Reviews from

in the past

Might be good with more time, but I just got bored of it pretty quickly

Its sorta what a modern fallout would be like just don't expect the polish like the wastelander series. It does feel like a very unfinished game with all these locations and NPCs that literally lead to nothing. Its pretty unbalanced as well and not an easy game at all but the story is pretty good and the world building isn half bad. The other issue is unlike fallout there isn much information to help you. A lot of times even trying to look something up isn going to give you answers. This really is an indie game don't forget that and you'll probably enjoy yourself I certainly did but I will admit the lack of polish made me just want to go play fallout or wastelander.
It also suffers from the morrowind problem ( or any rpg before 05 i guess lol) no quest markers and not much instruction so prepare to lose your shit occasionally.

gostei muito, mas cansei... talvez um dia eu volte

Very high quality graphics for a 2018 indie RPG (especially the environments,) and mechanically it's a decent reinterpretation of classic Fallout, but the meat of this game is pretty dull; I cannot think of an RPG that made me fight more giant rats and spiders than this game. It has all the components you'd expect from this sort of RPG: struggling villages, upstart warlords, mysterious bunkers, dangerous mutants, etc. However, it mostly just has those components, and they never really develop these concepts in exciting ways, which is kind of required for these Fallout style RPGs since they can't hope to compete with the mechanical depth of more combat focused RPGs. The best you'll get is the storyline revolving around the bandit chief and the first village in the game, but frankly it's pretty typical "act 1" stuff in an RPG. As for the main story: well, the final boss is up there for me in my "half-assed villains with zero charisma that are utterly inconsequential to the vast majority of the game" tier list.

Going back to the combat, I do like the idea of the armor penetration system and damage thresholds in this sort of RPG. I never felt they were particularly relevant in New Vegas, but here there's at least some interesting gameplay early on where you might use weapons you're not as good with just because they're the only things that'll penetrate enemy armor. Sadly, this part of the combat more or less disappears after you get out of the early-game. Oh well it's the thought that counts.

Overall, I'm just sort of left with a feeling of "it's alright I guess." I wouldn't discourage someone from playing this game, but unless they're are really interested in RPGs with dodgy and sometimes amusing translations, I'm not sure why I'd ever recommend this game to someone. If you want Fallout but also STALKER, I dunno just play STALKER again with some mods because you're really not getting a particularly good version of either here.

Uau, eu nunca pensei que ia me arrepender tanto de gastar tempo num RPG, mas aqui estamos…

Quando embarquei em Atom, tinha a impressão de que veria um jogo similar a Fallout 1 e 2.
De fato, o jogo tem bastante desses dois, incluindo alguns defeitos e peculiaridades que não servem a outro propósito senão tornar a experiência desnecessariamente tediosa.
Alguns exemplos:
• Itens que precisam ser manualmente usados, mesmo que sejam a única coisa utilizável, visto que o jogo (diferente dos dois Fallout) não permite a experimentação com o cenário.
• Um diário de missões que, embora separe as “informações” por local visitado, tende a ser vago e é, francamente, bem desordenado e chato de manipular.
• Lentidão generalizada, especialmente de movimento.

Sim, é legal que o jogo esteja muito bem localizado em PT-BR, mas infelizmente, algumas linhas de diálogo quebram e retornam ao inglês ocasionalmente. Além disso, alguns diálogos frequentemente se referem a uma protagonista mulher como um homem.

Os diálogos tendem a ser indiferentes ou grosseiramente verborrágicos (e não raramente nada úteis).
Nas missões, as opções de diálogo “diplomáticas” não me pareceram muito bem planejadas, com algumas escolhas sendo bem… questionáveis, pra dizer o mínimo.

Eu não sei o que dizer da história principal.
Sinto que fiz 3 missões principais e 30 secundárias durante todo o tempo.

A quem ainda se interessar, apenas algumas informações que acho importantes considerar:
• O jogo é difícil e de certa forma complexo, mecanicamente.
• Você vai andar muito e achar muitos itens repetidos.
• Emboscadas serão frequentes
• NPCs aliados são frágeis e ineficientes
• NÃO HÁ FURTIVIDADE PRÁTICA (a habilidade é checada sem que o jogador seja capaz de influenciar nos resultados e os companheiros também influenciam).
• Objetivos de missão são vagos e você precisa estar muito bem atento ao que foi dito ou pedido, do contrário, você não terá muitas chances de ser relembrado do que deve fazer.

Curiosamente, meu SSD congelou e parou de funcionar 3 vezes enquanto tentava instalar esse jogo. Talvez eu deveria ter desistido.

Parece um jogo que eu criaria atualmente sem nunca ter feito um jogo antes na vida

The gameplay has nothing to do with Fallout or Wasteland. It's extremely slow, boring and difficult. The learning curve is very long and you have to waste dozens of hours before you can really start having fun but The game overwhelmed me from the very beginning with its pace. I never spend this much time on a game hoping that it will get interesting later on.

feels like a modern isometric Fallout with a long questline. Highly recommended for Fallout 1-2 lovers.

i usually get stuck, and if i ever beat it ill have to roll a combat focused character.

Atom Rpg represents an updated version of fallout 1 and 2. It is far from perfect, and some things like the inventory have not aged well since the 90's. Yet despite its flaws, I cannot help but love this game. It tickles all the right parts of my brain.

I love its systems. It is very challenging. However, every challenge could be overcome with planning and lots of drugs.

It was a fun multiple hour RPG game with A LOT of things to do and a lot of content. For a game that was a kickstarter I haven't seen too many that have been worth the money but this is definitely worth the money. The thing I would say is for this game that it's basically a russian version of Wasteland 2, but that's not a bad thing at all. It's a charming game I would have no regrets buying and playing again. If you liked the combat and style of Wasteland 2 then I think you will 100 percent like this game.

Great atmosphere, sense of humor, amount of hours of content, fantastic RPG

Has a good glitch here and there, I had a problem where after I left the final area it kicked me back into the city and it showed no endings
The skill system itself is kinda fu cky but idk if that's just me or not
Not into the turn based combat 100 percent but again that's a preference I largely just get used to

Honestly I can't say too much other than I loved it. My main problem with it is why the hell it wasn't more popular to begin with. If you need an RPG with hours of content and you have like 20 bucks on you then I would 100 percent recommend.

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