Reviews from

in the past

This is such an amazing game. I got everything in this game in terms of weapons, devils, and map completion. I had such a fun time going through this game, and the combat is so fun. Please play this, you're missing out if you don't.

A fun little game that suffers from one massive problem: massive rooms combined with a running speed that's just a bit too slow. This makes backtracking a pain which in a metroidvania, is kind of a problem.

I wish I could have loved Hector like I did in the Castlevania Netflix series, but he's just so bland and boring in Curse of Darkness that I honestly felt nothing throughout the whole game. Honestly it's shocking how they get something akin to Aria of Sorrow, and just make it so boring too. I like the idea of collecting monsters and such, but Curse of Darkness just makes you do too much for such little pay off. If there was more interaction between Isaac and Hector I think this game could have been something, but it's just a bland 3D mess of a game that it's biggest offense is just not doing enough.

I assure you everything in this game is functional, there isn't anything outright bad with it, it's just a some of parts situation that makes it a daunting task. Capturing monsters is cool, till you have to get more of them to do certain tasks, the weapon system is cool till you have to actually level them all up different, exploring is cool till you have to backtrack. It's a constant cycle of finding out when the fun stops and there is very little at the end that I actually enjoyed.

A lot of the game's atmosphere felt so blank and boring with either it serving only narrative function and thus was empty, but with some neat things or bland and filled with a bunch of monsters and goodies. Any of the story points are fast and serve little purpose. And just honestly by the end of it all I just wanted to be done with this dreadful game. It was such a slog that I was just too tired to really care either way. Lament of Innocence just as more going for it in every way, and actually let's you use cool weapons and abilities. The bosses are actually cool to, unlike this mess. Please play that one instead!

Gets really hard by the end, a bit repetitive.

I made it through Lament and decided during this one that this not my kind of jank.

a castlevania wherein you get to see the dumbest man in romania befriend several kinds of funny little guys and sit in a wide variety of chairs

The combat seems fine if a bit repetitive, but my god what abysmal level design, who thought comprising a 3D game of vast empty, ugly halls with a slow ass character would be a good idea?

The drama club Shakespeare writing and performance for Julia kinda rules and all things considered this game has a pretty good Dracula fight. Yet... the excellent Chair quest and rather neat equipment systems are wasted here. Sad but, now I never have to think about the PS2 Castlevanias for the rest of my life and my awful hole ridden brain can be slightly more at peace.

I know I played this game, but it wasn't great or bad.

Puedo perdonar que un Castlevania no sea muy divertido o que se juegue como si manejaras a Arbeloa borracho, pero no puedo perdonar que encima sea feo.

Tener a una Michiru Yamane totalmente desatada en la banda sonora y malgastarlo en esto tiene delito

It's Lament of Innocence but better! It still has the same issues weighing it down though. Less in depth combat, but still combat arenas forced on you so often exploration can just feel like an annoying slog.

Peak action-adventure on ps2, the combat is amazing, the devil and equipment system make a great combination to the overall gameplay.

el crafteo de armas y que puedas evolucionar los demonios estaba divertido ademas tiene algunos escenarios interesantes

Curse of Darkness pega a base de Lament of Innocence e mistura elementos experimentais aos moldes de uma iteração tradicional da franquia.

O resultado é muito satisfatório, e apesar de preferir Castlevania em 2D, a experiência não foi ruim.

bom mas maçante depois de um tempo

Jogando no modo Crazy e pretendo zerar msm sendo uma chatisse E morrendo like dark souls

Um dos jogos que eu mais joguei na minha infância e tinha como um dos melhores jogos do mundo, mas que eu fui rejogar recentemente e acabei percebendo o quão maçante e repetitivo é.

No es como el Symphony of the Night

este jogo(no modo crazy) é o melhor jogo que já joguei o único defeito dele para mim é poder levar copias do mesmo ID o que possibilita usar habilidades de invulnerabilidade e que causam muito dano quantas vezes quiser.

Eu amava isso, o sistema de armas e companions era muito bom. A trilha sonora nem se fala, chega a manteiga derrete.

O Jogo poderia se chamar Corredorvania.

Si Lament of Innocence pecaba de ser lo mismo durante todo el juego pues este también pero mejor.

Crear Armas, conseguir nuevos demonios, descubrir nuevos ataques, descubrir secretos y los bosses 100 veces mejores que su predecesor hacen que sus deficiencias sean detalles menores.

Quien porongas es Trevor?, no le se a la saga del castillo del chocovampiro.

its like lament of innocence but worse bosses, and they did away with the platforming. People complained about the platforming in lament but i liked it. It broke up the standard gameplay of just walking through boring empty hallways. So this game is just more boring hallways with even less things to do. The bosses are also ass, they have like 2 moves and most of them never hit you. Hector also has this weird jerky movement that leon never had, it feels like some of his animations are sped up more than they should be. The thing about 2d castlevanias is that exploring is inherently fun because you are constantly platforming. I just can't be bothered to do the same exact thing for more than 30 minutes with less things to do. With worse bosses and a lock on that functions like ass cheeks. The lock on doesnt do anything besides keep you camera on them, Hectors attacks still depend on where you are going. The camera is also moveable now but i think its worse. It ends up getting stuck on geometry a lot or just flipping all over the place. Game also have little enemy diversity, most of the game consisted of me fighting like the same 3 enemys. Just not a game i feel like playing through, lament just had more going on in terms of gameplay.

Cuenta pendiente desde crío, pasillero como todo Castlevania en 3D, pero este, al tener una banda sonora de tantísima calidad, de las mejores de la saga (palabras mayores), se me ha hecho super ameno jugarlo en ratos sueltos. El tramo final ha sido durillo y me ha encantado.

Top tier track: Abandoned Castle ~ Curse of Darkness ~

tenho que voltar a jogar pra zerar. É um otimo jogo, mas fica meio repetitivo em alguns cenários quando se joga nas dificuldades mais dificeis

The gameplay made this game better than Lament of Innocence