Reviews from

in the past

Was, in overall a fun game, a faithful remake of Battlefield 1942

j'ai commencé à jouer comme un gros geek sur ce jeu sur PS3

This had no right being as good as it was for being such a small game, and again its an absolute shame that this never left the 360/PS3. Definitely would like to see a BF game in this vein again.

It has its bugs & moments, obviously, but man... I love this game so much!~
Lovely multiplayer, works great and overall addictive gameplay.
Despite only containing 3 classes and 3 maps, it's honestly a great game. Don't think It's aged poorly AT ALL

Honestly, a classic everyone should pick up. I'm so thankful my boyfriend told me about it!

Not a big battlefield guy but this one was really fun. Very simple with only 1 map for conquest and 1 map for dogfights, that's it. Enjoyed this game a lot for how barebones it was.

One of the rare early arcade games that was ACTUALLY good.

One of my all-time favorites. This game has never disappointed me. I loved playing it when I was younger and have enjoyed it every time I've gone back, always surprised by the amount of people still online. Playing this with my cousins is a core memory 100%.
Barebones shooter with three classes, three vehicles, and three maps. No weapon customization. The simplicity is what made it for me. Modern shooters can feel too complicated with the menus and weapon/class customization. Play as is and have a blast with the chaos. Would love to see this cleaned up and brought to current-gen consoles or, even better, PC.

Esse jogo felizmente veio em boa hora, estava precisando jogar algo ''sério e bobo'' no momento, pois estava jogando muitos jogos ''grandes'', e eu já estava ficando cansado.

Bom é um jogo de tiro bem simples, temos 3 classes de soldados pra usar, e de veículos, temos um carro, tanques de guerra leves e aviões de combate, usamos eles obviamente pra ficar perambulando pelo mapa do jogo, e ajudando completar os objetivos do mesmo. Como se trata de um jogo antigo, aqui não temos as mil e umas firulas que temos nos jogos de tiro de hoje, então as partidas são bem mais leves de jogar, sendo um jogo bem reto e simples, capturar bandeiras e defender as mesmas, uma pena que não se tem mais modos de jogos pra se jogar, mas ainda sim da pra gastar um tempo legal com ele, tanto que acabei platinando esse jogo sem querer kkkk nessas 2 semanas de jogatina. Único ponto negativo do jogo, é que os aviões são bem fortes e quebrados, se uma pessoa do time souber pilotar ele, simplesmente destrói a partida toda, então reze pra que no seu time tenha os jogadores que saibam pilotar os aviões, caso contrário as partidas ficam muito desequilibradas.

Uma pena que hoje, já não se tenha jogos leves desse jeito, é por isso que da pra entender o porque, de até hoje ter gente que joga cs 1.6 ou outros FPS mais antigos, do que FPS mais modernos, mas é aquilo, a indústria vai se mover pro que está dando mais dinheiro, e se tendência do jogo ter várias firulas desnecessárias... eles vão para lá, é só ver o quanto de gente que não gosta de jogar fortinite, por conta das construções que se tem no jogo, mesmo esse sendo o ponto de referência e diferencial dele. Outro paralelo a se ver, é como o Among us tinha quebrado a net anos atrás, sendo um jogo simples e leve, e com muita diversão.

You have better options for multiplayer FPS on the PS3/X360 but I can't deny that the simplicity on display here was pretty refreshing. It felt like they were on a mission to create a CLASSIC. I think they did. The theme song blasting as you load in- Chills.

There is something about the perfected simplicity of this game. There are three maps and I have still not gotten bored after hundreds of hours. Still the best multiplayer experience I know. I will shed a tear when the servers close.

This game took the good parts of Battlefield 1942, ported them to a newer version of Frostbite, and took out proning which sucks but it was a fun game on XBLA and it's a shame it never got a PC release.

I was never a big fan of BF but I loved this game on the PS3? I think because the games were small it was more action than walking, but I player this a lot!

A very solid Battlefield game. I don't remember this game doing anything special, or adding anything new to the franchise, but sometimes solid gunplay and map design is enough for a good time, and 1943 is a great example of that.

Para ser un juego solo multijugador es muy bueno, sinceramente bravo, que pena que hayan cerrado los servidores.

Had a lot of fun with this game back in the day. It only had 3 maps but I think the simplicity really made it enjoyable. Flying the plane felt very good and sniping people from the top of the maps was a lot of fun.

I have a lot of fond memories playing this over the summer with my buddies in anticipation of Modern Warfare 2 releasing that fall.

One of the earliest FPS games I can ever recall playing. I put a healthy number of hours into this one. Might even be what spawned my love of the genre.
And the theme music is weirdly an earworm. I could still recall the theme song in my head when I clicked on this to write a review.
The gameplay in this was really really simple. There were only 3 maps (+ one air-battle only map). There were only 3 preset loadouts on each team. But the gameplay loop was perfect.
Buildings were somewhat destructible with explosives, which was pretty good for 2009.

This was a decent digital-only Battlefield release with limited amount of levels and weapons based in 1943. Going back from Bad Company 2, it was very hard getting adjusted to some of the older controls and overall game physics but nevertheless, it was a fun online distraction.

Part of me is thankful that V being what it is, means that this game still has worth.

J'ai jouer pas mal à l'époque, drôle d'expérience de le compléter 10 ans plus tard.

Amazing take on 1942, wish it came out on PC

Loved this game to death when it was out, wish I could still play it.

Man i wish this game was popular again. I had a lot of fun with this game.

I have no memory of this game but I have 76% of the trophies on PS so I guess I enjoyed it?

One of the most fun multiplayer games i have ever played. Concepts like this one should be developed more often. One experience that is very polished and not cluttered with endless modes and singleplayer which nobody needs in these games.