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in the past

provavelmente o meu jogo favorito do batman

Remaster meia boca de um dos melhores jogos já feitos!

not really a fan. it was fine, but a lot here i didn't like - doesn't feel great to move around (which is why i didn't actually finish the collectables), i think the character designs (or at least how they're rendered) are pretty bad, and i wasn't really feeling the story. combat was pretty fun, which i feel like is the main thing people talk about with this game, even though i wasn't really a fan of some of the encounters (multiple gun wielding thugs in a big room? big joker?). probably wouldn't return to this, but i might check out the others!

Melhor jogo do Batman até o momento. O começo de tudo com uma ambientação insuperável.

Lá no PS3 joguei o Arkham City, mais de 10 anos depois joguei o antecessor a ele. Tem aquilo, jogo antigo, mecânicas ultrapassadas, algumas coisas que irritam, mas é um jogo bom. É notável que a franquia Arkham inovou em muitas coisas e se hoje estamos ansiosos para Spider-Man 2 muito se deve ao Arkham Asylum. Quem jogou os 2 vê que muita coisa do Spider da Insomniac veio dos jogos da Rocksteady. A história em si é muito massa, se houvesse filme/série sobre a história desse game não me surpreenderia se virasse um hit. Não lembro de quase nada da lore do Arkham City então ajudou a eu ficar surpreso com algumas coisas. A jogabilidade, como eu disse, meio travada e tal, ainda que tem uma remasterização, acho que na jogabilidade não mexeram em nada. Mas nada que incomode pra quem for jogar em 2023, no início é esquisito mas depois acostuma. Os gráficos, esses sim, um tanto quanto feios na minha opinião. Mas claro, tem que ter consciência quem é um jogo originalmente de 2009. Quase 15 anos de idade já, muita coisa mudou. No geral, um bom game pra ser jogado hoje, mas que se fosse jogado na época, com certeza eu sairia muito mais impactado, da pra reconhecer isso. Não irei platinar esse jogo, mas com certeza esse ano ou no próximo jogarei o Arkham City.

Playing this after playing all the other Arkham games may show its cracks, but Arkham Asylum is still a phenomenal game that I love to replay.

5/5 if you remove the boss fights

Some of the best adaptations of Batman's villains here. In particular Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Harley and Ivy. The gothic art decor of each level make the game seem more horror than anything else. But, using each platform or gargoyle to pick off the goons one-by-one and YOU become what is feared in the Asylum. It gives a feeling of power and produces a big skill curve for you to master. Each blow to a thug's face or sneaking up behind a sniper to choke him out, even the all out brawls can be tackled in different ways however you see fit. And although it's true that some levels do force you into a certain playstyle, this just encourages the player to experience every polished gameplay mechanic on offer. Gliding, stealth, using gadgets, exploration, detective mode and the combat. All refined and feel great to use.

The story is very good. Great way to introduce new players unfamiliar with the Dark Knight and his rogues, or even for Bat veterans to experience his first half-decent appearance on their home consoles. Chasing Joker throughout the Asylum as he unleashes villain after villain out of their cells is a fun and tense experience. I was having fun guessing who would appear next and imagining the role that they would play in the plot. I didn't notice at the beginning but the game is practically a metroidvania, with incentives to go back through each wing and experience exclusive secrets that were previously withheld from the player. Great idea to make the map seem larger than it actually is. And it IS large in its own right. The secret areas where you can find riddles and complete the Spirit of Arkham quests are always interesting and elusive, and each room, wing or cell has a layer of polish and detail that, from what I can tell, wasn't just added for this remaster. Even back in 2009, this was a level or refinement rarely topped by the best gaming studios out there. It just makes you appreciate what Rocksteady gave us with Arkham Asylum, and I'm especially excited to be playing City next. (Although I can't for the life of me imagine what they can improve on, all I'm guessing is more characters, enemy types, maybe a more open world?)

Anyway, play Arkham Asylum. I don't have a PS5, so instead of playing the new Spider-Man, I bought the Return to Arkham bundle for an incredible 90% off at like £8 or something. What started off as a massive cope because I couldn't play Spider-Man 2, turns out I got the better deal. Because what I'm seeing of the new adventures of Peter and Miles.... well... I think I'm better off to say the least.

Only thing that I had an issue with was probably the fact that the game offers no real instructions of how to use certain items. Sometimes you'll be stuck in small a room for an unnecessary amount of time because turns out you had to use an Ultra Batclaw + Cryptographer + Batarang + Triple-Tiger-Sache move that I didn't even know existed. Also, the bossfights were a little repetitive. Scarecrow was pretty cool but repeating it 3 times or so was kinda boring. Killer Croc was too easy, Poison Ivy was too repetitive and the final Joker fight was genuinely pathetic. Like not to be picking things apart but oh my God I didn't lose a shred of health in that entire battle.

Still a MUST PLAY!!!!

Only played this remaster of the original but, from what I've seen, it's really close to the classic and it's able to demonstrate the same experience. One of the best games with the most fluid combat I've ever seen, such a satisfactory feeling hitting combos and creating strategies to pick on guards in different maps. It's able to execute almost masterfully everything it swears to deliver, with its sequels only improving on it.

Honestly a classic bosses were a drag but it has aged excellently well for its age.

