it

Small little game that I played too little to properly review, but the missions are interesting so there's that

Much like Absolute Drift, this a frustration game. You have to get good before the game is fun, keep that in mind.

As somewhat of a sequel, this game nailed everything I wanted to see. It took Absolute Drifts driving style and applied it to rally stages from around the world. A huge plus.

The cars on offer aren’t branded or anything like that, but the attention to detail and documenting of rallying culture / history is great from a little indie title. I see Lancia, Ford, VW etc all referenced.

The locations (and subsequent changes in track conditions) are beautifully done. Each location feeling unique (with the dual sense literally feeling unique in vibration patterns), true to it’s real life location and different from all the other tracks.

Overall a niche game for enthusiasts of psuedo procedurally generated tracks, rallying and mechanically challenging games.

i finlandesi sono dei pazzi furiosi e sono un dono che qualche dio caotico ci ha concesso con nostro grande bucio di culo.
questo è un gioco che riesce a trasmettere l'amore e lo sbullonamento dei folli per il rugby (rally) a chi come il medesimo non se ne sbatte nemmeno un millimetro di minchia, e penso che sia un pregio riuscire ad essere così sinceri e appassionati e contemporaneamente semplici e trasparenti. te piace sgasare clicca su sta macchina nun te piace de sgasa e allora ci clicchi lo stesso e dopo trenta ore di guida tra i tornanti giapponesi penserai ah però non è così male scatafasciarsi tra le verdi valli degli antichi samurai della famiglia stronzugawa, ah però forse ho imparato come fare a sleppare tra le curve strette dei paesini dei maledetti sardi, ah guarda questa macchina fa un suono che mi piace di più di quella che ho comandato prima. insomma dio cane stai vivendo una situazione di apprendimento informale che tu lo voglia o no come con i gatti hai il verme nel cervello e hai imparato dei fan fackts inutilissimi che ti porterai nella tomba, bravo coglione, gioca a questo stracazzo di gioco dai, simulatore dei miei coglioni (scusate mi sono stancato di scrivere)

[Verse 1]
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line
Engines pumping and thumping in time
The green light flashes, the flags go up
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns
Their prowess is potent and secretly stern
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down
The fans get up and they get out of town
The arena is empty except for one man
Still driving and striving as fast as he can
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns

He's going the distance
He's going for speed
She's all alone (All alone)
All alone in her time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's going the distance


[Verse 2]
No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine
He's haunted by something he cannot define
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
In his mind, he's still driving, still making the grade
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade
'Cause he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse

The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's striving and driving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns

'Cause he's going the distance
He's going for speed
She's all alone (All alone)
All alone in her time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's going the distance
He's going for speed
He's going the distance

Oh, hey
Oh no
So sad, alright
Oh no
Oh no
No, no

Art of rally - неплохая аркадная игра с приятной графикой и простым управлением. Несмотря на яркую атмосферу и простоту игры, Art of rally может показаться немного затянутой и монотонной ближе к середине.

Visualmente é até que bem feito mas os controles do carro são muito duros

This game is like really bad. I couldn't handle 5 minutes of this game. I almost threw up because of the awful physics and perspective, and the gameplay is painfully boring.

Incredibly fun game. Just hits right sometimes when I want to jump into some rally racing. An absolute vibe with a strong art style and surprisingly deep control over your difficulty and realism. One of my favorite racing games although part of me really wishes there was more potential to see or maybe even race against actual vehicles on these tracks rather than just racing against the clock.

Uno de los juegos mas bonitos que hay a nivel de conducción. Aparte de ello se siente como un antiguo colin mcrae 2.0 pero en vista area. Recomendado.

decent game just not a lot going for it.

Art of rally puts me in quite a bind. When you put forth the effort and time expected, art of rally is a gratifying run through history and an immensely rewarding experience. But getting to that point is a task that I found to be a tall, tall order. The lack of a tutorial for a game that absolutely needs it, tedious playing conditions that further bog down a tough as nails driving experience, and a 15 hour career mode on 3 hours of content make this a hard recommendation for anyone who isn’t balls-to-the-wall for rallying and its style of racing, even if the art, aesthetically and physically, is as beautiful as they hoped.