Gioco che ha rivoluzionato il combat system.

cresceu muito pra mim, a primeira vez que joguei (tem uns anos) dropei na metade por que me perdi muitas vezes durante o jogo por não prestar atenção na história e não entender as mecânicas, hoje, consegui terminar. Eu só era meio burro

ah, e eu não prestei atenção na história de novo. Desculpa, mas ler nesse jogo é um tédio gigante pra mim

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The game is so fun. While the big guys are a drag and that croc section went on a bit longer than I liked. I also got a bit confused on what to do with a certain sniper section. Yet oh my god It was an extremely fun game, and I'm happy to have experienced it.

I'm going through the whole trilogy as originally I only played Arkham Knight, which was the last one years ago. I'm finally happy to have played this game. I'm looking forward to City and Knight.

Pqp que jogo foda e certamente pra mim a melhor Adaptação do personagem no que se diz em mostrar toda a estética sombria do personagem e tbm do caos que envolve as mentes loucas dos vilões do morcegão
A gameplay dessa poha e muito divertida e super Fluida a também a exploração do mapa do jogo que e incrivelmente foda e e claro os cenários que MDS são perfeitos
E a história e muito boa me sinto assistindo um episódio de um desenho pqp que jogo maravilhoso

ainda é o mesmo jogo, mas mudaram toda a iluminação intimidadora, e isso aí é de fuder.

um jogo ótimo para sua época que revolucionou a indústria dos games e mostrou que sim, é possível adaptar super-heróis para outras mídias que não fossem as HQs ou filmes, porém se comparado aos jogos que sucederam a este, é definitivamente o mais ultrapassado com suas boss fights tenebrosas e um final que quase arruína uma história perfeita.
-0.5 estrelas pq tem um trófeu lockado no final da história onde vc tem que bater nos capangas te esperando pra festa e eu não sabia

Лучшая игра про Бэтмена и одна из лучших игр про супер героев вообще

i begggg don't play this version whoever is listening. play the original

bonito e legal mas desaponta em algumas coisas

Esse game do Batman é divertidíssimo e tem sua atmosfera sombria com o vilão Coringa como antagonista já marcante por si só, tem uma gameplay viciante, a história baseada em HQs e um romance com o mesmo nome lançada em 1989, tem um mapa pequeno q é bem aproveitado com lugares que adentramos que faz o jogo parecer uma espécie de "Metroidvania 3D", os personagens são bons e os vilões também juntamente que dão certos desafios para a gente.

Há partes pequenos que acho duvidosas, tipo:
– Uma Batcaverna debaixo da ilha que, pra mim, não tem lógica a não ser que o cara tenha preparo de visionário pra ter o lugar prontinho pros seus planejamentos
– Crocodile não foi explorado quanto eu tinha em expectativa, por agora não sei se tem como lutar contra ele após terminar a história principal, mas seria foda se houvesse mais partes com ele

Em geral, foi um jogo bom do Batman que resgatou a essência que os mais antigos largaram por serem ruins e as "partes duvidosas" são poucas que tenho e espero que o Arkham City VENHA COM TUDO!

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Burger's first review. This game surprised me with how well it has stood the test of time. Games especially have this clunky feel that ages poorly depending on the development and this feels like a game that could have released today if you ignore the graphic quality.

The story is simple and engaging, the combat is fluid and smooth (mostly) and it's just such a cool concept of a game. It's hard to not view this game in the lense of what it did for gaming.

It's length and repetitive gameplay loop are the only things that bring this down a bit for me. It is surprisingly short in today's standards and there is pretty much no content other than Riddler trophies after you've beat the story. The challenges are a great addition to this game and make up for it's lack of side/post story content, and if this was the only game I had back in like what 2008 I'd probably be on the challenge mode for hours.


A bit disappointed with the final fight, I'm just never a fan of glorified waves of enemies with random things added to make it a "boss battle" which is pretty much what we get with both the final Joker fight and the Poison Ivy fight.

The Killer Croc sequence was amazing. What a great idea that kept me at the edge of my seat. Same kudos towards the Scarecrow content in this game. Oh my god, what amazing moments as someone who did not know what to expect and didn't get most of it spoiled for me previously.

I loved how the same one guy voiced almost all the male side characters.

Well, that was fun. Surely they can't polish every single aspect of this game into an expansive generation-altering sequel...

Batman is a fascinating character. I see the appeal and why he is such a legend. I've never been able to get into the comic books, though. I have much more preferred the movies over the years and, in particular, these Arkham games. I've only played Asylum and City but damn are they good.

Asylum is actually my favorite of the two I've played. It evoked the feeling I used to get with games like Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. Games that take place in smaller, more contained areas rather than the open world that City delved into. Progressing through the story and then backtracking into known areas here and there is a fun concept and Asylum did it so well. So many secrets, great combat, and the feeling of being a bad ass detective makes me yearn to go play it again.

Simplesmente revolucionário, combate incrível e história muito boa!

rejogar esse game com graficos e framehate melhores é incrivel e bizarro de bom (para uma analise melhor veja a da versão padrão). Recomendo para quem é emo gotico atualizado

Vaya puto juegazo killo no le doy mas nota porque se lo que viene despues pero desde luego es cine🚬🚬

One of the most video games out there, I understand why everybody was talking about it when it first got released.

Classic is written all over it; fun combat, smooth as butter. The sections of the game are divided by major Batman villains, all creatively implemented as to experiment with the core gameplay elements. It's quite compact within its main story, but still hits the sweet spot of not being too short. I even had fun trying to find all the pick-ups. Only thing of note would be the final fight which feels a bit unimaginative compared to the other boss battles - it's not a real complaints, though.

It's very video game-y and not in a bad way. Love that type of game that The Evil Within must have taken inspiration from.